Para Puja Stotra | परा पूजा स्तोत्र
Para Puja Stotra (परा पूजा स्तोत्र): Para Puja Stotra is composed by Shri Mashchankar Bhagvatpad. The text of Para Puja Stotra is performed regularly in worship worshiping. The traditional worship of any deity consists of Dhyana[1], Avahana[2], Asana[3], Padya[4], Arghya[5], Achamaniya[6], Snana[7], Vastra[8], Upavita[9], Patra-Pushpa[10], Gandha[11], Abharana[12], Naivedya[13], Thamboola[14], Dheepa[15], Dhoopa[16], Niranjna[17] and Udvasana[18].
In this great prayer to the God, the poet points out how each one of these is impossible or unjustified while bringing out those great qualities of God. Nirguna Manasa Puja, also called ‘Para Puja’ is the highest form of worship. Sri Shankar Bhagavatpada has composed a wonderful Stotra describing this worship.
There is another Stotra called ‘Para Puja’ which is almost same as the first part of this Nirguna Manasa Stotra. But the ‘Para Puja ‘ Stotra does not describe the worship while this celebrated hymn gives a clear explanation. ‘Para Puja’ in its literal sense means “Beyond Puja“. The word Puja as used in Para Puja Stotra signifies Bajhya Puja, i.e. external worship.
This Puja is the highest kind of worship. Para Puja Stotra is the worship of the Jnanis. This is the effect of Realization of the Self. The devotee feels that he can do nothing but only experience God. He says: O Lord! How can I worship Thee who is without parts, who is Existence itself? How can I pray to Thee when Thou art my very being itself? How can I offer Arghya, Padya etc. to Thee when Thou art ever pure? How can I offer anything to Thee when Thou art ever an Apta-Kama? Can I wave a candle to the Sun and can I bathe the ocean with a glass of water? How can I offer Bhog to Thee when Thou art self-contented? And in this way the devotee feels the Infinite Nature of God.
Para Puja is thus an illustration of impossibility of formal worship to God in consideration of His infinite and Eternal Nature full of Knowledge and Bliss. Para Bhakti belong to the same stage. At this stage the devotee becomes one with God and loses his individuality.
“ “You can worship Devi either through Vedic or Tantric methods. She is worshipped even without rituals, through Para Puja or Pure meditation alone. Indeed, this is the highest kind of worship, where the Divine Mother is considered as his or her own by the spiritual child. “
Para Puja Stotra Benefits:
- This Stotra gives self realization. Para Puja Stotra gives a feeling of experiencing god which gives prosperity in life.
Who has to recite this Stotra:
- Persons having different problems and loss of concentration must recite Para Puja Stotra regularly.
- For further knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.
परा पूजा स्तोत्र | Para Puja Stotra
अखण्डे सच्चिदानन्दे निर्विकल्पैकरुपिणि ।
स्थितेऽद्वितीयभावेऽस्मिन्कथं पूजा विधीयते ।।1।।
पूर्णस्यावाहनं कुत्र सर्वाधारस्य चासनम् ।
स्वच्छस्य पाद्यमर्घ्यं च शुद्धस्याचमनं कुत: ।।2।।
निर्मलस्य कुत: स्नानं वस्त्रं विश्वोदरस्य च ।
अगोत्रस्य त्ववर्णस्य कुतस्तस्योपवीतकम् ।।3।।
निर्लेपस्य कुतो गन्ध: पुष्पं निर्वासनस्य च ।
निर्विशेषस्य का भूषा कोऽलन्कारो निराकृते: ।।4।।
निरञ्जनस्य किं धूपैर्दीपैर्वा सर्वसाक्षिण: ।
निजानन्दैकतृप्तस्य नैवेद्यं किं भवेदिह ।।5।।
विश्वानन्दपितुस्तस्य किं ताम्बूलं प्रकल्प्यते ।
स्वयंप्रकाशचिद्रूपो योऽसावर्कादिभासक: ।।6।।
प्रदक्षिणा ह्र्मानन्तस्य ह्र्माद्वयस्य कुतो नति: ।
वेदवाक्यैरवेदयस्य कुत: स्तोत्रं विधीयते ।।7।।
स्वयंप्रकाशमानस्य कुतो नीराजनं विभो: ।
अंतर्बहिश्च पूर्णस्य कथमुद्वासनं भवेत् ।।8।।
एवमेव परापूजा सर्वावस्थासु सर्वदा ।
एकबुद्धया तु देवेशे विधेया ब्रह्मवित्तमै: ।।9।।
आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मति: सहचरा: प्राणा: शरीरं ग्रहं पूजा ते विविधोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थिति: ।
संचार: पद्यो: प्रदक्षिणविधि: स्तोत्राणि सर्वागिरो यद्त्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शम्भो तवाराधनम् ।।10।।