Kshama Stotra, क्षमा स्तोत्र

Kshama Stotra | क्षमा स्तोत्र

Kshama Stotra (क्षमा स्तोत्र): Kshama Stotra is a prayer of expiation seeking forgiveness of the deity for any faults and oversights, omissions and commissions that might have happened either intentionally or unintentionally during the performance of the devotional worship of service. In most Hindu rituals it is essentially an integral part of the worship, and its practice dates back to the Rig-Veda times, during which the Brahman priest (or the head priest) used to utter the Stotra.

Kshama Stotra can help you overcome with all the problems which a common man faces in his life. The devotees recite this prayer requesting to grant them pardon against any sin, spiritual beauty, fame and victory from inner enemies. Kshama Stotra also helps in case of late marriage.

Kshama Stotra is interpreted as the asking for mercy to the God but with deep study and learning, you can also find many hidden and secret keys of happy living in each verse.

Kshama Stotra is usually recited after a recital or after the completion of Puja. It’s like asking for forgiveness from Goddess for various mistakes that one might have done during the recital/Puja including (but not limited to) mispronunciations of mantra, omissions of bindu visargas etc, not showing proper mudras etc. During God’s Puja as well a shorter adapted version of the same Stotra is recited.

The theme of Kshama Stotra is of total surrender to God and asking Him for forgiveness. Just like parents never abandons their son, no matter how many mistakes he might have committed, similarly Kshama Stotra asks Goddess to protect & forgive us like their son.

Kshama Stotra Benefits:

  • The benefits of reciting (honestly) Kshama Stotra is obviously getting forgiven by God of the offences and sins one has committed.
  • All the sins which occurred in life knowingly or unknowingly will be eradicated completely and the life will be with pleasure and weal.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The persons who are totally under the curse of the god due to misdeeds in life knowingly or unknowingly must recite Kshama Stotra religiously so that all his grievances are removed and a virtuous life is started.
  • For a detailed description please contact Astro Mantra.

क्षमा स्तोत्र | Kshama Stotra

यह क्षमापन स्तोत्र है, जो देवी के भक्त है उनके लिए देवी को प्रसन्न करने का इससे बड़ा न कोई स्तोत्र है, न काव्य, इस स्तोत्र के माध्यम से देवी प्रसन्न होकर साधक के पाप, दोष, त्रुटि क्षमा करके सभी मनोरथ पूर्ण करती है।

न मन्त्रं नो यन्त्रं तदापि च न जाने स्तुतिमहो

न चाह्वानं ध्यानं तदापि च न जाने स्तुतिकथाः ।

न जाने मुद्रास्ते तदापि च न जाने विलपनं

परं जाने मातस्त्वदनुसरणं क्लेशहरणम् ॥ 1॥

विधेरज्ञानेन द्रविणविरहेणालसतया

विधेयाशक्यत्वात्तव चरणयोर्या च्युतिरभूत् ।

तदेतत्क्षन्तव्यं जननि सकलोद्धारिणि शिवे

कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति ॥2॥

पृथिव्यां पुत्रास्ते जननि बहवः सन्ति सरलाः

परं तेषां मध्ये विरलतरलोऽहं तव सुतः ।

मदीयोऽयं त्यागः समुचितमिदं नो तव शिवे

कुपुत्रो जायते क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति ॥3॥

जगन्मातर्मातस्तव चरणसेवा न रचिता

न वा दत्तं देवि द्रविणमपि भूयस्तव मया ।

तथापि त्वं स्नेहं मयि निरुपमं यत्प्रकुरुषे

कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति ॥ 4॥

परित्यक्ता देवा विविधविधसेवाकुलतया

मया पञ्चाशीतेरधिकमपनीते तु वयसि ।

इदानीं चेन्मातस्तव यदि कृपा नापि भविता

निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम् ॥ 5॥

श्र्वपाको जल्पाको भवति मधुपाकोपमगिरा

निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः ।

तवापर्णे कर्णे विशति मनुवर्णे फलमिदं

जनःको जानीते जनानि जपनीयं जपविधौ ॥ 6॥

चिताभस्मालेपो गरलमशनं दिक्पटधरो

जटाधारी कण्ठे भुजगपतिहारी पशुपतिः ।

कपाली भूतेशो भजति जगदीशैकपदवीं

भवानि त्वत्पाणिग्रहणपरिपाटीफलमिदम् ॥ 7॥

न मोक्षस्याकाङ्क्षा भवविभववाञ्छापि च न मे

न विज्ञानापेक्षा शशिमुखि सुखेच्छापि न पुनः ।

अतस्त्वां संयाचे जननि जननं यातु मम वै

मृडानी रुद्राणी शिव शिव भवानीति जपतः ॥ 8॥

नाराधितासि विधिना विविधोपचारैः

किं रुक्षचिन्तनपरैर्न कृतं वचोभिः ।

श्यामे त्वव यदि किञ्चन मय्यनाथे

धत्से कृपामुचितमम्ब परं तवैव ॥ 9॥

आपत्सु मग्नः स्मरणं त्वदीयं करोमि दुर्गे करुणार्णवेशि ।

नैतच्छठत्वं मम भावयेथाः क्षुधातृषार्ता जननीं स्मरन्ति ॥ 10॥

जगदम्ब विचित्रमत्र किं परिपूर्णा करुणास्ति चेन्मयि ।

अपराधपरम्परावृत्तं न हि माता समुपेक्षते सुतम् ॥ 11॥

मत्समः पातकी नास्ति पापघ्नी त्वत्समा न हि ।

एवं ज्ञात्वा महादेवि यथा योग्यं तथा कुरु ॥ 12॥