Kashi Panchakam Stotra, कांशीपंचकम स्तोत्र

Kashi Panchakam Stotra | कांशीपंचकम स्तोत्र

Kashi Panchakam Stotra (कांशीपंचकम स्तोत्र) : There are three aspects to any dharma: karma or rituals, Upasana or mental worship, also called bhakti or devotion, and jnana or philosophy. All these three aspects are beautifully integrated in Hindu Dharma. In the Western culture, however, we find that philosophy is distanced from religion, which is limited to rituals and devotion. Even great philosophers like Aristotle did not contribute to religion and, in fact, some of them like Bertrand Russell and Natchez have spoken against organized religion.

One’s life is a life of action and therefore, karma has to be integrated properly into Self knowledge. Karma has the quality of perpetuating itself and rituals have grown very unwieldy over time. Philosophy cannot accommodate all of these karmas. Kashi Panchakam Stotra is through renunciation that a few have attained immortality, not through rituals, progeny, or wealth.

If ritualism is divorced from the doctrine of philosophy, it becomes mechanical, repetitive, and dulls the mind. Karmas practised with the right attitude of duty and devotional offering are nicely integrated into philosophy as karma yoga, a means of purifying the mind.

The body identification is three-fold: aham, I am the body, mama, my body, and mahyam, body is for me. We practise karma yoga, selfless service, to neutralize mahyam. The body is put to rightful action without seeking results; the results are surrendered to Esvara or the society at large.

Since the wind does not blow for its own sake, but for the sake of the entire manifestation, so also the faculties of the body and mind function not for our benefit alone, but for the welfare of the entire humanity. The mama identity is neutralized by bhakti yoga, motiveless devotion.

In the context of devotion, Namah, prostration, is very important. It means me, not mine. Everything of this creation, including the body, belongs to god. Then, the ignorance that I am the doer is negated by discernment of self as distinct (not different) from the body, which is the non-self. This is sankhya yoga.

Kashi Panchakam Stotra Benefits:

One can get many benefits from  reciting this Kashi Panchakam Stotra like experiencing a quiet mind at the place of tapas of Mahatmas, reduction in papa karma, purification of mind, cultivating values due to sat sangha and getting rid of fear.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The person wants a mental peace in life must recite this Kashi Panchakam Stotra regularly.
  • For further knowledge and Kashi Panchakam Stotra details please consult Astro Mantra.

कांशीपंचकम स्तोत्र | Kashi Panchakam Stotra

मनोनिवृत्तिः परमोपशान्तिः

सा तीर्थवर्या मणिकर्णिका च ।

ज्ञानप्रवाहा विमलादिगङ्गा

सा काशिकाहं निजबोधरूपा  ।। 1 ।।

यस्यामिदं कल्पितमिन्द्रजालं

चराचरं भाति मनोविलासम् ।

सच्चित्सुखैका परमात्मरूपा

सा काशिकाहं निजबोधरूपा  ।। 2 ।।

कोशेषु पञ्चस्वधिराजमाना

बुद्धिर्भवानी प्रतिदेहगेहम् ।

साक्षी शिवः सर्वगतोऽन्तरात्मा

सा काशिकाहं निजबोधरूपा ।। 3 ।।

काश्यां हि काश्यते काशी काशी सर्वप्रकाशिका ।

सा काशी विदिता येन तेन प्राप्ता हि काशिका ।। 4 ।।

काशीक्षेत्रं शरीरं त्रिभुवन-जननी व्यापिनी ज्ञानगङ्गा

भक्तिः श्रद्धा गयेयं निजगुरु-चरणध्यानयोगः प्रयागः ।

विश्वेशोऽयं तुरीयः सकलजन-मनःसाक्षिभूतोऽन्तरात्मा

देहे सर्वं मदीये यदि वसति पुनस्तीर्थमन्यत्किमस्ति ।। 5 ।।