Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra, इंद्रकृत श्री राम स्तोत्र

Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra | इंद्रकृत श्रीराम स्तोत्र हिंदी

Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra (इंद्रकृत श्रीराम स्तोत्र हिंदी) is dedicated to Lord Shri Ram Ji. Indra composed Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra. This Stotra Spirituality is taken from the Ramayana. Sri Rama Stotram benefits from worshiping regular Lord Shri Ram ji in worship. This Stotra is a miraculous prayer. It can be used for any kind of Ailments or Disaster. Many people have seen its miracles.

The good thing about this Stotra (prayer) is that whoever adorns this never gets disappointed. Especially for those whose life is in dangers, who are suffering with incurable disease, if any enemy is troubling you, if you have fear of injury, if you have fear of fight, then Stotra will protect all your body parts because it is enchanted with all type of protection. If you have lost your job or about to lose your job then by using this chant you can make conditions in your favour.

If you feel distressed & troubled, if you are expecting the worst or if you are worried about your loved ones then use this Mantra and you will see that all your problems have gone. In this Stotra we worship God Ram and expect his divine blessings for success. The Stotra is the prayer told by Lord Indra; hence, This Stotra is also called Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra. This is an extremely powerful Stotra for wish fulfilling that is given in Ramayana.

This Stotra is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Kavach which protects the chanter from unseen dangers, the person who chants Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra daily at least one time without doubt get all round success in life. He will get freedom from the sins he does in each and every step,he will be respected by everyone and gains health, wealth, name, fame and finally moksha after death with the grace of Shri Rama. Whatever sins one has done can be removed by chanting  Stotra thrice daily. One thing readers must keep in mind is sins are the main roots for whatever we suffer, so getting rid of sins is must for everyone.

Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra Benefits:

The benefits of praying to Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra are:

  • Helps to gain the blessings of Goddess
  •  All your righteous wishes and desires will be fulfilled
  •  Ability to achieve successive success in life
  •  Abundance of wealth and all around prosperity
  •  The devotee will not face shortage of milk and grains in his/her life Problem-free life
  • There will be no sorrows and/or misfortunes in your life when the blessings of goddess have been received.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons having sorrows and danger in life must recite this Stotra.
  • For further knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.

इंद्रकृत श्रीराम स्तोत्र | Indrakrit Shri Ram Stotra Lyrics

भजेऽहं सदा राममिन्दीवराभं भवारण्यदावानलभाभिधानम् ।

भवानीह्रदा भावितानन्दरूपं भवाभावहेतुं भवादिप्रपन्नम् ।।1।।

सुरानीकदुखौघनाशैकहेतुं नराकारदेहं निराकारमीडयम् ।

परेशं परानन्दरूपं वरेण्यं हरिं राममीशं भजे भारनाशम् ।।2।।

प्रपन्नाखिलानन्ददोहं प्रपन्नं प्रपन्नार्तिनि:शेषनाशाभिधानम् ।

तपोयोगयोगीशभावाभिभाव्यं कपीशादिमित्रं भजे राममित्रम् ।।3।।

सदा भोगभाजां सुदूरे विभान्तं सदा योगभाजामदूरे विभान्तम् ।

चिदानन्दकन्दं सदा राघवेशं विदेहात्मजानन्दरूपं प्रपधे ।।4।।

महायोगमायाविशेषानुयुक्तो विभासीश लीलानराकारवृत्ति: ।

त्वदानन्दलीलाकथापूर्णकर्णा: सदानन्दरूपा भवन्तीह लोके ।।5।।

अहं मानपानाभिमत्तप्रमत्तो न वेदाखिलेशाभिमानाभिमान: ।

इदानीं भवत्पादपद्मप्रसादात् त्रिलोकाधिपत्याभिमानो विनष्ट: ।।6।।

स्फुरद्रत्नकेयूरहाराभिरामं धराभारभूतासुरानीकदावम् ।

शरच्चन्द्रवक्त्रं लसप्तद्मनेत्रं दुरावारपारं भजे राघवेशम् ।।7।।

सुराधीशनीलाभ्रनीलांगकान्तिं विराधादिरक्षोवधाल्लोकशान्तिम् ।

किरीटादिशोभं पुरारातिलाभं भजे रामचन्द्रं रघूणामधीशम् ।।8।।

लसच्चन्द्रकोटिप्रकाशादिपीठे समासीनमंके समाधाय सीताम् ।

स्फुरद्धेमवर्णां तडित्पुञ्जभासां भजे रामचन्द्रं निवृत्तार्तितन्द्रम् ।।9।।

।। इति इंद्रकृत श्रीराम स्तोत्र संपूर्णम ।।

इंद्रकृत श्रीराम स्तोत्र विशेषताऐ:

इंद्रकृत श्रीराम स्तोत्र के साथ-साथ यदि राम दरबार यंत्र की पूजा की जाए तो, श्री राम जी का शीघ्र ही आशीर्वाद मिलता है रोज राम रक्षा स्तोत्र और राम चालीसा का पाठ करने से व्यक्ति के जीवन में आने वाली तंत्र बाधा, गृह बाधा दूर होने लगती है। साथ ही  मनुष्य को सभी कार्य में सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए राम मुद्रिका धारण करनी चाहिए। हनुमान बाहुक को घर के मुख्य दरवाज़े पर बाधने से घर की सभी नकरात्मक शक्तियों से सुरक्षा होती है।