Buddh Stotra, बुध स्तोत्र

Buddh Stotra | बुध स्तोत्र

Buddh Stotra (बुध स्तोत्र): Buddh Grah, the planet Mercury, plays a significant role in our birth chart as it influences our life. In puranic Hindu mythology, Buddh is also considered to be a deity. In astrology, the planet Mercury (Buddh Grah) represents logic, agile mind and memory, intelligence, and wit. Mercury has been given the place of prince among all the nine planets. It gives good results when accompanied with benefice planets and bad when with malefic planets.

One must have heard that at times, the positioning of the planet Mercury can produce negative or evil effects in our life like a loss in business, health problems, break in education, and many other things. When a planet gives inauspicious results during transit, it is necessary to perform remedies of that planet to pacify the ill-effects. Practising remedies help to achieve beneficial results when done during the mahadasha or dasha of a planet.

Mercury is a young planet in Astrology. It is a fast moving planet of our solar system and affects our life in many ways. Mercury is a planet that bestows witty mind, business, communication skills, speech, trade and commerce, statistics, mathematics, eloquence, skills, friends, astrology, etc. It is considered as a benefice planet in Vedic Astrology but, on the other hand, when Mercury sits in any house of birth chart with any malefic planet, it acts like a malefic planet. It is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo signs and becomes exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces. Sun and Venus are the natural friends of Mercury.

Buddh Stotra Benefits:

  • Chanting of Buddh Stotra with pure heart will calm down negative effects of planet Buddh, keep evil away from your life and improve health and wealth.
  • It has been observed that chanting Buddh Stotra regularly helps improve intellect, communications skills, and even builds strong relationships.
  • Buddh Stotra also has a positive effect on our health as it helps us maintain blood sugar and pressure levels.
  • Buddh Stotra gives us peace of mind and keeps away the evil. Even students who are worried about their results and lack of concentration can chant the Buddh Stotra as it builds your ability to focus.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons suffering from malefic effects of Buddh, evil effects of system, having less communication skill, or become failure to convince with facts to others must chant Buddh Stotra.
  • For a proper guideline please contact Astro Mantra.

बुध स्तोत्र | Buddh Stotra

पीताम्बर: पीतवपुः किरीटश्र्वतुर्भजो देवदु: खपहर्ता। धर्मस्य धृक् सोमसुत: सदा मे सिंहाधिरुढो वरदो बुधश्र्व ।।1।।

प्रियंगुकनकश्यामं रुपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम्। सौम्यं सौम्य गुणोपेतं नमामि शशिनंदनम ।।2।।

सोमसूनुर्बुधश्चैव सौम्य: सौम्यगुणान्वित:। सदा शान्त: सदा क्षेमो नमामि शशिनन्दनम् ।।3।।

उत्पातरूप: जगतां चन्द्रपुत्रो महाधुति:। सूर्यप्रियकारी विद्वान् पीडां हरतु मे बुध: ।।4।।

शिरीष पुष्पसडंकाश: कपिशीलो युवा पुन:। सोमपुत्रो बुधश्र्वैव सदा शान्ति प्रयच्छतु ।।5।।

श्याम: शिरालश्र्व कलाविधिज्ञ: कौतूहली कोमलवाग्विलासी । रजोधिकोमध्यमरूपधृक्स्यादाताम्रनेत्रीद्विजराजपुत्र: ।।6।।

अहो चन्द्र्सुत श्रीमन् मागधर्मासमुद्रव:। अत्रिगोत्रश्र्वतुर्बाहु: खड्गखेटक धारक: ।।7।।

गदाधरो न्रसिंहस्थ: स्वर्णनाभसमन्वित:। केतकीद्रुमपत्राभ इंद्रविष्णुपूजित: ।।8।।

ज्ञेयो बुध: पण्डितश्र्व रोहिणेयश्र्व सोमज:। कुमारो राजपुत्रश्र्व शैशेव: शशिनन्दन: ।।9।।

गुरुपुत्रश्र्व तारेयो विबुधो बोधनस्तथा। सौम्य: सौम्यगुणोपेतो रत्नदानफलप्रद: ।।10।।

एतानि बुध नमामि प्रात: काले पठेन्नर:। बुद्धिर्विव्रद्वितांयाति बुधपीड़ा न जायते ।।11।।