Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra, कार्तिविर्यर्जुन द्वादश नाम स्तोत्र

Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra | कार्तिविर्यर्जुन द्वादश नाम स्तोत्र

Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra (कार्तिविर्यर्जुन द्वादश नाम स्तोत्र): Arjuna, the son of Kritavirya became the ruler of the entire world with its seven continents. From his guru Sri Dattatreya he attained a part manifestation of Sri Hari. He became an expert yogi and was blessed with the Siddhi (mystic powers). No other king could be compared with Arjuna in valour, munificence, asceticism, wisdom and other virtues.

He ruled for 85,000 years and enjoyed all the pleasures. His strength (of body, mind and senses) remained unimpaired. His very remembrance proves to be a security against loss of wealth. He had a thousand sons. All of them, except five, were killed by Parasurama. One of Arjuna’s descendants was Yadu. Yadu’s descendants were known as Yadavas.

It is believed to help us recover stolen or snatched items. Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra is to be read and then the mantra should be used to meditate or do fire sacrifice, addressed to the God. Simply reciting ‘Kartha veeryarjuna’ has been done by folks during emergency to recover.

Arjuna Kartavirya is not to be confused with Arjuna Pandava, another major character in the Mahabharata. Kartavirya Arjuna was the longest ruling Chakravati Samrat of Vedic era.

After reading Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra source, the person lost or run is also found. The Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra is also found in the house 108 times by reading the lost thing.

Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra Benefits:

  • The verses say that one who remembers the twelve names of the great Arjuna, son of Kritavirya, will be blessed with prosperity.
  • He will draw (attract) people to him. He will not lose his wealth or property by theft etc., and will also get back the money that he had lost.
  • By reciting the source of Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra, the Destroyed or Lost Lakshmi of the Jatak comes back.
  • Along with this, the recitation of Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra can be done to calm Rahu and Ketu planets, so it is beneficial to read Rahu and Ketu in the Mahadasha.
  • After reading the Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra source, the person lost or run is also found. The Kartavirajarjun source is also found in the house 108 times by reading the lost thing.
  • After reading 1100 times of Shri Kartvirajarjun Sources, the victory of the Jatak, house, house, farm and property matters is achieved in the case of judicial matters, if the land of any person is occupied or no loan given back on the land, chanting 2100 times Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra by recruiting any qualified teacher, all the work will be successful.

Who has to recite this stotra:

  • The persons lost land to a person given on rent, loan given to any person not coming back, the source of income is hacked must recite Kaartiviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra as per the Vedic rules.
  • For a perfect chanting and recitation one should contact Astro Mantra.

कार्तवीर्यार्जुन द्वादश नामस्तॊत्र | Kaartviryarjun Dwaadash Naamstotra

कार्तवीर्यार्जुन द्वादश नामस्तॊत्र

कार्तवीर्यार्जुनॊनाम राजाबाहुसहस्रवान्।

तस्यस्मरण मात्रॆण गतम् नष्टम् च लभ्यतॆ॥

कार्तवीर्यह:खलद्वॆशीकृत वीर्यॊसुतॊबली।

सहस्र बाहु:शत्रुघ्नॊ रक्तवास धनुर्धर:॥

रक्तगन्थॊ रक्तमाल्यॊ राजास्मर्तुरभीश्टद:।

द्वादशैतानि नामानि कातवीर्यस्य य: पठॆत्॥

सम्पदस्तत्र जायन्तॆ जनस्तत्रवशन्गतह:।

आनयत्याशु दूर्स्थम् क्षॆम लाभयुतम् प्रियम्॥

सहस्रबाहुम् महितम् सशरम् सचापम्।

रक्ताम्बरम् विविध रक्तकिरीट भूषम् चॊरादि दुष्ट भयनाशन मिश्टदन्तम् ध्यायॆनामहाबलविजृम्भित कार्तवीर्यम्॥

यस्य स्मरण मात्रॆण सर्वदु:खक्षयॊ भवॆत्।

यन्नामानि महावीरस्चार्जुनह:कृतवीर्यवान्॥

हैहयाधिपतॆ: स्तॊत्रम् सहस्रावृत्तिकारितम्।

वाचितार्थप्रदम् नृणम् स्वराज्यम् सुक्रुतम् यदि॥