Mahakaal Stotra | महाकाल स्तोत्र
Mahakaal Stotra (महाकाल स्तोत्र): Mahakaal Stotra was described by Lord Mahakal himself to Goddess Bhairavee. The glory of Mahakaal Stotra is less as described. Mahakaal Stotra describes various names of Lord Mahakal. It is a boon for Shiva devotees. With chanting of Mahakaal Stotra seeker can feel power elements and Happiness in his mind.
“Kaal” does not mean death; Kaal can grant Perfection to life within a single moment, it can grant success within a single moment. The only requirement is a sparkling, a spark, a capability to achieve. No Sadhana in this world is superior than Mahakaal Sadhana. It is the best Sadhana practice, the greatest Sadhana.
This body will definitely expire, and death will eat it one day. This is the final consequence of your life. You will have to perform Mahakaal Sadhana practice to avoid this fate.
This Mahakaal Stotra was told by Lord Mahakal himself to Bhairavi. Its glory is less as described. It has been praised by describing various names of Lord Mahakal. It is a boon for Shiva devotees. Continuously once, chanting awakens the power element and heroic elements within the seeker. Happiness comes to mind. If it is chanted once in the Sadhana of Lord Shiva, then the probability of success increases.
Lord Shiva, whom his devotees call by various names, somebody calls them Mahadev, so someone calls them Bholanath, for some they are themselves the universe, then some say their destructive. There are different forms and forms of Lord Shiva and they all are revered for their devotees. Shiva is also called the father of the system of Sadhana; therefore, any systematic meditation is incomplete without them.
Mahakaal Stotra Benefits:
- The worship of Lord Shiva can also cut bigger problems of human life. One form of Lord Shiva is also of Mahakala, they also keep the time of death. Regarding Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, it is also believed that he can also avoid adjacent death.
- Mahakaal Stotra is termed as the best Stotra because it provides definite solution to counter deficiencies within life – of wealth, prestige, honour, position, promotion, business, family, marital, children, enemies, marriage delays, court, house, property etc. Mahakaal Stotra grants a definite solution instead of a probable resolution.
Who has to recite this Stotra:
- The person who in spite of their best efforts not gets the desired result should chant Mahakaal Stotra regularly. Moreover the persons with terminal diseases also should recite it for recovery.
- For the further knowledge one should contact Astro Mantra.
महाकाल स्तोत्र | Mahakaal Stotra
इस स्तोत्र को भगवान् महाकाल ने खुद भैरवी को बताया था, इसकी महिमा का जितना वर्णन किया जाये कम है, इसमें भगवान् महाकाल के विभिन्न नामों का वर्णन करते हुए उनकी स्तुति की गयी है, शिव भक्तों के लिए यह स्तोत्र वरदान स्वरुप है, नित्य एक बार जप भी साधक के अन्दर शक्ति तत्व और वीर तत्व जाग्रत कर देता है, मन में प्रफुल्लता आ जाती है,भगवान् शिव की साधना में यदि इसका एक बार जप कर लिया जाये तो सफलता की सम्भावना बढ जाती है।
ॐ महाकाल महाकाय महाकाल जगत्पते
महाकाल महायोगिन महाकाल नमोस्तुते
महाकाल महादेव महाकाल महा प्रभो
महाकाल महारुद्र महाकाल नमोस्तुते
महाकाल महाज्ञान महाकाल तमोपहन
महाकाल महाकाल महाकाल नमोस्तुते
भवाय च नमस्तुभ्यं शर्वाय च नमो नमः
रुद्राय च नमस्तुभ्यं पशुना पतये नमः
उग्राय च नमस्तुभ्यं महादेवाय वै नमः
भीमाय च नमस्तुभ्यं मिशानाया नमो नमः
ईश्वराय नमस्तुभ्यं तत्पुरुषाय वै नमः
सघोजात नमस्तुभ्यं शुक्ल वर्ण नमो नमः
अधः काल अग्नि रुद्राय रूद्र रूप आय वै नमः
स्थितुपति लयानाम च हेतु रूपआय वै नमः
परमेश्वर रूप स्तवं नील कंठ नमोस्तुते
पवनाय नमतुभ्यम हुताशन नमोस्तुते
सोम रूप नमस्तुभ्यं सूर्य रूप नमोस्तुते
यजमान नमस्तुभ्यं अकाशाया नमो नमः
सर्व रूप नमस्तुभ्यं विश्व रूप नमोस्तुते
ब्रहम रूप नमस्तुभ्यं विष्णु रूप नमोस्तुते
रूद्र रूप नमस्तुभ्यं महाकाल नमोस्तुते
स्थावराय नमस्तुभ्यं जंघमाय नमो नमः
नमः उभय रूपा भ्याम शाश्वताय नमो नमः
हुं हुंकार नमस्तुभ्यं निष्कलाय नमो नमः
सचिदानंद रूपआय महाकालाय ते नमः
प्रसीद में नमो नित्यं मेघ वर्ण नमोस्तुते
प्रसीद में महेशान दिग्वासाया नमो नमः
ॐ ह्रीं माया – स्वरूपाय सच्चिदानंद तेजसे
स्वः सम्पूर्ण मन्त्राय सोऽहं हंसाय ते नमः
फल श्रुति:
इत्येवं देव देवस्य मह्कालासय भैरवी
कीर्तितम पूजनं सम्यक सधाकानाम सुखावहम