Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra | द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग स्तोत्र
Shiva Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra is a powerful devotional hymn used to worship Lord Shiva. Jyotirling refers to radiance sign of lord Shiva. There are twelve holy Jyothirling Temples in India. Shiva Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra is recite or chanting to worship of those twelve Jyotirling temples of lord Shiva.
This Jyotirling Stotra is a Sanskrit poem. In this psalm, 12 Jyotirling of Lord Shiva have been described in India. This psalm is recited by followers of Hindu religion and Shiva devotees. According to Hindu Mythology chanting of Stotra regularly is the most powerful way to please God Shiva and get his blessing.
With this chanting of the psalm, the person gets the blessings of Shiva and the blessings of all deities. The person who chants this psalm regularly gets the blessings of Mahalakshmi always. To get the best result you should do recitation of this Stotra early morning after taking bath and in front of God shiva Idol or picture. You should first understand the Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra meaning in Hindi to maximize its effect.
Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra Benefits:
- Regular recitation of Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.
- Every person who chants this psalm of each day gets the same fruits as seeing the twelve Jyotirling. This is the only psalm that chanting the person with the blessings of Lord Shiva and also the grace of all the other goddesses.
- If a man recites devotional recitation of the words of this divine Jyotirmaya Shiv Linga, then the person can achieve the result of seeing him.
- This is the architect of Jyotirling Stotra is Shri Shankaracharya. Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra is dedicated to Lord Shiva. This Stotra is such a poem in which Lord Shiva ji has been told about twelve Jyotirlingas. Regular chanting of Jyotirling Stotra, receives the grace of Lord Shiva, along with the grace of all other Goddesses Happens.
Who has to recite this Stotra:
- The persons who are having chronic health problems, facing regular failure in life must recite Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra.
- For further knowledge please consult Astro Mantra.
द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिग स्तोत्र | Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra
सौराष्ट्रे सोमनाथं च श्रीशैले मल्लिकार्जुनम्।
उज्जयिन्यां महाकालमोंकारं ममलेश्वरम् ॥1॥
परल्यां वैजनाथं च डाकियन्यां भीमशंकरम्।
सेतुबन्धे तु रामेशं नागेशं दारुकावने ॥2॥
वारणस्यां तु विश्वेशं त्र्यम्बकं गौतमी तटे।
हिमालये तु केदारं ध्रुष्णेशं च शिवालये ॥3॥
एतानि ज्योतिर्लिंगानि सायं प्रातः पठेन्नरः।
सप्तजन्मकृतं पापं स्मरेण विनश्यति ॥4॥
॥ इति द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग स्तुति संपूर्णम् ॥