Bal Raksha Stotra, बालरक्षा स्तोत्र

Bal Raksha Stotra | बालरक्षा स्त्रोत्र

Bal Raksha Stotra (बालरक्षा स्तोत्र): This Bal Raksha Stotra is in Sanskrit and it is from Shri Mad Bhagwat. Every child from birth up to the age of 5 needs protection. Mother with the help of father and Doctor provide such protection. However, at times this protection is insufficient and hence they need a divine protection. In this Stotra divine protection is asked from Bhagwan Shri Vishnu. Shri Bhagwan Vishnu certainly protects the child. Mothers in India used to recite this Stotra every day with faith, devotion and concentration.

This Bal Raksha Stotra starts with bowing to God Ganesha. Achyut, Keshav, Narayan Govinda is the name of Vishnu among many other names which are found in this Stotra. Bhagwan Shri Vishnu is called by these names to provide protection to the child. Calling by these names mother is asking to protect the child from all ten directions i.e. East, West, North, South all four corner and up and down directions.

Then she is requesting Rushikesha to protest all the organs of the child, Narayan to protect Prana, Yogeshwar to protect mind, Shewatdwipati to protect Chittam, Prushnigarbha to protect Budhi, Shri Bhagwan to protect Atman, Govinda to protect while playing, Madhav when child is in sleep While eating Yadnyabhu to protect from all planets, Mata Kushamanda to protect from demons and Aksha Vinayaka to protect from devils, Ghosts, corps etc.

Matrukadaya, Jeshtha, Revati, are requested to protect from Mental diseases, fits etc. When Bhagwan Vishnu’s name is recited with faith, devotion and concentration Child gets protection from everything. Ladies are requested to recite this Bal Raksha Stotra every day even during pregnancy till the child is of 5 years of age.

This yuti yoga is considered as a good yoga. This Yuti yoga is very good sometimes in the horoscope. This yuti in any one of the above listed houses; gives a good residence, vehicle, plenty of money. These people found good in arts, acting, drawings, singing, poetry, fine arts, Stitching & Painting on cloth.

These people are fond of wearing good clothes, scents etc. They are good in Sale-Purchase. If this yuti is in aspect of Sun, Saturn, Harshal, Neptune, Rahu or Ketu shows bad eye sight or some eye disease. If this yuti is in 6th, 8th or 12th house with the planets as above makes person of bad habits. This yuti in Mula or Krutika Nakshatra shows troubles in married life.

Bal Raksha Stotra Benefits:

By chanting this Bal Raksha Stotra one can protect his or her child from evil eye, ill health and many others uncalled for situations. This has to be chanted for the development of the child without any obstacle.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons having an ailing child must recite this Bal Raksha Stotra regularly.
  • For further knowledge and Bal Raksha Stotra details please contact Astro Mantra.

बालरक्षा स्तोत्र | Bal Raksha Stotra

श्री गणेशाय नमः ।

अव्यादजोऽङ्घ्रि मणिमांस्तव जान्वथोरू

यज्ञोऽच्युतः कटितटं जठरं हयास्यः ।

हृत्केशवस्त्वदुर ईश इनस्तु कण्ठं

विष्णुर्भुजं मुखमुरुक्रम ईश्वरः कम् ॥ १॥

चक्र्यग्रतः सहगदो हरिरस्तु पश्चात्

त्वत्पार्श्वयोर्धनुरसी मधुहाजनश्च ।

कोणेषु शङ्ख उरुगाय उपर्युपेन्द्रस्

तार्क्ष्यः क्षितौ हलधरः पुरुषः समन्तात् ॥ २॥

इन्द्रियाणि हृषीकेशः प्राणान्नारायणोऽवतु ।

श्वेतद्वीपपतिश्चित्तं मनो योगेश्वरोऽवतु ॥ ३॥

पृश्निगर्भस्तु ते बुद्धिमात्मानं भगवान्परः ।

क्रीडन्तं पातु गोविन्दः शयानं पातु माधवः ॥ ४॥

व्रजन्तमव्याद्वैकुण्ठ आसीनं त्वां श्रियः पतिः ।

भुञ्जानं यज्ञभुक्पातु सर्वग्रहभयङ्करः ॥ ५॥

डाकिन्यो यातुधान्यश्च कुष्माण्डा येऽर्भकग्रहाः ।

भूतप्रेतपिशाचाश्च यक्षरक्षोविनायकाः ॥ ६॥

कोटरा रेवती ज्येष्ठा पूतना मातृकादयः ।

उन्मादा ये ह्यपस्मारा देहप्राणेन्द्रियद्रुहः ॥ ७॥

स्वप्नदृष्टा महोत्पाता वृद्धबालग्रहाश्च ये ।

सर्वे नश्यन्तु ते विष्णोर्नामग्रहणभीरवः ॥ ८॥

॥ इति श्रीमद्भागवते दशमस्कन्धे गोपीकृतबालरक्षा समाप्ता ॥ बालरक्षा स्तोत्र