Dattatreya Stotra, दत्तात्रेय स्तोत्र

Dattatreya Stotra | दत्तात्रेय स्तोत्र

Dattatreya Stotra (दत्तात्रेय स्तोत्र): Lord Dattatreya is the incarnation of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He was the son of Anusuya and Maharishi Atri. Dattatreya’s name can be divided into two words, Dutt (instrument) and Atri (sage Atri). Lord Dattatreya is considered as the teacher of environmental education.

Lord Dattatreya is considered as the incarnation of the Hindu triad Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in one form. The literal meaning of the term Dattatreya translates to Datta (Given) and Atreya (son of sage Atri) suggesting the one who has given himself away as the son of sage Atri. Lord Dattatreya was born to the holy couple Anusuya and Atri. He is represented with three heads signifying the unity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu triad of Gods. Dattatreya is the personification of all gods, prophets, saints and yogis. He is the Guru of all gurus.

Dattatreya Stotra is dedicated to Hindu God Datta, a joint incarnation of Hindu deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Praying to Dattatreya by chanting this mantra will help to destroy all the enemies, get rid of your sins and will be blessed with great knowledge.

Dattatreya Stotra Benefits:

  • According to Hindu Mythology recitation of Dattatreya Stotra gives peace of mind.
  • By continuing to recite the chants of Dattatreya as well as his Dattatreya Stotra, all the miseries of human life are dispelled, and man decreases in patriotism and progresses day by day.
  • A protective shield of the Supreme Guru around you at all times -Harmony in the family -Peace of mind and freedom from worries and afflictions -Welfare of the children -Improvement in the academic performance of the children -Powerful speech and self confidence -Removal of the ‘Pitrushapa’ or the curse given by the deceased ancestors.

Who can recite this Stotra:

  • Dattatreya Stotra is very simple. It can be chanted by anyone. There is no restriction whatsoever whether it can be chanted by women and so on. In fact, the divine form of Dattatreya is the personification of the supreme reality and therefore, is beyond religion. Therefore, people of any religion can chant the name of Dattatreya and worship him in the form of Guru of gurus. Dattatreya is a highly benign form of Lord who is easily pleased and so merciful. Therefore, he shall be highly pleased to see little acts of devotion done with sincerity.
  • For the further information about Dattatreya Stotra please contact Astro Mantra.

दत्तात्रेय स्तोत्र | Dattatreya Stotra

भगवान दत्तात्रेय आदि गुरु है, नाथ परम्परा के ये आदि गुरु है, यह स्तोत्र साधक को हर समय कवचित रखता है, जिससे साधक अनेक प्रकार की तामसिक शक्तियों से सुरक्षित रहता है, ग्रह बाधा,तंत्र बाधा,कार्य सिद्धि,सुरक्षा के लिए ये स्तोत्र रामबाण है,“स्मरण मात्रेण संसिध्येत दत्तात्रेय जगद्गुरुं”

दत्तात्रेयाष्टचक्रबीज स्तोत्रम्

दिगंबरं भस्मसुगन्धलेपनं

चक्रं त्रिशूलं डमरुं गदां च ।

पद्मासनस्थं ऋषिदेववन्दितं

दत्तात्रेयध्यानमभीष्टसिद्धिदम् ॥ 1॥

मूलाधारे वारिजपद्मे सचतुष्के

वंशंषंसं वर्णविशालैः सुविशालैः ।

रक्तं वर्णं श्रीभगवतं गणनाथं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 2॥

स्वाधिष्ठाने षट्दलपद्मे तनुलिंगे

बालान्तैस्तद्वर्णविशालैः सुविशालैः ।

पीतं वर्णं वाक्पतिरूपं द्रुहिणं तं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 3॥

नाभौ पद्मे पत्रदशांके डफवर्णे

लक्ष्मीकान्तं गरूढारूढं मणिपूरे ।

नीलवर्णं निर्गुणरूपं निगमाक्षं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 4॥

हृत्पद्मांते द्वादशपत्रे कठवर्णे

अनाहतांते वृषभारूढं शिवरूपम् ।

सर्गस्थित्यंतां कुर्वाणं धवलांगं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥5 ॥

कंठस्थाने चक्रविशुद्धे कमलान्ते

चंद्राकारे षोडशपत्रे स्वरवर्णे

मायाधीशं जीवशिवं तं भगवंतं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 6॥

आज्ञाचक्रे भृकुटिस्थाने द्विदलान्ते

हं क्षं बीजं ज्ञानसमुद्रं गुरूमूर्तिं

विद्युत्वर्णं ज्ञानमयं तं निटिलाक्षं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 7॥

मूर्ध्निस्थाने वारिजपद्मे शशिबीजं

शुभ्रं वर्णं पत्रसहस्रे ललनाख्ये

हं बीजाख्यं वर्णसहस्रं तूर्यांतं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 8॥

ब्रह्मानन्दं ब्रह्ममुकुन्दं भगवन्तं

ब्रह्मज्ञानं ज्ञानमयं तं स्वयमेव

परमात्मानं ब्रह्ममुनीद्रं भसिताङ्गं

दत्तात्रेयं श्रीगुरूमूर्तिं प्रणतोऽस्मि ॥ 9॥