Nandkumar Ashtakam, नन्दकुमार अष्टकम

Nandkumar Ashtakam | नन्दकुमार अष्टकम

Nandkumar Ashtakam (नन्दकुमार अष्टकम): Nandkumar Ashtakam Lord Sri Krishna is dedicated. The text of Shri Nandkumar Ashtakam is especially done on many other festivals related to Lord Krishna Janmashtami or Lord Shri Krishna. One  will be pleased with Lord Shree Krishna’s teachings by regularly reciting the Shri Nandkumar Ashtakam. Shri Vallabhacharya is the architect of Shri Nandkumar Ashtakam.

The term Ashtakam, is derived from the Sanskrit word ashta, meaning “eight”. In context of poetic compositions, ‘Ashtakam’ refers to a particular form of poetry, written in eight stanzas.

Shri Krishna as the name means He is the one who is capable of attracting everyone. The name Krishna also means absolute truth. He is the eight and most famous avatar of Lord Vishnu who is symbolized as the best example of truth, love, dharma and courage.

The conventions associated with the Ashtakam have evolved over its literary history of more than 2500 years. One of the best known Ashtakam writers was Adi Shankaracharya, who created an Ashtakam cycle with a group of Ashtakam, arranged to address a particular deity, and designed to be read both as a collection of fully realized individual poems and as a single poetic work comprising all the individual Ashtakam. He wrote more than thirty Ashtakam in Stuti [dedication] to various deities.

Nandkumar Ashtakam was composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in praise of Lord Krishna. Nandkumar Ashtakam is recited on most occasions related to Lord Krishna including Krishna Janmashtami. It is so popular that it is recited regularly in homes and at various Krishna temples.

Several times in an Ashtakam, the quatrains (sets of four lines) conclude abruptly or in other cases, with a couplet (a pair of lines). In the body quatrains the poet establishes a theme and then may resolve it in the final lines, called the couplet, or may leave them unsolved. Sometime the end couplet may contain self-identification of the poet. The structure is also bound by rules of meter for enhanced suitability for recital and classical singing. However, there are several Ashtakam that do not conform to the regular structure.

Nandkumar Ashtakam Benefits:

  • This Nandkumar Ashtakam provides peace in household and enhances love relations among the family members.

Who has to recite this Ashtakam:

  • The persons, who lost faith in harmony, love and affection must recite this Nandkumar Ashtakam.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

नन्दकुमार अष्टकम | Nandkumar Ashtakam

सुंदरगोपालम् उरवनमालं नयनविशालं दुःखहरम् ।

वृन्दावनचन्द्रमानन्दकन्दं परमानन्दं धरणिधरम् ।।

वल्लभघनश्यामं पूर्णकामम् अत्यभिरामं प्रीतिकरम् ।

भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ।।1।।

सुंदरवारिजवदनं निर्जितमदनम् आनन्दसदनं मुकुटधरम् ।

गुञ्जाकृतिहारं विपिनविहारं परमोदारं चीरहरम् ।।

वल्लभपटपीतं कृतउपवीतं करनवनीतं विबुधवरं । भज. ।।2।।

शोभितमुखधूलं यमुनाकूलं निपटअतूलं सुखदतरम् ।

मुखमण्डितरेणुं चारितधेनुं वादितवेणुं मधुरसुरम् ।।

वल्लभमतिविमलं शुभपदकमलं नखरुचिअमलं तिमिरहरं । भज. ।।3।।

शिरमुकुटसुदेशं कुञ्चितकेशं नटवरवेशं कामवरम् ।

मायाकृतमनुजं हलधरअनुजं प्रतिहतद्नुजं भारहरम् ।।

वल्लभव्रजपालं सुभगसुचालं हितमनुकालं भाववरं । भज. ।।4।।

इंदीवरभासं प्रकटसुरासं कुसुमविकासं वंशिधरम् ।

हृतमन्मथमानं रूपनिधानं कृतकलगानं चित्तहरम् ।।

वल्लभमृदुहासं कुञ्जनिवासं विविधविलासं केलिकरं । भज. ।।5।।

अतिपरप्रवीणं पालितदीनं भक्ताधीनं कर्मकरम् ।

मोहनमतिधीरं फणिबलवीरं हतपरवीरं तरलतरम् ।।

वल्लभव्रजरमणं वारिजवदनं हलधरशमनं शैलधरं । भज. ।।6।।

जलधरद्युतिअंगललितत्रिभंगबहुकृतरंगरसिकवरम् ।

गोकुलपरिवारं मदनाकारं कुञ्जविहारं गूढ़तरम् ।।

वल्लभव्रजचन्द्रं सुभगसुछन्दं कृतआनन्दं भ्रान्तिहरं । भज. ।।7।।

वन्दितयुगचरणं पावनकरणं जगदुद्धरणं विमलधरम् ।

कालियशिरगमनं कृतफणिनमनं घातितयमनं मृदुलतरम् ।।

वल्लभदु:खहरणं निर्मलचरणम् अशरणशरणं मुक्तिकरं । भज. ।।8।।

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