Blue Sapphire (नीलम)
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Online Blue Sapphire Stone (नीलम रत्न): In gemology, Blue Sapphire is considered a powerful gemstone. This gemstone is related to Saturn, who is said to be the giver of Karma and Justice. The person whose horoscope has a weak or…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Online Neelam Stone (नीलम रत्न): According to astrology, Neelam gemstone is related to Saturn. By wearing this gemstone can protect you from the negative effects of Saturn. If Saturn is in an inauspicious position in your horoscope, then you may face…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Square Shape
Siddh Neelam Stone (सिद्ध नीलम रत्न): According to gemology, Neelam is a miraculous and powerful gemstone. For centuries, Neelam is considered a symbol of Respect and Splendor. The lord of Neelam gemstone is Shani Dev. This gemstone is…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Neelam Gemstone (नीलम रत्न): According to gemology, Neelam is an extremely miraculous gemstone. This gemstone helps in reducing the side effects that are caused in your life due to the planet Saturn. By wearing this Neelam Gemstone provides…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Baguette Shape
Natural Neelam Stone (नीलम रत्न): In gemology, Neelam gemstone is considered to be the most amazing and impressive gemstone. For centuries, Neelam has been consider a symbol of Love and Glory. This gemstone has the…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Natural Blue Sapphire Gemstone (नीलम रत्न): Blue Sapphire is a miraculous gemstone. This gemstone is related to Saturn. When Saturn is in auspicious position in a person’s horoscope, then it fills the person’s life with all kinds of comforts and luxuries…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Royal Blue Sapphire Gemstone (नीलम रत्न): According to astrology, when Shani Dev is present in a horoscope, inauspicious effects start appearing in the life of the person. During that time, the person suddenly has to face many physical and…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Energized Blue Sapphire Gemstone (सिद्ध नीलम रत्न): In gemology, Blue Sapphire is consider to be a very powerful gemstone. Because Blue Sapphire helps in reducing the effects of Saturn. According to astrology, Shani Dev is called Karmafal…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Oval Shape
Blue Sapphire is a very effective gemstone. This gemstone is related to Shani Dev, the giver of Karma. By wearing Energized Neelam Stone (सिद्ध नीलम रत्न) reduces the ill effects of Shani. If there are planetary defects in your horoscope like…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Square Shape
Neelam is a powerful gemstone. Neelam Stone (नीलम रत्न) is worn to reduce the ill effects of Saturn. If Saturn is in an inauspicious position in your horoscope, then you have to face many problems in life. Due to which obstacles start coming…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam Stone, Square Shape
According to astrology, Saturn is considered a cruel planet, when Saturn is weak or inauspicious in the horoscope, astrologers recommend wearing Certified Blue Sapphire Gemstone (नीलम रत्न). Blue Sapphire is consider a powerful…
Blue Sapphire Gemstone
Blue Sapphire Gemstone (नीलम रत्न) is also famous as “Neelam Ratna”. This Neelam Stone is available in Burma, China, Colombia, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal and Nigeria. Besides, Australia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, United States of America. The best quality sapphire is available in Kashmir, India.
According to Vedic astrology, sapphire represents the planet Saturn. By using it, the defects caused by the planet Saturn start ending soon. Additionally, one gets relief from health-related problems, and pending tasks start to complete. One starts getting monetary benefits and progress starts in job and business.
Energized Blue Sapphire Gemstone:
Until the deity of the gemstone is established in the gemstone, the gemstone does not give its full benefit. Without being energized, the effect of the gemstone is negligible. Due to this the chances of Disease in the body, Suffering in life and Accidents start increasing. Astro Mantra provides Neelam Ratna after getting Pran Pratisthit by its perfect seeker in the best Muhurtas, so that one can get full benefits as soon as one wears it.
Lab Test Blue Sapphire Gemstone:
Astro Mantra tests this Neelam Ratna in a good and reliable lab. Which are duly certified by the Government of India, so that the customers can get the right gems. Nowadays adulteration is there in many gemstone regarding color.
Where to Buy Blue Sapphire Gemstone?
Astro Mantra has been providing all types of Neelam Stone, which are of good cutting, and good mines. Apart from this, the gemstone we provide the gems which have good shine, and luster. Getting certification from a reliable lab with test reports at an affordable price, we supply in India and abroad. Moreover, you can buy this Neelam Stone from the Astro Mantra store and get the delivery to your home through a quick courier and wear them.
नीलम रत्न
ब्लू सफायर रत्न को ‘’नीलम रत्न’’ के नाम से जाना जाता है। यह रत्न बर्मा, चीन, कोलंबिया, केन्या, मलावी, नेपाल, नाइजीरिया, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, पाकिस्तान, श्रीलंका, अफगानिस्तान, म्यांमार ताजिकिस्तान, तंजानिया, थाईलैंड, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में पाया जाता है ৷ और सबसे अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाला नीलम भारत के कश्मीर में पाया जाता है। वैदिक ज्योतिष के अनुसार, नीलम शनि ग्रह का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
इसका उपयोग करने से शनि ग्रह से बना हुआ दोष शीघ्र ही समाप्त होने लगता है ৷ स्वास्थ्य संबंधित समस्याओं से छुटकारा मिलने लगता है, रुके हुए कार्य बनने लगते हैं ৷ इसके अलावा धन-लाभ होने लगता है और नौकरी, व्यापार में तरक्की होने लगती है।
सिद्ध नीलम रत्न
रत्नों में रत्न के देवता जब तक स्थापित नही होते, तब तक रत्न अपना पूर्ण लाभ नही देता। बिना सिद्ध किये रत्न का प्रभाव न के बराबर होता है, इससें शरीर में बीमारी, जीवन में कष्ट, दुर्घटना होने की संभावनाएं बढ़ने लगती है। इसलिए, एस्ट्रो मंत्रा नीलम रत्न को अपने सिद्ध साधको से सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुहुतों में प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित करवा कर प्रदान करता है, जिसे धारण करते ही पूरा लाभ मिल सकें।
लैब टेस्ट नीलम रत्न
एस्ट्रो मंत्रा भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रमाणित अच्छी विश्वसनीय लैब से नीलम रत्न को टेस्ट करवा कर, प्रदान करता है, जिससे सही रत्न एस्ट्रो मंत्रा के ग्रहाको को मिल सकें, क्योंकि आजकल बहुत सारे रत्नों में रंग को लेकर मिलावट होती देखी गयी है।
नीलम रत्न कहाँ से खरीदें?
एस्ट्रो मंत्रा सभी प्रकार के नीलम रत्न, जो अच्छी कटिंग, अच्छी माइंस का होता है ৷ इसके अलावा जिस रत्न में अच्छी चमक, लस्टर होती है, वह रत्न पूर्ण सिद्ध करवाकर, विश्वसनीय लैब टेस्ट रिपोर्ट के साथ सुलभ मूल्य में भारत तथा विदेशों में प्रदान करता आ रहा है। इन रत्नों को आप एस्ट्रो मंत्रा स्टोर से खरीद कर शीघ्र कुरिअर के माध्यम से अपने घर मंगवा कर धारण कर सकते है।