How to Wear Blue Tourmaline Gemstone | तुरमली रत्न
How to Wear Blue Tourmaline Gemstone (तुरमली रत्न): Blue Tourmaline, also known as Indicolite, belongs to a group called albeit, which is a member of the Tourmaline family. Albeit is by far the most colourful group, including Indicolite (blue), Verdelite (green), Rubellite (pink) and Watermelon (pink with green rind).
Indicolites can range from light to dark saturated blue. Although colour grading is a judgment call, I think many tourmalines sold as blue are misrepresented. In my opinion, an indicolite can be any shade or colour as long as blue predominates. For example, most indicolites have some degree of green in them. (See below). I would call a blue/green stone with dominant blue a blue tourmaline. If the green dominates, I’d call it a green tourmaline or verdelite. Generally, blue brings more money, which explains why some in the trade are eager to call blue/green tourmalines indicolites even if the green predominates.
It is a powerful third eye chakra crystal, as well a potent throat chakra stone, that aids improved communication abilities. These communication abilities will aid you to speak with those in spirit, as well as to clearly communicate what you heard on the other side, to loved ones of the departed.
Often when you have lost someone whom you have deeply loved, you need the assurance of those who are able to communicate with those on the other side that all is well with them.
By promoting communication through the veil, that divides us with those who have passed over, this eases the fear of death for many people. All coloured Tourmaline gems display pleochroism, meaning their colour changes when viewed at different angles. In some Tourmaline gems, this effect is hardly noticeable, while in others it is strongly apparent. Gemstone cutters must take this into account when cutting a Tourmaline, so that the finished gem brings out its best colour.
How to wear Blue Tourmaline?
The best day to perform the Puja for Blue Tourmaline is on Saturday between 6-7am. You will need blue silk cloth for the Puja and black sesame. Spread the cloth and then spread black sesame over it. Wash the ring and then apply sandal and vermillion to the ring and place on the black sesame. Offer blue flowers to the ring and light camphor and agarbatti. Recite the Saturn or Shani mantra for 108 times and wear the ring after the Puja is over.
Saturn Mantra:
Om Sham Shanaischaraya Namaha