Brahmshakti Stotra, ब्रह्मशक्ति स्तोत्र

Brahmshakti Stotra | ब्रह्मशक्ति स्तोत्र

Brahmshakti Stotra (ब्रह्मशक्ति स्तोत्र): After the assessment of the modern society, I came to the conclusion that in our society today, 40 out of 100 pairs are such that in some way ideological differences or any third party, due to their own family life, many disparities Being hunted, due to which every moment is losing its physical and mental balance due to suffocation and uncertainty. And the result is that due to all these reasons, the family social and economic level is declining, however, after some time people realize that they have taken the wrong step, but it is too late till it comes to understanding.

It is a mistake cannot be destroyed. To read or listen to this psalm, there is no one to suffer from the separation of love and there is no separation from wife. Brahmshakti Stotra is prayer of Brahma composed by devas occurring in the collection of Sutha which occurs in Skanda Purana.

The description of Brahmshakti Stotra is given in Skand Puran. Brahmshakti Stotra is composed by Gods. Brahma Sutra is dedicated to Lord Brahma ji. Brahma Stotra is used in worship of Lord Brahma ji.

Do not allow minor ideological differences to be so full on your relationship that they only eat your relationship and keep one thing always in mind that the age and reliability of the illicit relationships is very low whether it be a woman or a male If you have been attracted to forgetting your partner today, then what is the guarantee of this that he will not run away from anyone else tomorrow. But even then if you are victimised recite Brahmshakti Stotra under a Vedic system, which will give you relief from the constraint.

Brahmshakti Stotra Benefits:

  • Regarding family feud, disease or premature death etc., it should be recited. Even when there are obstacles in romance relations, its lessons will be beneficial.
  • Read the quoted psalm by worshiping your devoted god or Bhagawati Gauri with various treatments. Spend, surrender is necessary for achieving.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons, who has lost his beloved for the reason or other and made an extra marital affair, should recite Brahmshakti Stotra regularly.
  • For the correct way to recite please contact Astro Mantra.

ब्रह्मशक्ति स्तोत्र | Brahmshakti Stotra

ब्राह्मि ब्रह्म-स्वरूपे त्वं, मां प्रसीद सनातनिपरमात्म-स्वरूपे च, परमानन्द-रूपिणि।।

ॐ प्रकृत्यै नमो भद्रे, मां प्रसीद भवार्णवे। सर्व-मंगल-रूपे च, प्रसीद सर्व-मंगले।।

विजये शिवदे देवि मां प्रसीद जय-प्रदे। वेद-वेदांग-रूपे च, वेद-मातः प्रसीद मे।।

शोकघ्ने ज्ञान-रूपे च, प्रसीद भक्त वत्सले। सर्व-सम्पत्-प्रदे माये, प्रसीद जगदम्बिके।।

लक्ष्मीर्नारायण-क्रोडे, स्त्रष्टुर्वक्षसि भारती। मम क्रोडे महा-माया, विष्णु-माये प्रसीद मे।।

काल-रूपे कार्य-रूपे, प्रसीद दीन-वत्सले। कृष्णस्य राधिके भदे्र, प्रसीद कृष्ण पूजिते।।

समस्त-कामिनीरूपे, कलांशेन प्रसीद मे। सर्व-सम्पत्-स्वरूपे त्वं, प्रसीद सम्पदां प्रदे।।

यशस्विभिः पूजिते त्वं, प्रसीद यशसां निधेः। चराचर-स्वरूपे च, प्रसीद मम मा चिरम्।।

मम योग-प्रदे देवि ! प्रसीद सिद्ध-योगिनि। सर्वसिद्धिस्वरूपे च, प्रसीद सिद्धिदायिनि।।

अधुना रक्ष मामीशे, प्रदग्धं विरहाग्निना। स्वात्म-दर्शन-पुण्येन, क्रीणीहि परमेश्वरि।।


।।एतत् पठेच्छृणुयाच्चन, वियोग-ज्वरो भवेत्। न भवेत् कामिनीभेदस्तस्य जन्मनि जन्मनि।।

इस स्तोत्र का पाठ करने अथवा सुनने वाले को वियोग-पीड़ा नहीं होती और जन्म-जन्मान्तर तक कामिनी-भेद नहीं होता।