Laxmi Stuti, लक्ष्मी स्तुति

Laxmi Stuti | लक्ष्मी स्तुति

Laxmi Stuti (लक्ष्मी स्तुति): If there is a shortage of money in the house or rupees are being spent unnecessarily, then chanting of Laxmi Stuti in order to overcome these difficulties keeps the house in full steadfastness. Laxmi Stuti, Praise of Mata Lakshmi, which was spoken by Lord Indra, is the source of all affluence. In this world, poverty never dwells among those who recite Laxmi Stuti daily. The word ‘Lakshmi’ is derived from the root word ‘lakshya’ which means goal or objective. To take a ‘lakshya’ means to take an aim. The Laxmi Stuti is recited to know your goal and as a means to fructify that goal. Laxmi Stuti is synonymously also called Money Stuti.

It is a legend that Mahatma Pushkar informed Parashurama that Lord Indra being desirous of retaining Devi Lakshmi in Indraloka for ever in the Form of Rajya Lakshmi. Hence he recited this Laxmi Stuti. Lakshmi is described as bestowing coins of prosperity and flanked by elephants signifying her royal power. However, in some texts, she has an owl as her vahana. Her expression is always calm and loving. The lotus also symbolizes the fertile growth of organic life, as the world is continually reborn on a lotus growing out of Vishnu’s navel.

Laxmi Stuti is a prayer not only to gain financial prosperity but also to give us the intelligence to enlighten our minds with understanding. There are many types of Laxmi Stuti each of which creates its own vibrations. Lakshmi is the personification of all that brings good fortune, prosperity, and beauty. Chanting of Laxmi Stuti bestows one with wealth, riches, beauty, youth and health. Regular Japa of Lakshmi Mantra brings in abundance in health, finances and relationships. Those in job can chant it regularly to get promotions; those in business can use it to increase profits and those in trade can benefit by attracting new customers. Regular chanting of Laxmi Stuti brings peace of mind and wards away the negative influences in your lives. The intense vibratory energy produced by repetitive chanting of the powerful Laxmi Stuti produces an energy field which attracts abundance and fortune.

Laxmi Stuti Benefits:

  • Mata Lakshmi is the deity of the Laxmi Stuti. She is the dynamic energy of Lord Vishnu. She bestows one with wealth, prosperity, luxury and abundance. She is believed to relieve all sorrows caused by dearth of money. She carries a lotus in her hand signifying beauty and consciousness. Her palms are always open sometimes coins are seen pouring from them signifying she is the giver of wealth and prosperity.

Who has to recite this Stuti:

  • The person suffering from poverty, unsuccessful in life must recite Laxmi Stuti as per the Vedic rule.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

लक्ष्मी स्तुति | Laxmi Stuti

आदि लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु परब्रह्म स्वरूपिणि।

यशो देहि धनं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।1।।

सन्तान लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु पुत्र-पौत्र प्रदायिनि।

पुत्रां देहि धनं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।2।।

विद्या लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु ब्रह्म विद्या स्वरूपिणि।

विद्यां देहि कलां देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।3।।

धन लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्व दारिद्र्य नाशिनि।

धनं देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।4।।

धान्य लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्वाभरण भूषिते।

धान्यं देहि धनं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।5।।

मेधा लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु कलि कल्मष नाशिनि।

प्रज्ञां देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।6।।

गज लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्वदेव स्वरूपिणि।

अश्वांश गोकुलं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।7।।

धीर लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु पराशक्ति स्वरूपिणि।

वीर्यं देहि बलं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।8।।

जय लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्व कार्य जयप्रदे।

जयं देहि शुभं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।9।।

भाग्य लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सौमाङ्गल्य विवर्धिनि।

भाग्यं देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।10।।

कीर्ति लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु विष्णुवक्ष स्थल स्थिते।

कीर्तिं देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।11।।

आरोग्य लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्व रोग निवारणि।

आयुर्देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।12।।

सिद्ध लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्व सिद्धि प्रदायिनि।

सिद्धिं देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।13।।

सौन्दर्य लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्वालङ्कार शोभिते।

रूपं देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।14।।

साम्राज्य लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु भुक्ति मुक्ति प्रदायिनि।

मोक्षं देहि श्रियं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।15।।

मङ्गले मङ्गलाधारे माङ्गल्ये मङ्गल प्रदे।

मङ्गलार्थं मङ्गलेशि माङ्गल्यं देहि मे सदा।।16।।

सर्व मङ्गल माङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके।

शरण्ये त्रयम्बके देवि नारायणि नमोऽस्तुते।।17।।