Dwadash Panjarika Stotra, द्वादश पञ्जरिका स्तोत्र

Dwadash Panjarika Stotra | द्वादश पञ्जरिका स्तोत्र

Dwadash Panjarika Stotra (द्वादश पञ्जरिका स्तोत्र): Dwadash Panjarika Stotra was written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya. Dwadash Panjarika Stotra is one of the compositions of Adi Shankaracharya. It contains the essence of Vedanta and implores the man to think, why am I here in this life? Why am I amassing wealth, family, but have no peace? What is the Truth? What is the purpose of life? The person thus awakened gets set on a path to the inner road back to the God principle.

The background of this Stotra is worth examining, during his stay in Kashi, he noticed a very old man studying the rules of Sanskrit by Panini. Shankar was touched with pity at seeing the plight of the old man spending his years at a mere intellectual accomplishment while he would be better off praying and spending time to control his mind. Shankar understood that the majority of the world was also engaged in mere intellectual, sense pleasures and not in the divine contemplation. Seeing this, he burst forth with the verses of  Stotra.

This set of twelve Stotra is perhaps the most popular work of our text, traditionally recited when offering naivedya to the Lord. It is a superb synthesis of pristine devotion, exceptional spiritual wisdom and poetic brilliance, which only an extraordinary intellect could have conceived. It is a feast to the ears and mind when sung with devotion. The Stotra basically praise Lord Hari and His different manifestations, while incorporating important tenets of text philosophy.

This Stotra is dedicated to Lord Krishna; it is believed that while offering Food to god we should recite Dwadash Panjarika Stotra which means we are requesting God to accept our offerings. As we make food at home, firstly we should offer food to God as Naivediya and thanks to God for fulfilling our daily needs, then we should eat it food.

Dwadash Panjarika Stotra Benefits:

  • Dwadash Panjarika Stotra is only praying to God for the peaceful smooth life and wealth. Dwadash Panjarika Stotra also enhances the mental power to a man and fulfills his desire. The reciting Dwadash Panjarika Stotra enables to be in touch with god which gives the seeker the blessings of God.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons having stress in life financially or mentally must recite Dwadash Panjarika Stotra regularly.
  • For further information about Dwadash Panjarika Stotra please contact Astro Mantra.

द्वादश पञ्जरिका स्तोत्र | Dwadash Panjarika Stotra

मूढ़ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णां कुरु सद्बुद्धिं मनसि वितृष्णाम् ।

यल्लभसे निजकर्मोपात्तं वित्तं तेन विनोदय चित्तम् ।।1।।

भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं गोविन्दं भज मूढ़मते ।। (ध्रुवपदम्)

अर्थमनर्थं भावय नित्यं नास्ति तत: सुखलेश: सत्यम् ।

पुत्रादपि धनभाजां भीति: सर्वत्रैषा विहिता नीति: । भज. ।।2।।

का ते कांता कस्ते पुत्र: संसारोऽयमतीव विचित्र: ।

कस्य त्वं क: कुत आयातस्तत्त्वं चिन्तय यदिदं भ्रात: । भज. ।।3।।

मा कुरु धनजनयौवनगर्वं हरति निमेषात्काल: सर्वम् ।

मायामयमिदमखिलं हित्वा ब्रह्मपदं त्वं प्रविश विदित्वा । भज. ।।4।।

कामं क्रोधं लोभं मोहं त्यक्त्वात्मानं भावय कोऽहम् ।

आत्मज्ञानविहीना मूढास्ते पच्यन्ते नरकनिगूढ़ा: । भज. ।।5।।

सुरमन्दिरतरुमूलनिवास: शय्या भूतलमजिनं वास: ।

सर्वपरिग्रहभोगत्याग: कस्य सुखं न करोति विराग: । भज. ।।6।।

शत्रौ मित्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ मा कुरु यत्नं विग्रहसंधौ ।

भव समचित्त: सर्वत्र त्वं वाञ्छस्यचिराद्यदि विष्णुत्वम् । भज. ।।7।।

त्वयि मयि चान्यत्रैको विष्णुव्र्यर्थं कुप्यसि सर्वसहिष्णु: ।

सर्वस्मिन्नपि पश्यात्मानं सर्वत्रोत्स्रज भेदाज्ञानम् । भज. ।।8।।

प्राणायामं प्रत्याहारं नित्यानित्यविवेकविचारम् ।

जाप्यसमेतसमाधिविधानं कुर्ववधानं महदवधानम् । भज. ।।9।।

नलिनीदलगतसलिलं तरलं तद्वज्जीवितमतिशय चपलम् ।

विद्धि व्याध्यभिमानग्रस्तं लोकं शोकहतं च समस्तम् । भज. ।।10।।

का तेऽष्टादशदेशे चिंता वातुल तव किं नास्ति नियन्ता ।

यस्त्वां हस्ते सुदृढ़निबद्धं बोधयति प्रभवादिविरुद्धम् । भज. ।।11।।

गुरुचरणाम्बुजनिर्भरभक्त: संसारादचिराद्भव मुक्त: ।

सेंद्रियमानसनियमादेवं द्रक्ष्यसि निजह्रदयस्थं देवम् । भज. ।।12।।

द्वादशपंजरिकामय एष: शिष्याणां कथितो ह्रुपदेश: ।

येषां चित्ते नैव विवेकस्ते पच्यन्ते नरकमनेकम् । भज. ।।13।।