Religious Books

13 Kavach Sanghra

SKU: RP2904H002

13 Kavach Sanghra Book (13 कवच संग्रह पुस्तक): It is an important book, in which information about collection of thirteen kavach. by –Adyanand Yashpal ‘Bharti’ Randhir Prakashan

16 Sanskar Book

SKU: ND2804H001

16 Sanskar Book (16 संस्कार पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about astrology is hidden.  – by Upendra Dhakre, Nirogi Duniya Prakshan.

21 Chalisa Path Sangraha Book

SKU: DP2704H001

Chalisa Path Sangraha Book (चालीसा पाठ संग्रह पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about different chalisa is hidden. – By Poonam Aggarwal, D.P.B Publications.

32 Devi Devtaon Ka Chalisa Sangraha Book

SKU: RP2904H003

32 Chalisa Sangraha Book (32 चालीसा संग्रह पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about collection of chalisa…

35 Chalisa Sangraha Book

SKU: RP2904H004

35 Chalisa Sangraha Book (35 चालीसा-संग्रह आरतियों पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about collection of chalisa…

51 Chalisa Path Sangrah Book

SKU: SP0205B001

51 Chalisa Path Sangrah Book (51 चालीसा पाठ संग्रह पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about Chalisa Sangrah and Aarti. It is not easily available. -by Saraswati Prakashan.

51 Chalisa Path-Sangrah Book

SKU: SP0205H002

51 Chalisa Path-Sangrah Book (51 चालीसा पाठ पुस्तक) : This Book is an important book, in which information about Puja Chalisa and Aarti. It is not easily available. -by Saraswati Prakashan.

Aahnik Karma Sutravali Book

SKU: KB2804S001
Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹345.00.

Aahnik Karma Sutravali Book (आह्निक्कर्म्म सूत्रावलि पुस्तक): This is an important book. In which information about process of daily worshiping. It is not easily available…

Aarti And Bhajan Sangrah Book

SKU: DP2704E002
Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹145.00.

Aarti And Bhajan Sangrah Book: The method of pleasing our deity and place our wishes before him is called Aarti. It can also be said that we praise our deity every morning and evening in the form of Aarti by lighting a lamp of pure ghee and oil…

Aarti Sangrah Book

SKU: OT3005H001
Original price was: ₹155.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

Aarti Sangrah Kitab (आरती संग्रह पुस्तक): This is an important book, in which information about puja vidhi. – By  Printmen Books…

Aarti Sangraha Book

SKU: RP2904H006

Aarti Sangrah Book (आरती संग्रह पुस्तक): This is an important book, in which information about Collection of Aarti. It is not easily available…

Aarti Sangraha Book

SKU: RP2904H007

Aarti Sangraha Book (आरती संग्रह किताब): It is an important book, in which information about collection of Aarti. It is not easily available…

Aatm Gyan Darpan Book

SKU: SP0205H003

Aatm Gyan Darpan Book (आत्म ज्ञान दर्पण पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about Vedanta. The Aatm Gyan Darpan Book is not easily available, this is written by Mahatma Bhawar Das Ji  Saraswati Prakashan.

Aatmagyan Ki Sadhana Book

SKU: RP2904H008

Aatmagyan Ki Sadhana Book (आत्मज्ञान की साधना पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about spirituality and religion is hidden. – By Nandlal Dashora, Randhir Prakashan.

Adhyatam Vidya Ka Amrit Kalash Book

SKU: RP2904H011

Adhyatam Vidya Ka Amrit Kalash Book (अध्यात्म विधा का अमृत कलश पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, The Drishtant Pravaah Book is not easily available, this book is written by Dr. Nandlal Dashora Randhir Prakashan.

Adhyatm Ramayan Book

SKU: KB2804B004
Original price was: ₹730.00.Current price is: ₹720.00.

Adhyatm Ramayan Book (अध्यात्म रामायण पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about shri ram’s life. – By Khemraj Prakashan.

Adhyatmik Sadhana Ke Mukhya-Batein Book

SKU: RP2904H014

Adhyatmik Sadhana Ke Mukhya-Batein Book(आध्यात्मिक साधना के मुख्य-बातें पुस्तक): This book is an important book, in which there is information about the main things of spiritual practice, curious questions and answers. This Book is not easily available..

Adhyatmik Tatvagyan Book

SKU: RP2904H015

Adhyatmik Tatvagyan Book (आध्यात्मिक तत्वज्ञान पुस्तक): This book is an important book, in which there is information about curious questions and answers. This Book is not easily available..

Amogh Shiv Kavach Book

SKU: RP2904B020

Amogh Shiv Kavach Book (अमोघ शिव कवच पुस्तक): This book is an important book, in which there is information about amogh-shiva kavacham with simple hindi translation. This Book is not easily available..

Amritvani Aur Ram Naam Mala Book

SKU: RP2904H021

Amritvani Aur Ramnaam Mala Book (अमृतवाणी और रामनाम माला पुस्तक): This book is an important book, in which there is information about ram kripa avataran, Stuti, ramavatar, namaskar saptak and amrit vani. This Book is not easily available..

Anant Chaturdashi Vrat Katha Book

SKU: RP2904H022

Anant Chaturdashi Vrat Katha Book (अन्नत चतुर्दशी व्रत कथा पुस्तक): It is an important book, in which information about method of puja & with aarti…

Anmol Bhajan Book

SKU: RP2904H025

Anmol Bhajan Book (अनमोल भजन पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about Lord Krishna Bhajan. The Anmol Bhajan Book is not easily available, this book is written by Suresh Chandra Aggarwal Randhir Prakashan.

Annapurna Stotra Book

SKU: RP2904H026

Annapurna Stotra Book (अन्नपूर्णा स्तोत्र पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about method of vrat story and Aarti…

Anubhav Bhajan Mala Book

SKU: GM2704H001
Original price was: ₹55.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Anubhav Bhajan Mala Book (अनुभव भजन माला पुस्तक) consists of all the hymns, by singing which one gets that knowledge and joy from which the world can be benefited..

Religious Books

There are more than five hundred religious puja books of all types. For instance, these give information about the culture of Hindu religion. Moreover, these religious books are especially useful in worship in daily life.

All these religious books are written by famous writers and sages, these religious books are Solah Sanskar, and Aarti Bhajan Sangrah. Besides, Adhyatma Ramayana, Bhajan Sarovar, Charo Veda, Devi Geeta, Deeksha Sanskar, and Guru Sutra. In addition, Gyan Varsha, Hanuman Chalisa, Hanuman Charitra, and Kabir Amrit Vani. Furthermore, Kabir Dohavali, Baglamukhi Chalisa, Narayan Kavach, Prem Sagar, Aditya Hridaya Stotra, Bhairav Chalisa, Shani Chalisa, Tulsi Chalisa, etc.

For instance, by reading and using these religious books, you will feel very positive waves in your aura. After this whoever sees you or meets you, will become crazy about you and feel hypnotized by you. Furthermore, he will follow your words completely, and will follow you in all directions. However, you will continue to earn money and your respect will increase.

For instance, reading these puja books improves your mental and physical health. Besides, you feel less stressed, people who read these religious books remain calm and relaxed even in positive and stressful situations.

Astro Mantra is making these rare books available to you at the lowest price, order them through courier and read them and enrich your life.

धार्मिक पुस्तकें

पांच सौ से भी ऊपर सभी प्रकार की धार्मिक पुस्तकें जो हिन्दू धर्म की संस्कृति की जानकरी देती है, यह इन पुस्तकों का दैनिक जीवन में पूजा में विशेष रूप से प्रयोग किया जाता है।

यह सभी धार्मिक पुस्तकें प्रसिद्ध लेखकों और ऋषिओं द्वारा रचित है, ये पुस्तकें है सोलह संस्कार, आरती भजन संग्रह, आध्यात्म रामायण, भजन सरोवर, चारो वेद, देवी गीता, दीक्षा संस्कार, गुरु सूत्र, ज्ञान वर्षा, हनुमान चालीसा, हनुमान चरित्र, कबीर अमृत वाणी, कबीर दोहावली, बगलामुखी चालीसा, नारायण कवच, प्रेम सागर, आदित्य ह्रदय स्तोत्र, भैरव चालीसा, शनि चालीसा, तुलसी चालीसा, इत्यादि।

इन पुस्तकों को पढ़कर उपयोग करके आप अपने आभामण्डल में बहुत ही सकारात्मक तरंगे महसूस करेंगे, इसके बाद जो भी आपको देखेगा या आपसे मिलेगा, वह आपका दीवाना बन जायगा और आपसे सम्मोहित हो जायगा, फिर वह आपके वाक्यों का पूर्ण अनुसरण करेगा, आपको चारो दिशाओ से धन की प्राप्ति होती रहेगी और आपके सम्मान में वृद्धि होगी।

इन पुस्तकों को पढ़ने पर आपके मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होता है और आप कम तनावपूर्ण महसूस करते हैं, जो लोग इन पुस्तकों को पढ़ते हैं वे सकारात्मक और तनावपूर्ण स्थितियों में भी शांत और तनावमुक्त रहते हैं।

एस्ट्रो मंत्रा इन दुर्लभ पुस्तकों को सबसे कम मूल्य में आपको उपलब्ध करा रहा है, आप इन्हें शीघ्र कुरियर से मंगवा कर पढ़े और अपने जीवन को समृद्ध बनाये।