Kaivalya Ashtakam, कैवल्या अष्टकम

Kaivalya Ashtakam | कैवल्या अष्टकम

Kaivalya Ashtakam (कैवल्या अष्टकम): The Kaivalya Ashtakam is an ancient Sanskrit text and one of the Ashtakam of Hinduism. It is classified as a Shaiva Ashtakam, and survives into the modern times in two versions, one attached to the Krishna Yajurveda and other attached to the Atharvaveda. It is, as an Ashtakam, a part of the corpus of Vedanta literature collection that presents the philosophical concepts of Hinduism.

The Ashtakam extols Shiva, aloneness and renunciation, describes the inner state of man in his personal spiritual journey detached from the world. The text is notable for presenting Shaivism in Vedanta, discussing Atman (Soul, Self) and its relation to Brahman, and Self-knowledge as the path to kaivalya (liberation).

The text is also notable for presenting Shaivism with Vedanta terminology, discussing the relationship of Atman (Soul, Self) and Brahman (ultimate Reality), and Self-knowledge as the means to Kaivalya (liberation). The text describes the self-realized man as one who “feels himself only as the one divine essence that lives in all”, who feels identity of his and everyone’s consciousness with Shiva (the highest soul), who has found this highest soul within, in the depths of his heart

Kaivalya Ashtakam Benefits:

  • By chanting this Kaivalya Ashtakam, the entire old like a twig, Shines and rules over every other thing, and gives eternal joy.
  • By chanting it removes sorrow, great sorrow and Greater sorrow than sorrow and gives pleasure in life.
  • It is said that if Kaivalya Ashtakam is properly chanted, the god make his abode there and blesses the seeker for becoming successful in life.

Who has to chant this Ashtakam:

  • The person is under the depression and has various types of problems like physical and Mental should chant this.
  • The seeker should contact Astro Mantra for the guide line for getting a providential result.

कैवल्या अष्टकम | Kaivalya Ashtakam 

मधुरं मधुरेभ्योऽपि मंगलेभ्योऽपि मंगलम् ।

पावनं पावनेभ्योऽपि हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।1।।

आब्रह्मस्तम्बपर्यन्तं सर्वं मायामयं जगत् ।

सत्यं सत्यं पुन: सत्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।2।।

स गुरु: स पिता चापि सा माता बांधवोऽपि स: ।

शिक्षयेच्चेत्सदा स्मर्तुं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।3।।

नि: श्वासे न हि विश्वास: कदा रुद्धो भविष्यति ।

कीर्तनीयमतो बाल्याद्धरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।4।।

हरि: सदा वसेत्तत्र यत्र भागवता जना: ।

गायन्ति भक्तिभावेन हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।5।।

अहो दुखं महादुखं दुखाद् दुःखतरं यत: ।

काचार्थं विस्मृतं रत्नं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।6।।

दीयतां दीयतां कर्णो नीयतां नीयतां वच: ।

गीयतां गीयतां नित्यं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।7।।

तृणीकृत्य जगत्सर्वं राजते सकलोपरि ।

चिदानन्दमयं शुद्धं हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।।8।।