Kurma Stotram | कुर्म स्तोत्रम्
Kurma Stotram (कुर्म स्तोत्रम्): Kurma is the second Avatar of Vishnu. Like other avatars of Vishnu, Kurma appears at a time of crisis to restore the cosmic equilibrium. His iconography is either a tortoise, or more commonly as half man–half tortoise. These are found in many Vaishnava temple ceilings or wall reliefs.
The earliest account of Kurma is found in the Shatapatha Brahmana (Yajur Veda), where he is a form of Prajapati-Brahma and helps with the samudra manthan (churning of cosmic ocean). In the Epics and the Puranas, the legend expands and evolves into many versions, with Kurma becoming an avatar of Vishnu. He appears in the form of a tortoise or turtle to support the foundation for the cosmos and the cosmic churning stick (Mount Mandara).
The Kurma legend is described in Vaishnava Puranas. In one version, sage Durvasa curses the Devas (gods) to lose their powers because they slighted him. The gods needed nectar of immortality (amrit) to overcome this curse, and they make a pact with the Asuras (demons) to churn the cosmic ocean of milk, so as to extract the nectar, and once it skims out they would share it.
To churn the ocean of milk, they used Mount Mandara as the churning staff, and the serpent Vasuki as the churning rope while the turtle Kurma, Vishnu bore the mountain on his back so that they could churn the waters so that the churning staff would not sink the cosmic waters.
There are various other traits that are demanded by the righteous way of life. One must forgive and display pity; one must not be jealous and must be ready to sacrifice one’s own selfish interests. One must be truthful, practice non-violence and learn to control the senses. One must also visit places of pilgrimage. Kurma Stotram is also important to realize that one does not perform actions for the sake of the results of the actions.
The fruits of all actions vest with the Brahman (the divine essence). In fact, it is a gross misconception to think that la specific action is being performed by an individual. All actions are performed by the Brahman; the ordinary human being is merely an instrument. As long as this realization is missing, an individual is ignorant and is doomed to the shackles of worldly bonds.
Kurma Stotram Benefits:
Kurma Stotram are great cosmic conductors of energy, an antenna of Nature, a powerful tool for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, yoga and meditation. Kurma Stotram consist of a series of Kurma Stotram psalms. The eyes and mind concentrate at the recitation to achieve higher levels of consciousness. People who lack positive energy at work place and home gets benefitted
Who has to recite this Stotram:
- People who struggle to achieve success in their endeavours
- People who are afflicted by Saturn
- People who yearn for a hitch free life
- People who need greater stability
- People who want a more positive foundation to their lives
- People who experience the tortoise or turtle as an omen to grow in patience
- People who seek steadiness, longevity, wisdom, faithfulness
- People who embark on a long-term project that will require persistence.
- For more knowledge and Kurma Stotram details please contact Astro Mantra.
कुर्म स्तोत्रम् | Kurma Stotram
श्रीगणेशाय नमः
॥ देवा ऊचुः ॥
नमाम ते देव पदारविंदं प्रपन्नतापोपशमातपत्रम् ॥
यन्मूलकेता यततोऽञ्जसोरु संसारदुःखबहिरुत्क्षिपंति ॥
धातर्यदस्मिन्भव ईश जीवास्तापत्रयेणोपहता न शर्म ।
आत्मँल्लभंते भगवंस्तवांघ्रिच्छायां सविद्यामत आश्रयेम ॥
मार्गंति यत्ते मुखपद्मनीडैश्छंदः सुपर्णैऋर्षयो विविक्ते ।
यस्याघमर्षोदसरिद्वरायाः पदं पदं तीर्थपदं प्रपन्ना ॥
यच्छ्रद्धया श्रुतवत्या च भक्त्या संमृज्यमाने ह्रदयेऽवधार्य ।
ज्ञानेन वैराग्यबलेन धीरा व्रजेम तत्तेऽङघ्रिसरोजपीठम् ॥
विश्वस्य जन्मस्थितिसंयमार्थे कृतावतारस्य पदांबुजं ते ।
व्रजेम सर्वे शरणं यदीश स्मृतं प्रयच्छत्यभयं स्वपुंसाम् ॥
यत्सानुबंधेऽसति देहगेहे ममाहमित्यूढदुराग्रहाणाम् ।
पुंसां सुदूरं वसतोऽपि पुर्यां भजेम तत्ते भगवत्पदाब्जम् ॥
पानेन ते देव कथासुधायाः प्रवृद्धभक्त्या विशदाशया ये ।
वैराग्यसारं प्रतिलभ्य बोधं यथांजसान्वीयुरकुण्ठधिष्ण्यम् ॥
तथापरे चात्मसमाधियोगबलेन जित्वा प्रकृतिं बलिष्ठाम् ।
त्वामेव धीराः पुरुषं विशंति तेषां श्रमः स्यान्न तु सेवय ते ॥
तत्ते वयं लोकसिसृक्षयाऽद्य त्वयानुसष्टास्त्रिभिरात्मभिः स्म ।
सर्वे वियुक्ताः स्वविहारतंत्रं न शक्नुमस्तत्प्रतिहर्तवे ते ॥
यावद्बलिं तेऽज हराम काले यथा वयं चान्नमदाम यत्र ।
यथोभयेषां त इमे हि लोका बलिं हरन्तोऽन्नमदंत्यनहाः ॥
त्वं नः सुराणामसि सान्वयानां कूटस्थ आद्यः पुरुषः पुराणः ।
त्वं देवशक्त्यां गुणकर्मयोनौ रेतस्त्वजायां कविमादधेऽजः ॥
ततो वयं सत्प्रमुखा यदर्थे बभूविमात्मन् करवाम किं ते ।
त्वं नः स्वचक्षुः परिदेहि शक्त्या देवक्रियार्थे यदनुग्रहाणाम् ॥
इति श्रीमद्भागवतांतर्गतं कूर्मस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ।