Bhairav Stuti, भैरव स्तुति

Bhairav Stuti | भैरव स्तुति

Bhairav Stuti (भैरव स्तुति): One may achieve success in human life through worldly and cosmic powers, but while the worldly powers remain stationary, the cosmic powers accompany each and every moment of human life. The only method to obtain cosmic supernatural powers is Sadhana-worship of Gods and deities, which yield results quickly. Kaal Bhairav is the fifth nature of Lord Shiva along with being a minute form of Lord Vishnu as well. His worship and Bhairav Stuti provides all riddance from all kinds of physical, divine and mental problems. Any person can benefit from his worship, adoration and Sadhana. One has to encounter obstacles, problems and enmities at every step of this poisoned age.

The name of Bhairav ​​is kept in chanting, and man gets rid of many diseases. They provide longevity to the offspring. If you are disturbed by ghosts and obstacles, Tantric actions, you can be free from all the troubles by reciting Bhairav Stuti at your home either Saturday or Tuesday. If you are troubled by the defects of Mars, in the horoscope, worshiping Bhairav ​​can easily solve the faults of the magazine. It is also good to worship Rahu Ketu’s remedies. In the worship of Bhairav, it is beneficial to enjoy sweetened yogurt, yogurt large, milk and nuts made with black urad, and doing so Bhairav ​​is pleased.

Like Lord Shiva, the worship of Bhairav ​​removes all obstacles coming in life. By using tantric acts on Bhairavashtami, you get the benefit of worship of Kaal Bhairav ​​for your business, difficulties in life, and troubles from enemy side, obstacle, victory in litigation etc. It is also found in the scriptures that Bhairav ​​worship makes every difficulty in life easier. In this article we will tell you the benefits of mantra and Sadhana for worship of Kaal Bhairav.

Bhairav Stuti Benefits:

  • Bhairav ​​ji is the nature of Lord Shiva! By doing Bhairav ​​Praise, the use of any kind of mantras on the seeker, business, life problems and difficulties, problems faced by the enemy side, victory in the lawsuits benefits are given.

Who has to recite this Stuti:

  • The persons who are suffering from the activities of enemies and also indulged in fake court cases must recite Bhairav Stuti regularly as per the Vedic System.
  • For further information please contact Astro Mantra.

 भैरव स्तुति | Bhairav Stuti 

यं यं यं यक्ष रुपं दशदिशिवदनं भूमिकम्पायमानं ।

सं सं सं संहारमूर्ती शुभ मुकुट जटाशेखरम् चन्द्रबिम्बम् ।।

दं दं दं दीर्घकायं विकृतनख मुखं चौर्ध्वरोयं करालं ।

पं पं पं पापनाशं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ।।1।।

रं रं रं रक्तवर्ण कटक कटितनुं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्राविशालम् ।

घं घं घं घोर घोष घ घ घ घ घर्घरा घोर नादम् ।।

कं कं कं काल रूपं घगघग घगितं ज्वालितं कामदेहं ।

दं दं दं दिव्यदेहं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ।।2।।

लं लं लं लम्बदंतं ल ल ल ल लुलितं दीर्घ जिह्वकरालं ।

धूं धूं धूं धूम्र वर्ण स्फुट विकृत मुखं मासुरं भीमरूपम् ।।

रूं रूं रूं रुण्डमालं रूधिरमय मुखं ताम्रनेत्रं विशालम् ।

नं नं नं नग्नरूपं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ।।3।।

वं वं वं वायुवेगम प्रलय परिमितं ब्रह्मरूपं स्वरूपम् ।

खं खं खं खड्ग हस्तं त्रिभुवननिलयं भास्करम् भीमरूपम् ।।

चं चं चं चालयन्तं चलचल चलितं चालितं भूत चक्रम् ।

मं मं मं मायाकायं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ।।4।।

खं खं खं खड्गभेदं विषममृतमयं काल कालांधकारम् ।

क्षि क्षि क्षि क्षिप्रवेग दहदह दहन नेत्र संदिप्यमानम् ।।

हूं हूं हूं हूंकार शब्दं प्रकटित गहनगर्जित भूमिकम्पं ।

बं बं बं बाललील प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ।।5।।