Chakra Therapy
Chakra Therapy (कुंडलिनी चक्र): Today people are waking up to the fact that their physical, mental and spiritual health is deeply connected. Our body comprises of seven chakras, and these chakras determine our overall wellbeing/Chakra Therapy. It is proper functioning of all the chakras that ensures appropriate energy flow to all body parts including our vital organs. Thus chakra cleansing and balancing is needed to enjoy good health and happiness which translates to overall abundance in all spheres of life/Chakra Therapy. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from Read more..
Kosasa in Body of Chakra Therapy:
Kosas are five cases or which cover the Atman in Hinduism. The five Kosas are: Annamaya Kosa, the food-body, Pranamaya kosa, the breath Manomaya kosa, or ‘mind-sheath’ Vijnanamaya kosa, that which discriminates, determines or wills Anandamaya kosa, or bliss Corporal bodies.
High Temper & Ajna Chakra:
The Ajna chakra consists of 96 petals and has two divisions- each consisting of 48 petals. The colours of pranas in the Ajna Chakra differ from person to person. While some people have the predominant colours of light yellow and light violet, other people have whitish green and light violet divisions in their Ajna Chakra. The colours of the Ajna Chakra also change according to the psychological state of the person.
The Ajna chakra consists of 96 petals and has two divisions- each consisting of 48 petals. The colours of pranas in the Ajna Chakra differ from person to person. While some people have the predominant colours of light yellow and light violet, other people have whitish green and light violet divisions in their Ajna Chakra. The colours of the Ajna Chakra also change according to the psychological state of the person.
High Temper and Ajna Chakra All of us experience high temper at some point in our life. If not controlled, the high temper problems can affect our health and relationships in the long run. Most of us are not sure how to deal with this problem especially when high temper strikes us in face.
Stringing Caution of Chakra Therapy:
Rudraksha is best if worn in the black, yellow or white colored thread or it can be worn in silver, gold, copper and mixed metal. Wearing Rudraksha in metal wire or thread the effects are same. Stringing Caution Rudraksha are powerful beads and cannot be used like normal jewellery beads to make your own designs.
Protection of Chakra Therapy:
We all want protection in our life. The protection is either related to our life safety, security in job or either in family or protection from illness or many more. All these create stress and tension in our mind with which we become restless.
There are two types of stress:
- (a) Occasional and
- (b) Habitual or chronic.
Tensions become evident in us when: we are quick to anger; we often misunderstand others; we make mistakes in our works; we forget many things; we cannot concentrate in talking with others; we change the topic often; we do not have control over our speech; we cannot sit quietly without moving some part of our body – legs, hands, fingers, eyes, neck.
All these are symptoms of tension and the consequent restlessness of mind. They not only affect us mentally but also physically. That results to clashes and we start seeking protection from them and want feel free from all these.
Going through all these problems astrologers of Rudraksha world have formed some powerful combination for the protection of individuals.
For Protection Introduction Rudraksha are divine beads that work on the thoughts and emotions of the wearer, generating positive vibrations to overcome the person’s negative vibrations of fear and depression. These combinations help balance the Swadhisthana Chakra and once this Chakra is balanced.
Spirituality of Chakra Therapy:
Traditionally, spirituality refers to a religious process of re-formation which “aims to recover the original shape of man,” Oriented at” The image of God” as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the religions of the world. In modern times the emphasis is on subjective experience of a sacred dimension and the “deepest values and meanings by which people live,” often in a context separate from organized religious institutions. Modern spirituality typically includes a belief in a supernatural (beyond the known and observable) realm, personal growth, a quest for an ultimate/sacred meaning, religious experience, or an encounter with one’s own “Inner dimension.”
Spirituality Introduction Spirituality is the inner path that humans follow in their search of their true nature, to discover their real self. Spirituality means different things to different people.
Wealth and Success of Chakra Therapy:
The Manipura Chakra is situated behind the navel. Its Mantra is RAM…The Manipura Chakra(Chakra Therapy) contains many precious jewels such as the qualities of clarity, self-confidence, bliss, self-assurance, knowledge, wisdom and the ability to make correct decisions.
Wealth and Success Introduction to earn power and success is one of man’s primary desires in life. Those who are successful want to maintain and expand their wealth while there are others who see that life goal shining before them. Our ability to develop personal power lies in the Manipur Chakra.
Love and Marriage of Chakra Therapy:
Love marriage is a term used primarily in South Asia, especially in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, to describe a marriage where the individuals love each other and get married with or without consent of their parents. There is no clear definition of love marriage.
Love is a divine emotion and marriage a divine institution. Love should be the primary principal governing a marital relationship. For a new relationship to thrive and flourish, both partners must let go of certain qualities.
Communication of Chakra Therapy:
Knowledge Communication: 1. The (deliberate) activity of interactively conveying and co-constructing insights, assessments, experiences, or skills through verbal and non-verbal means. 2 The exchange of know-how, know-why, know-what, and know-who through face-to-face or media-based interaction.
The ability to communication effectively is more important in today’s world than ever before. We need to express ourselves sufficiently for success in the personal as well as professional front.
Health, Peace and Stability of Chakra Therapy:
The existence of peace, security, stability and good governance is a prerequisite to achieve sustainable economic development. Nevertheless, low-income States, with weak and fragile governance combined with ethnic disputes have been, and still persist to be existent in Africa. Challenges and threats to peace, security, stability and governance are therefore a multifaceted reality. By contrast, regional integration and cooperation has historically been beneficial to the reduction of armed and non-armed conflicts and the maintenance of regional stability in many regions across the world.
The state of your physical and mental health determines your wellbeing, happiness and success in life. Disease manifests when the flow of life energy in your Chakras is hampered for a long time. Diabetes occurs due to a blockage in Manipura Chakra in the body.
Varicose Veins of Chakra Therapy:
Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted. The term commonly refers to the veins on the leg, although varicose veins can occur elsewhere. Veins have pairs of leaflet valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde flow or venous reflux).
Varicose Veins and Mooladhara Chakra(Chakra Therapy) What do you mean by Varicose Veins? When you sense heaviness in legs usually during the nights and the ache worsens over a period of time, it might be a symptom of varicose veins. Spider veins appear and your ankle swells by the evening.
Prostate Problem of Chakra Therapy:
The prostate is a gland in men. It helps make semen, the fluid that contains sperm. The prostate surrounds the tube that carries urine away from the bladder and out of the body. A young man’s prostate is about the size of a walnut.
Prostate Problem and Mooladhara Chakra(Chakra Therapy) Prostate Gland Health Issues The prostate is an integral part of the male reproductive system and can cause health issues as an individual grows older. However, a prostate problem does not necessarily mean prostate cancer.
Rudra Combination of Chakra Therapy:
Rudraksha Combination Rudraksha has been worn since times immemorial by saints and Gurus who desires to live a fearless life and elevate spiritually. It is given by Gurus to their followers to do the same.
Rudraksha of Chakra Therapy:
Rudraksha is the lovable bead of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha and Chakras(Chakra Therapy) carry immense importance in balancing the negative vibes of the body. Chakras are present in our body in the form of Crown chakra, Brow chakra, Throat chakra, Heart chakra, Navel chakra, sacral chakra and the Root chakra. Rudraksha balances the chakras of the body by removing the negative vibes of the body.
Rudraksha controls all the seven major chakras and each chakra control several organs of the body. It is governed by expression, feelings, senses and including the sixth sense. Person goes through different life experiences in the body. Negative feelings and emotions can play havoc in our life. Rudraksha heals the blocked chakras of the body, as blocked chakra inhibit free flow of energy and also creates emotional disorders.
Crystals and gemstones have been used for centuries in healing both the physical body and the spiritual self. As far back as the fourth millennium before Christ, mention of using gems in healing has been found in Sumerian writings and Vedic texts from India(Chakra Therapy). Gems where placed on the body to either add or draw off energy, and were often ground up and added to paste or to drinks as medicine.
There are variations in the way that gems are used with chakras between Vedic and Western Gem therapies. These differences are not particularly contradictory, but are differences of culture and perspective and when we enter into these subtle realms we need to be very cautious not to try and box.