Yearly Reports

Horoscope Yearly Report

We assure that we are committed to providing you with accurate information regarding your horoscope chart analysis and the required predictions. For last 14 years, we have garnered praise and earned loyal customers as we have provided them with accurate predictions and other astrological information. To give you further insight, your horoscope is analyzed in great detail by our empanelled expert astrologers and the predictions generated go through rigorous levels of quality checks before the final report is sent to you. This ensures you receive the right information and highly accurate reports. Our yearly reports contain every minute detail of happenings, precautions and remedies to enable you to pre warned against any type of adversities, which will overcome all the evil effects of celestial and worldly bodies. It may also please be noted that all your reports will only be given to you no other else.

By Astro Mantra Team

Talk To Experts
30 minutes x 3 times
51-page Kundli report

About Chart Details

Our Team of Astrologers will provide unique predictions through different houses in your Birth Chart. We believe these are the most important areas of your life that you would be keen to plan. This report will provide predictions and best remedies for each and everything whatever comes your way.

Horoscope Yearly Report

The birth chart report if based on birth date only, it may not be an authenticated one. Hence for a perfect analysis, made this chart based not only on birth date but on time, place which make the report authenticated & suggest remedies and gems to overcome the malefic effects on you.

Authentic Solutions

A higher level of knowledge and skills education is the most desirable important thing that acquire everyone needs to excel the market and do well in their life. The solutions given by us are as authentic as fact. The solutions and remedies can build your future without any stress.

Chart Delivery Time

Our aim is to promote the awareness of Vedic Astrology and provide its services online and offline. Our reports include Best time for Health, Career, Marriage etc. suggestion and much more. We assure the report within 72 hours from the receipt of queries with hard copy and soft both.