Hessonite (गोमेद)

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Cushion Shape

SKU: HE17050001

According to astrology, wearing Gomed Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न) strengthens the planet Rahu. If Rahu is in a down position in the horoscope of a person, then the ill effects of Rahu have a deep impact on their life. Due to which they have to go through many…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Cushion Shape

SKU: HE17050007

Gems are considered to be of great importance in astrology. One of these gemstones is Hessonite gemstone, wearing which removes the Rahu Graha Dosh. Wearing this Online Hessonite Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न) strengthens the Rahu Graha…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Cushion Shape

SKU: HE17050008

Siddh Gomed Stone (सिद्ध गोमेद रत्न): Rahu is considered a shadow planet, Rahu gives auspicious results as well as inauspicious results. A person progresses and gains respect due to the auspicious movement of Rahu in the horoscope…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Cushion Shape

SKU: HE17050009

Energized Hessonite Gemstone (सिद्ध गोमेद रत्न): According to Vedic astrology, Hessonite Gemstone is associated with Rahu planet. Its color is attractive, it looks like brown or maroon color. Hessonite Gemstone contains the energy of Rahu planet…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Cushion Shape

SKU: HE17050010

Gemstones are considered important in astrology. Hessonite gemstone is one of these gemstones, wearing which removes the defect of Rahu planet. By wearing Certified Hessonite Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न) strengthens Rahu planet. The person whose…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Oval Shape

SKU: HE17050002

Gemstones have great importance in gemology. One of these gemstone is Gomed Gemstone, wearing which removes the defect of Rahu planet. According to astrology, wearing Natural Gomed Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न) strengthens Rahu planet…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Oval Shape

SKU: HE17050004

Siddh Hessonite Gemstone (सिद्ध गोमेद रत्न) is considered to be the gem of Rahu. Due to the bad effects of Rahu, unnecessary fear starts arising in the mind of a person. In such a situation, to reduce the bad effects of Rahu, this Siddh Hessonite Gemstone…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Oval Shape

SKU: HE17050005

Best Hessonite Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न): According to astrology, Hessonite Gemstone is worn to calm the wrath of Rahu in the horoscope. There are many benefits of Hessonite which can make a person’s life happy and prosperous. When Rahu…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Oval Shape

SKU: HE17050006

Siddh Gomed Gemstone (सिद्ध गोमेद रत्न): According to astrology, Kalsarp Dosh is formed when Rahu is placed badly in the horoscope. If it is present in your birth chart, it indicates Loss in business, Fear of death, Marital problems, Child related…

Hessonite Gemstone, Gomed Stone, Radiant Cut Shape

SKU: HE17050003

According to astrology, Hessonite Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न) is related to Rahu planet. This Gemstone has powerful energy. Rahu has more importance and influence in Kaliyuga. Because of this, Hessonite is an effective gemstone, which helps in removing the…

Hessonite Gemstone

Hessonite Gemstone (गोमेद रत्न) is famous as Gomed in Hindi. According to gemology, Gomed Stone is a shiny and opaque gemstone. It is a very beautiful gemstone, which makes life beautiful. This gemstone is dark brown or red. Gomed Stone is usually available in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, South Africa, Thailand, and Australia. This Gomed Ratna is the most beneficial gemstone among all the gemstone. Gomed represents the planet Rahu, which is a sinful planet. Therefore, it is advisable to wear Gomed Ratna to remove the ill effects of Rahu. It helps to remove all the obstacles in your life.

Energized Hessonite Gemstone:

If you wear a gem without energizing it, then it does not give its full benefit. Because until one establishes the deity of the gem in the gems, it does not show its effect. Therefore, Astro Mantra provides Gomed Ratna by energizing it with their perfect seeker in the best Muhurta. So that by wearing it, you can get the full benefit of the gemstone.

Lab Test Hessonite Gemstone:

Astro Mantra provides Hessonite Gemstones after getting them tested by a good and reliable lab certified by the Government of India so that the customers of Astro Mantra can get the right gemstones. Since, nowadays adulteration is there in many gemstones regarding color.

Where to Buy Hessonite Gemstones?

Astro Mantra has been providing all types of Hessonite Gemstones, which are of good cutting, from good mines. Additionally, the gemstones have good shine, and luster they provide. They supply it after the certification and with reliable lab test reports at a good and affordable price in India and abroad.
Moreover, you can buy this Gomed Stone from the Astro Mantra store and get them delivered to your home through a quick courier and wear them.

गोमेद रत्न

हेसोनाइट को गोमेद के नाम से जाना जाता है। रत्न शास्त्रों के अनुसार, गोमेद को एक चमकदार और अपारदर्शी रत्न है। यह अत्यंत खूबसूरत रत्न है, जो जीवन को सुन्दर बना देता है। यह रत्न गहरे भूरे अथवा लाल रंग का होता है। गोमेद आमतौर पर भारत, श्रीलंका, ब्राजील, साउथ अफ्रीका, थाईलैंड, और ऑस्ट्रेलिया में पाया जाता है। इस रत्न को सभी रत्नो में से लाभदायक रत्न माना गया है। गोमेद रत्न का संबंध राहु ग्रह से है, राहु को पाप ग्रह माना जाता है। इसलिए राहु के दुष्प्रभावों को दूर करने के लिए गोमेद रत्न धारण करने की सलाह दी जाती है। यह आपके जीवन की सभी बाधाओं को दूर करने में मदद करता है

सिद्ध गोमेद रत्न:

यदि आप बिना सिद्ध किये रत्न को धारण करते है, तो यह अपना पूर्ण लाभ नहीं देता क्योंकि जब तक रत्नों में रत्न के देवता स्थापित नहीं होते, तब तक यह अपना असर नहीं दिखाता है। इसलिए, एस्ट्रो मंत्रा गोमेद रत्न को अपने सिद्ध साधको से सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुहुतों में प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित करवा कर प्रदान करता है, जिसे धारण करने से रत्न का पूरा लाभ मिल सकें।

लैब टेस्ट गोमेद रत्न:

एस्ट्रो मंत्रा भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रमाणित अच्छी विश्वसनीय लैब से गोमेद रत्न को टेस्ट करवा कर प्रदान करता है, जिससे सही रत्न एस्ट्रो मंत्रा के ग्राहकों को मिल सकें, क्योंकि आजकल बहुत सारे रत्नों में रंग को लेकर मिलावट होती देखी गयी है।

गोमेद रत्न कहाँ से खरीदें?

एस्ट्रो मंत्रा सभी प्रकार के गोमेद रत्न, जो अच्छी कटिंग, अच्छी माइंस का होता है, जिस रत्न में अच्छी चमक, लस्टर होती है, वह रत्न पूर्ण सिद्ध करवाकर विश्वसनीय लैब टेस्ट रिपोर्ट के साथ अच्छे सुलभ मूल्य में भारत तथा विदेशों में प्रदान करता आ रहा है। इन रत्नों को आप एस्ट्रो मंत्रा स्टोर से खरीद कर शीघ्र कुरिअर से अपने घर मंगवा कर धारण कर सकते है।