Bhagwat Stuti, भागवत स्तुति

Bhagwat Stuti | भागवत स्तुति

Bhagwat Stuti (भागवत स्तुति): Sri Krishna is all-rounded. His constant meditation leads to welfare of man and forgetting them is the evil of the creatures. Knowledge of the Gita given by Lord Shrikrishna, on the other hand, the tunes of flute, not only humans but also animal-birds became hypnotized. Though she is a black in colour, he is a beauty mate. This is why his second name Shyamsundar. He does mercy on the afflicted, but does not delay the oppression of the wicked. Shri Krishna is unbeatable, undefeated, pure, virtuous, loving, kind, determined, godly, philosopher, politician, astrologer, philanthropist, justified, forgiving, absolute, non-discriminating, yogi and ascetic. He comes to this earth as a human being and gives divine grace for the salvation of the world and his character is supernatural and is literary and venerable for the whole creature.

Shrimad Bhagwat, also known as Bhagwat Purana, is one of the greatest Puranas in Hinduism. It is the most sacred book of Hindus and is highly revered by the devotees of Lord Vishnu. It is a book about Narayan, his avatars and the detailed account of Lord Krishna. Written by Rishi Vyas Deva, the creation consists of eighteen thousand verses, which are presented, in twelve cantos. It is believed that Shukha Mahamuni (Son of Ved Vyas) narrated Bhagwat Purana during sarpayaag performed by King Parikshit (grandson of Arjuna). This ancient book is comprised of Mahabharata (Krishna avatar), Ramayana (Rama avatar), and Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu among others.

There are unlimited benefits of organizing and attending at Srimad Bhagavata katha. The prime result is that if person is hearing attentively can attain pure love for Krishna. There are many benefits and we will mention few described in Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmya of Skanda Purana.

Bhagwat Stuti Benefits:

  • Those persons who worship the Vaishnava literature Srimad Bhagavata in their house are freed from all sins and they become worship able by even the demigods.
  • By hearing Bhagwat Stuti one becomes religious and he lives a long life, free from disease and all sinful reactions.
  • For one who stands in respect and then offers obeisance upon listening Bhagwat Stuti, God offers him wealth, wife, children, and devotional service.
  • Those who participate in such festivals for my pleasure and hear Bhagwat Stuti with devotion and those who worship Srimad Bhagavata with cloth, ornaments, flowers, lamp, and incense certainly control Me just as a chaste wife controls her good husband.

Who has to recite this Stuti:

  • The person who wants to remain in peace and harmony must recite Bhagwat Stuti as per the Vedic rule.
  • For further information please contact Astro Mantra.

भागवत स्तुति | Bhagwat Stuti

भीष्म उवाच

इति मतिरूपकल्पिता वितृष्णा भगवति सात्वतपुंगवे विभुम्नि ।

स्वसुखमुपगते क्वचिद्विहर्तुं प्रक्रतिमुपेयुषि यद्भवप्रवाह: ।।1।।

त्रिभुवनकमनं तमालवर्णं रविकरगौरवराम्बरं दधाने ।

वपुरलककुलावृताननाब्जं विजयसखे रतिरस्तु मेऽनवद्या ।।2।।

युधि तुरगरजोविधूम्रविष्वक्कचलुलितश्रमवार्यलंगकृतास्ये ।

मम निशितशरैर्विभिदयमान त्वचि विलसत्कवचेऽस्तु कृष्ण आत्मा ।।3।।

सपदि सखिवचो निशम्य मध्ये निजपरयोर्बलयो रथं निवेश्य ।

स्थितवति परसैनिकायुरक्ष्णा ह्रतवति पार्थसखे रतिर्ममास्तु ।।4।।

व्यवहितप्रतनामुखं निरीक्ष् स्वजनवधाद्विमुखस्य दोषबुद्धया ।

कुमतिमहरदात्मविद्या यश्चरणरति: परमस्य तस्य मेऽस्तु ।।5।।

स्वनिगममपहाय मत्प्रतिज्ञामृतमधिकर्तुमवप्लुतो रथस्थ: ।

धृतरथचरणोऽभ्ययाच्चलद्गुर्हरिरिव हन्तुमिभं गतोत्तरीय: ।।6।।

शितविशिखहतो विशीर्णदंश: क्षतजपरिप्लुत आततायिनो मे ।

प्रसभमभिससार मदवधार्थं स भवतु मे भगवान् गतिर्मुकुन्द: ।।7।।

विजयरथकुटुंब आत्ततोत्रे धृतहयरश्मिनि तच्छ्रियेक्षणीये ।

भगवति रतिरस्तु मे मुमूर्षोर्यमिह निरीक्ष्य हता गता: सरुपम् ।।8।।

ललितगतिविलासवल्गुहासप्रणयनिरीक्षणकल्पितोरुमाना: ।

कृतमनुकृतवत्य उन्मदान्धा: प्रक्रतिमगन्किल यस्य गोपवध्व: ।।9।।

मुनिगणनृपवर्यसंकुलेऽन्त: सदसि युधिष्ठिरराजसूय एषाम् ।

अर्हणमुपपेद ईक्षणीयो मम दृशिगोचर एष आविरात्मा ।।10।।

तमिममहमजं शरीरभाजां हृदि ह्रदि धिष्ठितमात्मकल्पितानाम् ।

प्रतिदृशमिव नैकधार्कमेकं समधिगतोऽस्मि विधूतभेदमोह: ।।11।।