Chatushloki Stotra, चतु:श्लोकी स्तोत्र

Chatushloki Stotra | चतु:श्लोकी स्तोत्र

Chatushloki Stotra (चतु:श्लोकी स्तोत्र): These four Shlokas (verses) are the essence the whole epic Bhagavata Purana. The reciting and the listening of these four verses everyday with full faith, removes the ignorance and the arrogance of a person and leads him to the real knowledge of self. The person who recites and reads them becomes free from sins and follows the true path in his life.

In this Stotra (path) Shri Vallabh has explained the meaning of the four Purusharthas viz – Dharma (duty), Artha (material needs), Kama (the things he wishes to get) & Moksha (salvation) – to the Vaishnava. He has told his Vaishnava that for a Vaishnava all his actions and desires are directed to only one force i.e. Shrinathji.

Stotra are basically essence of the Vedic concepts presented in such a way that can be used by everyone without any ritual taboos. The rigid mantric procedures and guidelines do not apply to Stotra.

According to the Vedic scriptures on Mantra Shastra (Science of Mantras) sublime vibrations of Shabda (eternal sound) and Nada (cosmic vibration) is the originator of everything that exists in nature. It is indeed the source of the omnipresent manifestation of the supreme consciousness – the Para Brahm. Therefore, Shabda and Nada are regarded as the reflections of Brahm.

The anahat swar, the “Unmade Sound, soundless sound”, “sound” of the universe, the primal sound of energy itself.  Induced by these vibrations is said to be the generator of perpetual energy in the universe. Thus Mantra Yoga maintains that everything in nature, all objects, whether they be animate or inanimate, are composed of sound vibrations. All physical objects are composed of sound and each physical object, be it an insect, a rock, a building, a planet, or a human being, resonates their own particular harmonic note.

Chatushloki Stotra Benefits:

Reciting Chatushloki Stotra, it will make a person free from all the sins made knowingly or unknowingly and provides salvation. The life of people become smooth, prosperous and they get a wealthy life.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons who are suffering from out of their misdeeds and bad friends must recite this Chatushloki Stotra to get rid from the sufferings.
  • For further information and Chatushloki Stotra details please contact Astro Mantra.

चतु:श्लोकी | Chatushloki Stotra

सदा सर्वात्मभावेन भजनीयो व्रजेश्वर: ।

करिष्यति स एवास्मदैहिकं पारलौकिकम् ।।1।।

अन्याश्रयो न कर्तव्य: सर्वथा बाधकस्तु स: ।

स्वकीये स्वात्मभावश्च कर्तव्य: सर्वथा सदा ।।2।।

सदा सर्वात्मना कृष्ण: सेव्य: कालादिदोषनुत् ।

तद्भक्त्तेषु च निर्दोषभावेन स्थेयमादरात् ।।3।।

भगवत्येव सततं स्थापनीयं मन: स्वयम् ।

कालोऽयं कठिनोऽपि श्रीकृष्णभक्तान्न बाधते ।।4।।