Horary Astrology, प्रशन ज्योतिष

Horary Astrology | प्रशन ज्योतिष

Horary Astrology/प्रशन ज्योतिष: A lot of different Kundali are analyzed in Vedic astrology. Analyzing a house’s Varga Kundali is important. Some Varga Kundali is considered to be more important than others. A person’s wealth is analyzed through Hora Kundali. 30 degrees are divided into two equal parts in order to form this Kundali. After the division, planets are either in Sun’s or Moon’s Hora. Moon’s Hora expands from 0 to 15 degrees in Sam signs.

Sun’s Hora expands from 15 to 30 degrees. On the other hand, Sun’s Hora expands from 0 to 15 degrees in Visham signs. Moon’s Hora expands from 15 to 30 degrees. Gemini’s ascendant will be Visham if it is 22 degrees. Hora Kundali will be in Moon’s category. This means that Cancer sign will be in the first part and Sun’s sign Leo will be in the second part. Planets will be placed in the same way.

For example, if Mercury is 17 degrees and in Capricorn sign, Mercury will be in Sun’s Hora as Capricorn is a Visham sign. Horary Astrology In Sanskrit, the word ‘Aho‘ represents day time and the word ‘Ratri‘ represents night time. The word ‘ho’ is taken from the word ‘Aho’ and combined with the sound ‘Ra’ taken from ‘Ratri’, thus to form ‘Hora’. So, ‘Hora’ represents the day and night.

We know the day and night happen with the passage of time moment by moment. Hence ‘Hora‘ represents the moments of time. Horary Astrology is that branch of Astrology which gives predictions based on the moment of time when the question is asked. Horary Astrology/प्रशन ज्योतिष is also called ‘Prasna Shastra’ in India, because it answers specific queries (prasna) depending on the time of the query.

Sun’s & Moon’s of Horary Astrology:

You have to remember that for the formation of a Varga Kundali, you have to analyze a Lagna Kundali. Shodash Varga Kundali are analyzed in many places. Lagna Kundali tells us about all the different aspects of our lives. This Kundali comprises of twelve houses and nine planets. One house is equal to 30 degrees. Irrespective of the position of planets and signs in a Varga Kundali, calculation is done on the basis of Janma Kundali to form a Varga Kundali.

Hora Kundali/प्रशन ज्योतिष tells us about a person’s wealth, property and prosperity. Wealth is analyzed through Hora ascendant. Hora ascendant either belongs to Sun or Moon. A person in Sun’s Hora is energetic, intelligent and filled with pride. A person may have to struggle in the beginning if there are auspicious as well as inauspicious planets present with Sun’s Hora.

There may be some problems in the family and a person may not receive financial benefits in case malefic planets are present in Sun’s Hora. There may be a lot of struggle in profession. A person receives financial benefits and happiness in family if auspicious planets are present in Moon’s Hora. But, a person may be stressed if there are malefic planets in Moon’s Hora.

Chart of Horary Astrology:

Horary Astrology/प्रशन ज्योतिष focuses mainly on answering specific questions. The person who asks the question is called querent and the question is called query. When a person visits an Astrologer and expresses his question, the planetary positions for that moment (date and time) and for that place are calculated and horoscope chart is drawn. When a querent sends a question to the Astrologer through a letter, then the chart is to be drawn for that date, time and place when the Astrologer reads that letter.

Significant Planet of Horary Astrology:

  • Sun Father, employer, Government officer, authority, and ruler.
  • Moon Mother, women in general, things connected with liquids or water.
  • Mercury Young people, neighbour, books, business people, secretary.
  • Mars Brother, police man, sex, war, weapons.
  • Venus Wife, partner, young women, love, pleasures, fine arts.
  • Saturn Old people, subordinates, labourers.
  • Jupiter Children, good fortune, Guru, people who protect.
  • Rahu Low caste person, Person with bad habits, thief, paternal grandfather.
  • Ketu Low caste person, Person who does black magic and such mantras, maternal grandfather.