Daridrta Naashak Stotra, दरिद्रता नाशक स्तोत्र

Daridrta Naashak Stotra | दरिद्रता नाशक स्तोत्र

Daridrta Naashak Stotra (दरिद्रता नाशक स्तोत्र): Daridrta Naashak Stotra is composed by Maharishi Vashishta. If the crisis is too much, then in the Shiva temple or in front of the statue of Shiva, it will be special benefit if you recite it three times daily. The person, who is in tribulation, if he recites himself, is best rewarded, but it is beneficial if a person, like a kin or wife or parent, recites instead.

This Stotra is dedicated to Lord Shiva Ji! Regularly, poorly destructed psalms are available especially to Lord Shiva, three times before reciting it. Daridrta Naashak Stotra is a composition by Rishi Vashisht. Daridrta nashak means destruction of poverty. Poverty is not only physical but also mental. In today’s Kalikal, most of the human are suffering from mental poverty, negative emotions-work, anger, greed, attachment, ego, selfishness, jealousy, fear etc.

The worship of Lord Shiva makes man rich with the mind by providing knowledge with physical happiness and prosperity, that is, giving healthy mind, because Lord Shiva has the moon on his head and the moon is the cause of the mind. Therefore, after the worship of Lord Shiva every day or whenever the time is available, the text of the Daridrta Naashak Stotra must be done once because ‘the healthy mind is healthy body.’ This is the basis for the destruction of all the pleasures and the suffering of misery.

If the crisis is too much, then in the Shiva Mandir or in front of the statue of Shiva, it will be special benefit if you recite it three times daily. The person, who is in tribulation, if he recites himself, is best rewarded, but it is beneficial if a person, like a kin or wife or parent, recites instead.

Daridrta Naashak Stotra Benefits:

  • By performing anointing with Lord Shiva’s ‘Daridra nashak Stotra’ every day, a person achieves stable Lakshmi and gets relief from poverty.
  • You can succeed by reading Daridrta Naashak Stotra to get success in every field of life. These tips / suggestions will prove to be useful for you to touch the heights in life.
  • Daridrta Naashak Stotra composed by Rishi Vashishta, who is going to remove all diseases, is soon going to give all the properties and enhance the patriarchal tradition. The person who recites Daridrta Naashak Stotra in the three periods of time, it is definitely the realization of heaven.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The person suffering from poverty and in the bottom of in earnings should regularly chant Daridrta Naashak Stotra for the improvement of the conditions.
  • For further knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.

दरिद्रता नाशक स्तोत्र | Daridrta Naashak Stotra

जय देव जगन्नाथ, जय शंकर शाश्वत। जय सर्व-सुराध्यक्ष, जय सर्व-सुरार्चित।।

जय सर्व-गुणातीत, जय सर्व-वर-प्रद। जय नित्य-निराधार, जय विश्वम्भराव्यय।।

जय विश्वैक-वेद्येश, जय नागेन्द्र-भूषण। जय गौरी-पते शम्भो, जय चन्द्रार्ध-शेखर।।

जय कोट्यर्क-संकाश, जयानन्त-गुणाश्रय। जय रुद्र-विरुपाक्ष, जय चिन्त्य-निरञ्जन।।

जय नाथ कृपा-सिन्धो, जय भक्तार्त्ति-भञ्जन। जय दुस्तर-संसार-सागरोत्तारण-प्रभो।।

प्रसीद मे महा-भाग, संसारार्त्तस्य खिद्यतः। सर्व-पाप-भयं हृत्वा, रक्ष मां परमेश्वर।।

महा-दारिद्रय-मग्नस्य, महा-पाप-हृतस्य च। महा-शोक-विनष्टस्य, महा-रोगातुरस्य च।।

ऋणभार-परीत्तस्य, दह्यमानस्य कर्मभिः। ग्रहैः प्रपीड्यमानस्य, प्रसीद मम शंकर।।


दारिद्रयः प्रार्थयेदेवं, पूजान्ते गिरिजा-पतिम्। अर्थाढ्यो वापि राजा वा, प्रार्थयेद् देवमीश्वरम्।।

दीर्घमायुः सदाऽऽरोग्यं, कोष-वृद्धिर्बलोन्नतिः। ममास्तु नित्यमानन्दः, प्रसादात् तव शंकर।।

शत्रवः संक्षयं यान्तु, प्रसीदन्तु मम गुहाः। नश्यन्तु दस्यवः राष्ट्रे, जनाः सन्तुं निरापदाः।।

दुर्भिक्षमरि-सन्तापाः, शमं यान्तु मही-तले। सर्व-शस्य समृद्धिनां, भूयात् सुख-मया दिशः।।