How to Wear Crystal Gemstone, स्फटिक रत्न

How to Wear Crystal Gemstone | स्फटिक रत्न

How to Wear Crystal Gemstone/स्फटिक रत्न: A Complete Guide to Their Healing Properties helps readers to incorporate the healing power of stones into daily life. Aimed at both beginners and experts, the book showcases nearly 200 crystals and stones (स्फटिक रत्न), describing their impact on human beings’ physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. The book begins with historical background and practical considerations, such as how stones work and how to clean and recharge their energy.

The relationship of stones to chakras is explored, as are practices such as channelling via certain powerful crystals (How to Wear Crystal Gemstone). The heart of the book is an A to Z guide covering everything from amber to zoisite that explains which stones are most effective for particular medical conditions, emotional and energy blockages, and spiritual impasses. Crystals Stones  (How to Wear Crystal Gemstone) have been important tools for health and spiritual transformation for millennia. This book shows modern readers how to best utilize those tools.

It’s crystal clear these shining minerals, reflecting a rainbow of colours, have the power to heal body and mind, and develop our potential. How did they become endowed with so many magic properties, and how can you reap their restorative qualities and spiritual values most effectively? Knowing the answers to these questions may change your life and attitude forever.

How to Wear Crystal Gemstone?

There are many different ways in which Crystals (How to Wear Crystal Gemstone) can be used. This really comes down to personal preference. Some of the more common ways that Crystals are used are as follows:

  • Worn on the body (Pendants, Bracelets and Rings) or Close to the body (Key rings or placed in pocket)
  • Kept under a pillow
  • Used in the Bath
  • In Meditation Practice
  • Placed around the Home or Workplace for space clearing and room cleansing
  • Counteracting Environmental Pollution
  • Making Gem Essences
  • Used in Aura Cleansing
  • The Laying on of Stones on the body for Chakra Clearing.

10 practical, effective, and fun ways to use crystals in your spiritual and magical work.

  • Keep a crystal with you throughout the day.
  • Sleep with a crystal at night.
  • Place a crystal in a certain area or room.
  • Place a crystal on top of a written intention or list of goals.
  • Cleanse your personal energy with a crystal (or crystals).
  • Put gem elixirs (or crystal essences) in your drinking water.
  • Make a crystal grid.
  • Use a crystal point as a wand to direct energy.
  • Bury crystals to empower a property or create a protective boundary.
  • Use a crystal to heal, open, and/or activate a chakra.


Buy energized and sanctified best quality Crystal Gemstone duly certified by the authentic authorities for ready use wear conditions. Nothing to do Puja and at all everything is ready.