Gangashtakam, गंगा अष्टकम

Gangashtakam | गंगा अष्टकम

Gangashtakam (गंगा अष्टकम): According to Hindu Mythology chanting of Gangashtakam regularly is the most powerful way to please Goddess Ganga and get her blessing.

To get the best result you should do recitation of Gangashtakam early morning after taking bath and in front of Goddess Ganga Idol or picture. You should first understand the Gangashtakam meaning in Hindi to maximize its effect.

Rig Veda mentions the name Ganga only twice but in the later Puranic period, Ganga assumes great importance as a Goddess. She is called Mandakenee in the heaven and Bhagirathi in patal. Puranas declare that the sight, the name and the touch of Ganga take away all sins and that bathing in Ganga bestows blessings of the highest order.

The cremation of a dead body at the banks of Ganga and the immersion of the remains of a dead in its water after cremation elsewhere is considered propitious. Gangajal, the water of Ganga, is very sacred, and is used for many Puja (religious ceremonies). Those who die within specified limits of Ganga, called Gangakshetra (the land of Ganga), are believed to go to the heavenly world and all their sins washed away.

Gangashtakam was composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. To Hindus Ganga is not merely a river, She is goddess, She is our mother. According to the Puranas (Holy Scriptures of Hindus), the sight, the name and the touch of Ganga takes away all sins. Ganga has been considered a sacred river since the Vedic age.

Though the first Veda – the Rig Veda scarcely mentioned Ganga and considered Saraswati and Indus as holiest of all rivers, the later three Vedas – the Yajur, Sam and Atharva Vedas heavily mention Ganga as a scared river.  As per Hindu thoughts, bathing in the river on special occasions causes remission of sins and facilitates the attainment of salvation. It is considered that Ganga bestows blessings of the highest order. On the earth, Ganges or Ganga originates from the Gomukh, Gangotri glacier in the central Himalayas, located in Uttarakhand state, India. Gangashtakam is hymn in praise of maa Ganga.

Gangashtakam Benefits:

Regular recitation of Gangashtakam gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.

Who has to recite this Ashtakam:

  • The persons who are seeking loss in every phase of life must recite this Gangashtakam to overcome all his troubles.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

गंगा अष्टकम | Gangashtakam

मातः शैलसुतासपत्नि वसुधाशृङ्गारहारावलि स्वर्गारोहणवैजयन्ति भवतीं भागीरथि प्रार्थये ।

त्वत्तीरे वसतः त्वदंबु पिबतस्त्वद्वीचिषु प्रेङ्खत-स्त्वन्नाम स्मरतस्त्वदर्पितदृशः स्यान्मे शरीरव्ययः॥१॥

त्वत्तीरे तरुकॊटरान्तरगतो गङ्गे विहङ्गो वरं त्वन्नीरे नरकान्तकारिणि वरं मत्स्योऽथवा कच्छपः।

नैवान्यत्र मदान्धसिन्धुरघटासङ्घट्टघण्टारण-त्कारत्रस्तसमस्तवैरिवनितालब्धस्तुतिर्भूपतिः ॥२॥

उक्षा पक्षी तुरग उरगः कोऽपि वा वारणो वा वारीणः स्यां जननमरणक्लेशदुःखासहिष्णु: ।

न त्वन्यत्र प्रविरलरणत्कङ्कणक्वाणमिश्रं वारस्त्रीभिश्चमरमरुता वीजितो भूमिपालः ॥३॥

काकैर्निष्कुषितं श्वभिः कवलितं गोमायुभिर्लुण्ठितं स्रोतोभिश्चलितं तटांबुलुलितं  वीचीभिरान्दोलितम्।

दिव्यस्त्रीकरचारुचामरमरुत्संवीज्यमानः कदा द्रक्ष्येऽहं परमेश्वरि त्रिपथगे भागीरथि स्वं वपुः ॥४॥

अभिनवबिसवल्ली पादपद्मस्य विष्णो-र्मदनमथन्मौलेर्मालतीपुष्पमाला ।

जयति जयपताका काप्यसौ मोक्षलक्ष्म्याः क्षपितकलिकलङ्का जाह्नवी नः पुनातु ॥५॥

एतत्तालतमालसालसरलव्यालोलवल्लीलता-च्छन्नं सूर्यकरप्रतापरहितं शंखेन्दुकुन्दोज्ज्वलम्।

गन्धर्वामरसिद्धकिन्नरवधूत्तुङ्गस्तनास्फालितं स्नानाय प्रतिवासरं भवतु मे गाङ्गं जलं निर्मलम्॥६॥

गाङ्गं वारि मनोहारि मुरारिचरणच्युतम्।

त्रिपुरारिशिरश्चारी पापहारि पुनातु माम् ॥७॥

पापहारि दुरितारि तरङ्गधारी शैलप्रचारि गिरिराजगुहाविदारि।

झङ्कारकारि हरिपादरजोऽपहारि गाङ्गं पुनातु सततं शुभकारि वारि ॥८॥

गङ्गाष्टकम् पठति यः प्रयतः प्रभाते वाल्मीकिना विरचितं शुभदं मनुष्यः।

प्रक्षाल्य गात्रकलिकल्मषपङ्कमाशु मोक्षं लभेत्पतति नैव नरो भवाब्धौ ॥९॥

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