Dhanya Ashtakam | धान्य अष्टकम
Dhanya Ashtakam (धान्य अष्टकम): Dhanya Ashtakam is an eight versed sloka, for the uplift of the fellow human by Adi Shankaracharya. Anybody blessed by knowing Para Brahmam can attain bliss. By coming out of ‘I’ and ‘my’ and by Admavichara one can rise to a higher level.
Dhanya Ashtakam is composed by Adi Guru Shankaracharya, in which he has praised his Sadguru. The effect of Dhanya Ashtakam stotra is marvellous. One of the believer said that “when I used to read it daily, after a few days the body became very cold even in the summer season. Near me around the month, I had a direct experience of both the nadis i.e. the sun and the moon. Even if someone touched the right side of my back then it would have been absolutely hot.
Dhanya Ashtakam Benefits:
- Dhanya Ashtakam succinctly describes the goal, the true blessedness, the means to reach the goal, and the obstacles encountered on the path, as well as how to overcome them.
- Spiritual life changes us within. And by doing so it changes our entire attitude towards life.
- Chanting has the richness of contentment, the brightness of cheerfulness, the carefree dignity of divine realization.
- And all this gathers around them because they have the courage to renounce the greatest pleasures offered to them by the world.
- Acquisition may bring the thrills, but renunciation alone brings peace, devotion, beauty of character and tenderness of heart.
- Renunciation leads one to total fulfillment in life –it opens the door to the richest of all treasures – that of spiritual blessedness.
- The devotees will not have shortage off grains and food
- Destroys impurities in food as well as in mind and soul Destroys adversities in one’s life.
Who has to chant this Ashtakam:
- Those who are suffering from nonethness even after best efforts and wants to have the greatest output should chant this Ashtakam.
- For a perfect output visit Astro Mantra who will guide you to attain the blessings.
धान्य अष्टकम | Dhanya Ashtakam
तज्ज्ञानं प्रशमकरं यदिन्द्रियाणां तज्ज्ञेयं यदुपनिषत्सु निश्चितार्थम् ।
ते धन्या भुवि परमार्थनिश्चितेहा: शेषास्तु भ्रमनिलये परिभ्रमन्ति ।।1।।
आदौ विजित्य विषयान्मदमोहरागद्वेषादिशत्रुगणमाहृतयोगराज्या: ।
ज्ञात्वामृतं समनुभूतपरात्मविद्याकान्तासुखा बत ग्रहे विचरन्ति धन्या: ।।2।।
त्यक्त्वा ग्रहे रतिमधोगतिहेतुभूतामात्मेच्छयोपनिषदर्थरसं पिबन्त: ।
वीतस्पृहा विषयभोगपदे विरक्ता धन्याश्चरन्ति विजनेषु विरक्तसंगा: ।।3।।
त्यक्त्वा ममाहमिति बंधकरे पदे द्वे मानावमानसदृशा: समदर्शिनश्च ।
कर्तारमन्यमवगम्य पदर्पितानि कुर्वन्ति कर्मपरिपाकफलानि धन्या: ।।4।।
त्यक्त्वैषणात्रयमवेक्षितमोक्षमार्गा भैक्षामृतेन परिकल्पितदेहयात्रा: ।
ज्योति: परात्परतरं परमात्मसंज्ञं धन्या द्विजा रहसि ह्रदघवलोकयन्ति ।।5।।
नासन्न सन्न सदसन्न महन्न चाणु न स्त्री पुमान्न च नपुंसकमेकबीजम् ।
यैर्ब्रह्मा तत्समनुपासितमेकचित्ता धन्या विरेजुरितरे भवपाशबद्धा: ।।6।।
अज्ञानपंकपरिमग्नमपेतसारं दुखालयं मरणजन्मजरावसक्तम् ।
संसारबंधनमनित्यमवेक्ष्य धन्या ज्ञानासिना तदवशीर्य विनिश्चयन्ति ।।7।।
शान्तैरनन्यमतिभिर्मधुरस्वभावैरेकत्वनिश्चितमनोभिरपेतमोहै: ।
साकं वनेषु विजितात्मपदस्वरूपं शास्त्रेषु सम्यगनिशं विमृशन्ति धन्या: ।।8।।
अहिमिव जनयोगं सर्वदा वर्जयेद्य: कुणपमिव सुनारीं त्युक्तुकामो विरागी ।
विषमिव विषयान्यो मन्यमानो दुरन्तान् जयति परमहंसो मुक्तिभावं समेति ।।9।।
सम्पूर्णं जगदेव नन्दनवनं सर्वेऽपि कल्पद्रुमा गांगवारि समस्तवारिनिवहा: पुण्या: समस्ता: क्रिया: ।
वाच: प्राकृतसंस्कृता: श्रुतिशिरो वाराणसी मेदिनी सर्वावस्थितिरस्य वस्तु विषया दृष्टे परब्रह्माणि ।।10।।