Mahavidya Stuti, महाविद्या स्तुति

Mahavidya Stuti | महाविद्या स्तुति

Mahavidya Stuti (महाविद्या स्तुति): By reciting regularity of Mahavidya Stuti, all the negative forces are removed from the universe. It will overcome all the problems coming in the way of practicing Mahavidya. One can get wealth, benefits, kirti, fame, victory, Achievement, prosperity; strength etc. by reciting Mahavidya Stuti and also enlightenedness, consciousness, Kundalini jagaran, hypnosis, Samadhi, brahmagyana, salvation and perfection Is also received.

According to the scriptures, every kind of sickness, ghost effects, unreasonable humiliation, bad incidents, night clings, bad effects of Saturn, unemployment, stress etc., from the regular worship of one of these ten Mahavidyas ends and the person finds absolute happiness and peace. The Sadhana of these mothers has been deemed as beneficial for the tree as soon as possible and fulfilling all the wishes. There is an immortal form of power. Ten Mahavidyas are actually the incarnations of the same Adi Shakti. In that rage, Kali, in the blazing anger, Tara and Shigar Kopi take the form of Dhumavati. In love and nurture in kindness, she embraces Bhuvaneshwari, Matangi and Mahalakshmi. Shakti Sadhana consists of the worship of ten of the ten Mahavidya. All of these Mahavidya devote their knowledge and power to worshipers.

Mahavidya Sadhana can be performed by any religion or seeker of any caste. This type of caste, class, gender is not an issue in ten Mahavidyas. In all the Mahavidyas worship, worship of Bhairav ​​is also done. In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. Of the hundreds of tantric practices, the worship of the ten major Devi’s is called the Dasa Mahavidya. These major forms of the goddess are described in the Todala Tantra. They are Kali, Tara, Maha Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshwari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala. These ten aspects of Shakti are the epitome of the entire creation. Chapter 10 also outlines their consorts, although Dhumavati, the widow form, is not allocated a consort.

There are several “levels” at which these Devis can be worshiped with the prescribed Mantra and Yantra. Like a simple worship of the Yantra with the mantra recitation, as a remedial astrological measure, elaborate worship with all tantra rituals for attaining various Siddhi associated with this tantra and for spiritual salvation.

Mahavidya Stuti Benefits:

  • The person reciting Mahavidya Stuti can overcome all the obstacles come in life. Mahavidya Stuti provides absolute happiness and peace in life.

Who has to recite this Stuti:

  • The person suffering from the sorcery, from any obstacle in life must recite Mahavidya Stuti as per the Vedic rule.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

महाविद्या स्तुति | Mahavidya Stuti 

काली स्तुति

रक्ताsब्धिपोतारूणपद्मसंस्थां पाशांकुशेष्वासशराsसिबाणान् । शूलं कपालं दधतीं कराsब्जै रक्तां त्रिनेत्रां प्रणमामि देवीम् ॥

तारा स्तुति

मातर्तीलसरस्वती प्रणमतां सौभाग्य-सम्पत्प्रदे प्रत्यालीढ –पदस्थिते शवह्यदि स्मेराननाम्भारुदे ।

फुल्लेन्दीवरलोचने त्रिनयने कर्त्रो कपालोत्पले खड्गञ्चादधती त्वमेव शरणं त्वामीश्वरीमाश्रये ॥

षोडशी स्तुति

बालव्यक्तविभाकरामितनिभां भव्यप्रदां भारतीम् ईषत्फल्लमुखाम्बुजस्मितकरैराशाभवान्धापहाम् ।

पाशं साभयमङ्कुशं च ‍वरदं संविभ्रतीं भूतिदा ।

भ्राजन्तीं चतुरम्बजाकृतिकरैभक्त्या भजे षोडशीम् ॥

छिन्नमस्ता स्तुति

नाभौ शुद्धसरोजवक्त्रविलसद्बांधुकपुष्पारुणं भास्वद्भास्करमणडलं तदुदरे तद्योनिचक्रं महत् ।

तन्मध्ये विपरीतमैथुनरतप्रद्युम्नसत्कामिनी पृष्ठस्थां तरुणार्ककोटिविलसत्तेज: स्वरुपां भजे ॥

त्रिपुरभैरवी स्तुति

उद्यद्भानुसहस्रकान्तिमरुणक्षौमां शिरोमालिकां रक्तालिप्तपयोधरां जपपटीं विद्यामभीतिं वरम् ।

हस्ताब्जैर्दधतीं त्रिनेत्रविलसद्वक्त्रारविन्दश्रियं देवीं बद्धहिमांशुरत्नमुकुटां वन्दे समन्दस्मिताम् ॥

धूमावती स्तुति

प्रातर्यास्यात्कमारी कुसुमकलिकया जापमाला जयन्ती मध्याह्रेप्रौढरूपा विकसितवदना चारुनेत्रा निशायाम् ।

सन्ध्यायां वृद्धरूपा गलितकुचयुगा मुण्डमालां वहन्ती सा देवी देवदेवी त्रिभुवनजननी कालोका पातु युष्मान् ॥

बगलामुखी स्तुति

मध्ये सुधाब्धि – मणि मण्डप – रत्नवेद्यां सिंहासनोपरिगतां परिपीतवर्णाम् ।

पीताम्बराभरण – माल्य – बिभूतिषताङ्गी देवीं स्मरामि धृत-मुद्गर वैरिजिह्वाम् ॥

मातङगी स्तुति

श्यामां शुभ्रांशुभालां त्रिकमलनयनां रत्नसिंहासनस्थां भक्ताभीष्टप्रदात्रीं सुरनिकरकरासेव्यकंजांयुग्माम् ।

निलाम्भोजांशुकान्ति निशिचरनिकारारण्यदावाग्निरूपां पाशं खङ्गं चतुर्भिर्वरकमलकै: खेदकं चाङ्कुशं च ॥

भुवनेश्वरी स्तुति

उद्यद्दिनद्युतिमिन्दुकिरीटां तुंगकुचां नयनवययुक्ताम् ।

स्मेरमुखीं वरदाङ्कुश पाशभीतिकरां प्रभजे भुवनेशीम् ॥

कमला स्तुति

त्रैलोक्यपूजिते देवि कमले विष्णुबल्लभे ।

यथा त्वमचल कृष्णे तथा भव मयि स्थिरा ॥