Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti, ध्रुव कृत भागवत स्तुति

Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti | ध्रुव कृत भागवत स्तुति

Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti (ध्रुव कृत भागवत स्तुति) is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Lord Vishnu is worshiped by Dhruv. It is composed by Dhruv. Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti was spoken out by the five-year old Dhruva right in the presence of Lord Vishnu who not only appeared before him in recognition of his severe penance but also sparked him on to speak by touching his right cheek with His divine Conch, the Conch which  overflows with Vedic wisdom. Sage Narada describes to Dhruv the prema swarupa of Sakshath Manmatha.

The Lord appears after an intense penance from Dhruva. Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti is an extraordinary piece of 12 verses occurring in the 4th Skanda of Bhagavata. Though the Bhagavata contains many such hymns in praise of the Lord, this one has a unique place , because it was given out by the blessed little boy who first dared not speak a word but was immediately prompted from within by the Absolute Itself. In this sense this hymn is the pinnacle of praise. It may be supposed to be the authentic voice of the Lord Himself on Himself. Naturally it contains the cream of all Vedic and Vedanta teaching. Usually exponents of Bhagavata do not find the time to go into this fully. They concentrate only on the first verse. We shall go through all of them verse by verse. Each verse is given in original, followed by a translation and a commentary.

There are two facets of the Spiritual Energy, the Energy of the Lord. One is called the Supreme and the other is no so-supreme. The former is the one which gives life to all beings. And the latter is what makes matter what it is. This latter is made up of the five elements plus Mind plus Intellect plus Ego – these constitute the eight-fold as it is technically called. Nature is simply the Cosmic Energy of the Lord. The power is what makes our life tick. The infinitesimal fragment of this is the life in us. It is what makes this material body and mind have life, it is what rejuvenates our senses, it is what enlivens them, in short, without it there is no life.

Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti Benefits:

  • Those persons who worship the Vaishnava literature Srimad Bhagavata in their house are freed from all sins and they become worship able by even the demigods.
  • By hearing Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti one becomes religious and he lives a long life, free from disease and all sinful reactions.
  • For one who stands in respect and then offers obeisance upon listening Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti, God offers him wealth, wife, children, and devotional service.
  • Those who participate in such festivals for my pleasure and hear Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti with devotion and those who worship Srimad Bhagavata with cloth, ornaments, flowers, lamp, and incense certainly control Me just as a chaste wife controls her good husband.

Who has to recite this Stuti:

  • The person who wants to remain in peace and harmony must recite Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti as per the Vedic rule.
  • For further information please contact Astro Mantra.

ध्रुव कृत भागवत स्तुति | Dhruv Krit Bhagwat Stuti

ध्रुव उवाच

योऽन्त: प्रविश्य मम वाचमिमां प्रसुप्तां सञ्जीवयत्यखिलशक्तिधर: स्वधाम्ना ।

अन्यांश्च हस्तचरणश्रवणत्वगादीन् प्राणान्नमो भगवते पुरुषाय तुभ्यम् ।।1।।

एकस्त्वमेव भगवन्निदमात्मशक्त्या मायाख्ययोरूगुणया महदाधशेषम् ।

सृष्ट्वानुविश्य पुरुषस्तदसद्गुणेषु नानेव दारुषु विभावसुवद् विभासि ।।2।।

त्वद्दत्तया वयुनयेदमचष्ट विश्वं सुप्तप्रबुद्ध इव नाथ भवत्प्रपन्न: ।

तस्यापवग्र्यशरणं तव पादमूलं विस्मर्यते कृतविदा कथमार्तबन्धो ।।3।।

नूनं विमुष्टमतयस्तव मायया ते ये त्वां भवाप्ययविमोक्षणमन्यहेतो: ।

अर्चन्ति कल्पकतरुं कुणपोपभोग्यमिच्छन्ति यत्स्पर्शजं निरयेऽपि न्रणाम् ।।4।।

या निर्व्रतिस्तनुभृतां तव पादपद्मध्यानाद् भवज्जनकथाश्रवणेन वा स्यात् ।

सा ब्रह्माणि स्वमहिमन्यपि नाथ मा भूत् किं त्वन्तकासिलुलितात् पततां विमानात् ।।5।।

भक्तिं मुहु: प्रवहतां त्वयि मे प्रसंगो भूयादनन्त महताममलाशयानाम् ।

येनाञ्जसोल्बणमुरुव्यसनं भवाब्धिं नेष्ये भवद्गुणकथामृतपानमत्त: ।।6।।

ते न स्मरन्त्यतितरां प्रियमीश मत्र्यं ये चान्वद: सुतसुह्र्दग्रहवित्तदारा: ।

ये त्वब्जनाभ भवदीयपदारविन्दसौगन्ध्यलुब्धह्रदयेषु कृतप्रसंगा: ।।7।।

तिर्यंगद्विजसरीसृपदेवदैत्यमत्र्यादिभि: परिचितं सदसद्विशेषम् ।

रूपं स्थविष्ठमज ते महदाधनेकं नात: परं परम वेद्मि न यत्र वाद: ।।8।।

कल्पान्त एतदखिलं जठरेण ग्रहणन् शेते पुमान् स्वदृगनन्तसखस्तदंके ।

यन्नाभिसिन्धुरूहकाञ्चनलोकपद्मगर्भे धुमान् भगवते प्रणतोऽस्मि तस्मै ।।9।।

त्वं नित्यमुक्तपरिशुद्धविबुद्ध आत्मा कूटस्थ आदिपुरुषो भगवांस्त्र्यधीश: ।

यद् बुद्धयवस्थितिमखण्डितया स्वदृष्टया दृष्टा स्थितावधिमखो व्यतिरिक्त आस्से ।।10।।

यस्मिन् विरुद्धगतयो ह्रानिशं पतन्ति विद्यादयो विविधशक्तय आनुपूव्र्यात् ।

तद् ब्रह्म विश्वभवमेकमनन्तमाधमानन्दमात्रमविकारमहं प्रपधे ।।11।।

सत्याऽऽशिषो हि भगवंस्तव पादपद्ममाशीस्तथानुभजत: पुरुषार्थमूर्ते: ।

अप्येवमर्य भगवान् परिपाति दीनान् वाश्रेव वत्सकमनुग्रहकातरोऽस्मान् ।।12।।