Manikarnika Ashtakam, मणिकर्णिका अष्टकम

Manikarnika Ashtakam | मणिकर्णिका अष्टकम

Manikarnika Ashtakam (मणिकर्णिका अष्टकम): Manikarnika Ashtakam is an Ashtakam which has been composed by Machchankar Bhagwat in the praise of Manikarnika, the bank of River Ganga wherein the gemstone of ears of Sati fell when Shiva was carrying the corpse of Sati and Lord Vishnu sent for his Sudarshan Chakra to cut it down.

He has praised the place wherein dead bodies are being burnt in the following way.

My humble salutation to Manikarnika, whose sacred river bank is sanctified by the eternal presence of Lord Hari and Lord Hara and providing liberation to all the living beings from the cycles of birth and death. When a soul leave its body, Lord Hari and Lord Hara engages in an interesting discussion, Lord Hari express his desire to transform the deceased person in  to his glorious form, instantly that person changes into an commendable intellectual attired in majestic yellow garments and travels in a celestial vehicle drawn by Garuda.

Even the deities have to take rebirth after certain period; they may take birth as humans, animals, birds or reptiles.  Oh! Manikarnike, whoever takes holy dip in your waters would remain sinless and transforms into the glorious form of Lord Narayan, decked in gem studded crown and Kousthubham.  The sacred land of Kashi is capable to provide liberty from the cycles of birth and death, the sacred waters of Ganga in the Manikarnika is capable to provide eternal bliss.  Once, Lord Bhrama made a comparative study of Kashi and heaven, surprisingly Kashi was too heavier than the heaven, therefore it landed on Earth and heaven remained weightless. The whole land where Ganga stretched out are considered as auspicious, importantly the land of Kashi is considered as superior to all, in that Manikarnika is considered as supreme land where Lord Eswara provides liberty to the souls.  The holy dip in the Manikarnika which is capable to remove all the sins is seldom available to the deities.

 Whoever takes holy dip in the Manikarnika in the noon hours are not considered as meritorious, Lord Bhrama who gave the essence of Veda and Lord Shankar who is the personification asceticism and yoga transforms the deceased soul on the banks of Manikarnika into Lord Narayan or Lord Shiva.   Whoever takes holy dip in the Manikarna would attain the meritorious rewards of performance of various austerities and Ashwamedha Yajna,  whoever recites or listen to these glorious verses and take holy dip in the Manikarnika would cross the ocean of Samsara effortlessly just like a muddle, ultimately attains the absolute  Bhramam.

Manikarnika Ashtakam Benefits:

  • Reciting Manikarnika Ashtakam according to Vedic rule and regularity, it provides virtues to he seekers and gives salvation.

Who has to recite this Ashtakam:

  • The person surrounded with unlawful activities, and other malefic activities must recite it to overcome the sin.
  • For further knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.

मणिकर्णिका अष्टकम | Manikarnika Ashtakam

त्वत्तीरे मणिकर्णिके हरिहरौ सायुज्यमुक्तिप्रदौ

वादन्तौ कुरुतः परस्परमुभौ जन्तोः प्रयाणोत्सवे ।

मद्रूपो मनुजोऽयमस्तु हरिणा प्रोक्तः शिवस्तत्क्षणा-

त्तन्मध्याद्भृगुलाञ्छनो गरुडगः पीताम्बरो निर्गतः ॥ १ ॥

इन्द्राद्यास्त्रिदशाः पतन्ति नियतं भोगक्षये ये पुन-

र्जायन्ते मनुजास्ततोपि पशवः कीटाः पतङ्गादयः ।

ये मातर्मणिकर्णिके तव जले मज्जन्ति निष्कल्मषाः

सायुज्येऽपि किरीटकौस्तुभधरा नारायणाः स्युर्नराः ॥ २ ॥

काशी धन्यतमा विमुक्तनगरी सालङ्कृता गङ्गया

तत्रेयं मणिकर्णिका सुखकरी मुक्तिर्हि तत्किङ्करी ।

स्वर्लोकस्तुलितः सहैव विबुधैः काश्या समं ब्रह्मणा

काशी क्षोणितले स्थिता गुरुतरा स्वर्गो लघुत्वं गतः ॥ ३ ॥

गङ्गातीरमनुत्तमं हि सकलं तत्रापि काश्युत्तमा

तस्यां सा मणिकर्णिकोत्तमतमा येत्रेश्वरो मुक्तिदः ।

देवानामपि दुर्लभं स्थलमिदं पापौघनाशक्षमं

पूर्वोपार्जितपुण्यपुञ्जगमकं पुण्यैर्जनैः प्राप्यते ॥ ४ ॥

दुःखाम्भोधिगतो हि जन्तुनिवहस्तेषां कथं निष्कृतिः

ज्ञात्वा तद्धि विरिञ्चिना विरचिता वाराणसी शर्मदा ।

लोकाःस्वर्गसुखास्ततोऽपि लघवो भोगान्तपातप्रदाः

काशी मुक्तिपुरी सदा शिवकरी धर्मार्थमोक्षप्रदा ॥ ५ ॥

एको वेणुधरो धराधरधरः श्रीवत्सभूषाधरः

योऽप्येकः किल शङ्करो विषधरो गङ्गाधरो माधवः ।

ये मातर्मणिकर्णिके तव जले मज्जन्ति ते मानवाः

रुद्रा वा हरयो भवन्ति बहवस्तेषां बहुत्वं कथम् ॥ ६ ॥

त्वत्तीरे मरणं तु मङ्गलकरं देवैरपि श्लाघ्यते

शक्रस्तं मनुजं सहस्रनयनैर्द्रष्टुं सदा तत्परः ।

आयान्तं सविता सहस्रकिरणैः प्रत्युद्गतोऽभूत्सदा

पुण्योऽसौ वृषगोऽथवा गरुडगः किं मन्दिरं यास्यति ॥ ७ ॥

मध्याह्ने मणिकर्णिकास्नपनजं पुण्यं न वक्तुं क्षमः

स्वीयैरब्धशतैश्चतुर्मुखधरो वेदार्थदीक्षागुरुः ।

योगाभ्यासबलेन चन्द्रशिखरस्तत्पुण्यपारङ्गत-

स्त्वत्तीरे प्रकरोति सुप्तपुरुषं नारायणं वा शिवम् ॥ ८ ॥

कृच्छ्रै कोटिशतैः स्वपापनिधनं यच्चाश्वमेधैः फलं

तत्सर्वे मणिकर्णिकास्नपनजे पुण्ये प्रविष्टं भवेत् ।

स्नात्वा स्तोत्रमिदं नरः पठति चेत्संसारपाथोनिधिं

तीर्त्वा पल्वलवत्प्रयाति सदनं तेजोमयं ब्रह्मणः ॥ ९ ॥

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