Bandi Mochan Hanuman Stotra, बंदी मोचन हनुमान स्तोत्र

Bandi Mochan Hanuman Stotra | बंदी मोचन हनुमान स्तोत्र

Bandi Mochan Hanuman Stotra (बंदी मोचन हनुमान स्तोत्र): Bandi Mochan is dedicated to Lord Hanuman ji. The person should recite the Bandi Mochan Hanuman who is stuck in a court case without any of his fault and found liable for a punishment or punishment has been awarded. He should recite the Bandi Mochan Hanuman. The seeker will return with the honour very soon after getting rid of the punishment.

It is said that on reciting Bandi Mochan Hanuman, the seeker get the mental peace and starts feeling the relaxation from the mental agony. The conspiracies done against the seeker are duly disclosed and the conspirator gets exposed. Moreover enemies are destroyed and make the seeker safe from future problems.

When a person finds himself, or his family in any kind of bondage or the enemies have been entangled him in the court dispute about fraud and dishonesty, or his innocent family member is about to get punishment on a false accusation, he must recite Bandi Mochan Hanuman repeatedly. The simplest solution to avoid the effect of any sorcery, sorcery trick and evil eyes etc.

It is often heard that an innocent person has been convicted of false allegations, and for this all the people of his family are worried. In such a situation, the Bandi Mochan Hanuman offers a very wonderful benefit, but never do it alone or without guidelines or with your mind. Bandi Mochan Hanuman should be recited only under the guidelines of a qualified teacher and master. The only way to tell Bandi Mochan Hanuman is to say that there is so much need for the stranded people in our scriptures so it has to be brought before the public to make them understand.

Bandi Mochan Hanuman Stotra Benefits:

  • Simple solution to avoid the effect of any mechanism, magic, sorcery, black magic.
  • Free from all the evil effects and sorcery.
  • Saves from the Court cases.
  • Allows winning the court cases.
  • Save from being cheated.
  • Saves from being victim of treachery.

Who has to chant this Stotra:

  • The persons who are suffering from black magic, sorcery and other evil factory must chant Bandi Mochan Hanuman to save himself from the inauspicious effects.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

बंदी मोचन हनुमान स्तोत्र | Bandi Mochan Hanuman Stotra

यदि आप किसी कोर्ट कचहरी के मामले मे बेवजाह फंस गये है। और सजा होने की स्थिति है। या सजा हो चुकी है। या कोई व्यक्ति जेल मे बंद हो, तो यह प्रयोग अवश्य करे। इस प्रयोग से व्यक्ति निश्चय ही सजा से मुक्त हो कर सम्मान सहित वापिस आ जायेगे। लेकिन आप इस प्रयोग को तभी करे, जब आप सामाजिक और न्यायिक दृष्टि से सही हो। दोष युक्त होने पर यह प्रयोग कोई फल नही देगा।

 “ॐ ह्रीं ह्रूं बन्दी देव्यै नम:”

इस मंत्र का प्रतिदिन 108 बार जाप करे तथा इस स्तोत्र का नित्य पाठ करे।


बन्दी देव्यै नमस्कृत्य वरदाभय शोभितम्।

तदाज्ञांशरणं गच्छत् शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे॥

बन्दी कमल पत्राक्षी लौह श्रृंखला भंजिनीम्।

प्रसादं कुरू मे देवि! शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे॥

त्वं बन्दी त्वं महा माया त्वं दुर्गा त्वं सरस्वती।

त्वं देवी रजनी चैव शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे॥

त्वं ह्रीं त्वमोश्वरी देवि ब्राम्हणी ब्रम्हा वादिनी।

त्वं वै कल्पक्षयं कर्त्री शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे॥

देवी धात्री धरित्री च धर्म शास्त्रार्थ भाषिणी।

दु: श्वासाम्ब रागिणी देवी शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे।

नमोस्तुते महालक्ष्मी रत्न कुण्डल भूषिता।

शिवस्यार्धाग्डिनी चैव शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे॥

नमस्कृत्य महा-दुर्गा भयात्तु तारिणीं शिवां।

महा दु:ख हरां चैव शीघ्रं मोचं ददातु मे॥

इंद स्तोत्रं महा-पुण्यं य: पठेन्नित्यमेव च।

सर्व बन्ध विनिर्मुक्तो मोक्षं च लभते क्षणात्॥

यदि आप पूर्णतः निर्दोष है। तो निश्चित ही इस प्रयोग से कारागार(जेल) से मुक्त होंगे।