Lakshmi Stotra | लक्ष्मी स्तोत्र
Lakshmi Stotra (लक्ष्मी स्तोत्र): Lakshmi Stotra should be recited every day on the worship of Lakshmi, who has given all the rich riches of the wealth. With the grace of Lakshmi, we get glory, good fortune, health, Aishwarya, Shil, Vidya, Vinay, sincerity and Kanti. Surprisingly, unlimited possessions are obtained by reciting Lakshmi Stotra. In which very beautiful worship of Shri Mahalakshmi has been done.
In Hindu mythology, goddess Lakshmi is eight types of which burns poverty and makes a person wealthy. Regular recitations of Stotra of Goddess Lakshmi with devotion destroy all obstacles. Hindu scripture describes eight forms of Devi Lakshmi.
Lakshmi Stotra was first recited by God Indra in praise of Goddess Shri Lakshmi originally appeared in Padma Purana propitiate Goddess Lakshmi. Her four hands represent the four goals of human life considered important to the Hindu way of life – Dharma (Righteousness and Duty) Kama (Worldly Desires), Artha (Wealth and Prosperity) and Moksha (Salvation). Her palms are always open and sometimes coins are seen pouring from them signifying that she is the giver of wealth and prosperity. She is shown sitting or standing on a lotus in a beautiful garden or in blue-ocean. Around her are either two or four white elephants giving Her ‘Abhishek’ with the water. Her ‘Vahana’ i.e. mounts are white elephant and owl.
Lakshmi Stotra is a prayer to Goddess Maha Lakshmi who is also called “Shree” and represents wealth as well as auspiciousness. Reciting or listening Sri Mahalakshmi Ashtakam every day will benefit the person will be bestowed with success and worldly benefits. It is said at the end of this Ashtakam itself that if always read once day, great sins will be destroyed. If always read twice a day, wealth and prosperity will be ensured. If always read three times a day, the great enemy (ego) will be destroyed. Goddess Mahalakshmi will be ever pleased with that auspicious one.
Lakshmi Stotra Benefits:
- Lakshmi Stotra is chanted for the Financial Prosperity, intelligence and understanding. Shri Lakshmi, the consort and dynamic energy of Lord Vishnu is worshipped by the Hindus as the Goddess of wealth, fortune, luxury and prosperity (both material and spiritual). She is depicted in red clothes and adorned with gold jewellery.
- Regular chanting of Lakshmi Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.
Who has to recite this Stotra:
- The persons who are suffering from poverty, failure and misfortune must recite Lakshmi Stotra for immediate relief.
- For further information please contact Astro Mantra.
लक्ष्मी स्तोत्र | Lakshmi Stotra
ॐ-कारं लक्ष्मी-रुपं तु, विष्णुं हृदयमव्ययं। विष्णुमानन्दमव्यक्तं, ह्रीं-कारंबीज-रुपिणिम्।।
क्लीं अमृतानन्दिनीं भद्रां, सत्यानन्द-दायिनीं। श्री दैत्य-शमनीं शक्तीं, मालिनींशत्रु-मर्दिनीम्।।
तेज-प्रकाशिनीं देवी, वरदां, शुभ-कारिणीम्, ब्राह्मी च वैष्णवीं रौद्रीं, कालिका-रुप-शोभिनीम्।।
अ-कारे लक्ष्मी-रुपं तू, उ-कारे विष्णुमव्ययम्, म-कारः पुरुषोऽव्यक्तो, देवी-प्रणवउच्यते।
सूर्य-कोटी-प्रतीकाशं, चन्द्र-कोटि-सम-प्रभम्, तन्मध्ये निकरं सूक्षमं, ब्रह्म-रुपंव्यवस्थितम्।
ॐ-कारं परमानन्दं सदैव सुख-सुन्दरीं, सिद्ध-लक्ष्मि! मोक्ष-लक्ष्मि! आद्य-लक्ष्मिनमोऽस्तु ते।
सर्व-मंगल-मांगल्ये शिवे! सर्वार्थ-साधिके! शरण्ये त्रयम्बके गौरि, नारायणि!नमोऽस्तु ते।
प्रथमं त्र्यम्बका गौरी, द्वितीयं वैष्णवी तथा। तृतीयं कमला प्रोक्ता, चतुर्थंसुन्दरी तथा।
पञ्चमं विष्णु-शक्तिश्च, षष्ठं कात्यायनी तथा। वाराही सप्तमं चैव, ह्यष्टमंहरि-वल्लभा।
नवमी खडिगनी प्रोक्ता, दशमं चैव देविका। एकादशं सिद्ध-लक्ष्मीर्द्वादशं हंस-वाहिनी।
एतत् स्तोत्र-वरं देव्या, ये पठन्ति सदा नराः। सर्वोपद्भ्यो विमुच्यन्ते, नात्रकार्या विचारणा,।
एक-मासं द्वि-मासं च, त्रि-मासं माश्चतुष्टयं। पञ्चमासं च षष्मासं, त्रिकालं यः सदापठेत्।
ब्राह्मणः क्लेशितो दुःखी, दारिद्रयामय-पीड़ितः। जन्मान्तर-सहस्रोत्थैर्मुच्यतेसर्व-किल्वषैः।
दरिद्रो लभते लक्ष्मीमपुत्रः पुत्र-वान् भवेत्। धन्यो यशस्वी शत्रुघ्नो, वह्नि-चौर-भयेषु च।
शाकिनी-भूत-वेताल-सर्प-व्याघ्र-निपातते। राज-द्वारे सभा-स्थाने, कारा-गृह-निबन्धने।
ईश्वरेण कृतं स्तोत्रं, प्राणिनां हित-कारकम्। स्तुवन्तु ब्राह्मणा नित्यं, दारिद्रयं न च बाधते।
सर्व-पाप-हरा लक्ष्मीः सर्व-सिद्धि-प्रदायिनी।