Veda Geeta Books
Shri Garuda Puran Book
Shri Garuda Puran Book (श्री गरुड़ पुराण पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which complete information about the religious effects of bag doings and exorcism. Moreover, it gives the effects of hearing the religious path. This book is not easily available…
Shri Krishna Charit Manas Book
Shri-krishna Charit Manas Book (श्रीकृष्ण चरित मानस पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which complete information about the Characterism of lord Krishna with poetry. This book is not easily available…
Adbhut Ramayan Book
Adbhut Ramayan Book (अद्भुत रामायण पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about ramayana is hidden. – By Raj Kumar Rai, Prachay Prakashan.
Adbhut Ramayan Book
Adbhut Ramayana Book (अद्भुत रामायण पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about Ram Katha. This Book is not easily available..
Adi Shri Gurugranth Sahib Ki Pramukh Vaniyan Book
Gurugranth-sahib-pramukh-vaniyan-book (गुरुग्रंथ साहिब प्रमुख-वाणियां पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about Speaking of Truth. The Gurugranth Sahib Pramukh-Vaniyan Book is not easily available, this book is written by Manmohan Singh Randhir Prakashan.
An Ideal Brother Love Book
An Ideal Brother Love Book: The Ramayana is not merely a history or a book of literature, it is a true guide also to initiate the human life constantly to go ahead on the well-ordered auspicious path of life. In the Ramayana, we get the apparent…
Ashtadashpuran Darpan Book
Ashtadashpuran Darpan Book (अष्टादशपुराण दर्पण पुस्तक) is an important book. In which information about veda purana. It is not easily available. – By Pt. Jwalaprasad Ji, Khemraj Prakashan…
Ashtadashsmriti Book
Ashtadashsmriti Book (अष्टादशस्मृति पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about veda geeta is hidden. – By Pt. Sunderlalji Tripathi, Khemraj Prakashan.
Ashtavakra Geeta Book
Ashtavakra Geeta Book (अष्टावक्र गीता पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about ashtavakra geeta is hidden. – by Khemraj Shreekrishnadas.
Ashtavakra Geeta Book
Ashta Vakra Geeta Book (अष्टावक्र गीता पुस्तक): This book is an important book, in which information about Raja janak and ashtavakra Dialogue, basic lesson and simple Hindi translation. This Book is not easily available…
Ashtavakra Gita Book
Ashtavakra Gita Book (अष्टावक्र गीता पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about astrology is hidden. -By Nandlal Dashora, Randhir Prakashan..
Ashtavinshtyupnishatsangrah Book
Ashtavinshtyupnishatsangrah Book (अष्टविंश्त्युपनिषत्संग्रह) is an important book, in which information about upanisads.
Ashtavkra Gita Book
Ashtavkra Gita Book (अष्टावक्र गीता किताब) is an important book, in which information about veda purana is hidden. – By Nandlal Dashora, Randhir Prakashan.
Ashtvkra Geeta Book
Ashtvkra Geeta Book (अष्टावक्र गीता पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about veda geeta is hidden. – By Rai Bhadur Babu Zalim Singh, Tej Kumar Book Depot…
Avadhut Geeta Book
Avadhut Geeta Book (अवधूतगीता पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about Geeta. – by Khemraj Shrikrishnadas.
Avdhut Geeta Book
Avdhut Geeta Book (अवधूत गीता पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about veda geeta is hidden. – By Nandlal Dashora, Randhir Prakashan.
Baba Ramdev Puran Book
Baba Ramdev Puran Book (बाबा रामदेव पुराण पुस्तक): This Book is an important book. In which information about Chaubis (24) Praman. Alakh Upasana, Ramdev Byavla, Jama Jagran, Dharumal Rupade Ki Bel, Parda Praman, Bhajanmala, Bhajan Vilas, Ramdev Chalisa, etc…
Balsulabh Sachitra Bible Book
Balsulabh Sachitra Bible Book (बालसुलभ सचित्र बाइबिल पुस्तक) is an important book of veda geeta, in which information about bible is hidden. – By The Bible Society.
Bhagavad Geeta Book
Bhagavad Geeta Book (श्री मदभगवदगीता पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about mahabharata. By- A.C. Bhaktivedanta.
Bhagavad Gita As It Is Book
The Bhagavad Gita Book is a transcendental literature that everyone should read very carefully. Gita-shastram idaṁ punyam yah padhet prayatah puman. If one follows the instructions of the Bhagavad Gita properly, he can be free from all suffering and…
Bhagvat Rahasya Book
Bhagvat Rahasya Book (भागवत् रहस्य पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about veda geeta is hidden. – By Shriramchandra Dengreji, Thakur Prakashan.
Bhagvatkalpdrum Book
Bhagvatkalpdrum Book (भागवतकल्पद्रुम पुस्तक) is an important book, in which information about bhagvat geeta is hidden. – By Dr. Shrishyam Sunder Parashar Shastri, Shri Shyam Prem Sansthan.
Bhaktaraja Hanuman Book
Bhaktaraja Hanuman Book: For a long time, there was a thought to publish the biographies of some ideal men of ancient times and their teachings in brief. But no arrangement was there for this. Now Pandit Shri Shantanu Vihari Dwivedi has…
Bible Book
Bible Book (बाइबिल पुस्तक) is an important book of veda geeta, in which information about bible is hidden. – By Dr. Shilanand Hemraj, Bhuvan Vani.
Veda Geeta Books
Vedas & Geeta have a very important place among religious books. For instance, the originality of the Hindu religion is from these veda geeta books only. As a matter of fact, these veda geeta books open a new chapter of your life and guide you in the right direction.
There are many types of books on Veda and Geeta. Those are Ashtavakra Geeta, Ashtadas Smriti, Avadhut Geeta, and Shri Madbhagwat Geeta. Besides, Drishtant Deepak, Guru Granth Sahib, Dukh Bhanjan Sahib, Garbh Geeta, and Kathopanishad. Furthermore, it includes Guru Geeta, Narada Samhita, Shiv Geeta, Ram Geeta, etc.
All these books were written by hermits on the basis of ancient Rishi tradition. Moreover, famous publishing houses published these books. Hence, the information in it is very authentic.
As a matter of fact, by reading these Veda books, your mental problems ends. Moreover, you feel fresh inside yourself, negative thoughts start changing into positive thoughts. However, due to this the stress in your entire body starts reducing. Thereafter, you can live life with very calm thoughts. These veda geeta books make a good and peaceful living.
Astro Mantra is providing these important books of Veda Geeta at very low prices. You can read these books by getting them at your home by quick delivery courier.
वेद गीता पुस्तकें
धार्मिक पुस्तकों में वेद और गीता का बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है, हिन्दू धर्म का मूल मंत्र इन्ही पुस्तकों से प्राप्त होता है, पुस्तकें आपके जीवन के नए अध्याय को खोल कर मार्ग दर्शन करती है।
ये कई प्रकार की पुस्तकें है, जैसे अष्टावक्र गीता, अष्टादस स्मृति, अवधूत गीता, श्रीमद्भागवत गीता, दृष्टान्त दीपक, गुरु ग्रन्थ साहिब, दुःख भंजन साहिब, गर्भ गीता, कठोपनिषद, गुरु गीता, नारद संहिता, शिव गीता, राम गीता इत्यादि।
यह सारी पुस्तकें प्राचीन ऋषि परम्परा के आधार पर रचित है, और इन पुस्तकों को प्रसिद्ध प्रकाशनो ने छापा है, इसलिए इसमें दी गयी जानकारीयाँ बहुत ही प्रामाणिक है।
इन पुस्तकों को पढ़ने से आपकी मानसिक समस्यों में सुधार होता है, आप अपने अंदर तरो ताजा महसूस करते है, नकारात्मक विचार सकारात्मक बिचारो में परिवर्तन होने लगते है, इससें आपके पुरे शरीर का तनाव कम होने लगता है, आप बड़े ही शांत विचारो से जीवन यापन करते है।
यह वेद गीता की महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें एस्ट्रो मंत्रा बहुत ही कम मूल्य में उपलब्ध करा रहा है। इन पुस्तकों को आप शीघ्र कोरिअर से अपने घर मंगवाकर पढ़ सकते है।