Alfa Pyramid, Jiten 9x Alfa Pyramid, Eye-Brain Stress Harmonizer
Alfa Pyramid is a tool of relaxation with two built-in pyramids to give an unexpected result for persons with sight problems due to old age or eye diseases like near-sighted and far-sighted problems. Moreover, it provides sound sleep to the wearer if the person has sleepless nights.
Ashta Ganesh Plate Pyramid, Ashta Ganesha Fortune Plate
This is a unique Ashta Ganesh Plate Pyramid by Jiten Pyra, energized and programmed with the added power of Shri Ganesh. It helps to remove all fortune blocks and their ill effects. Ganesh plate attracts good luck and fortune..
Bagua Pyramid, Outside Mirror Bagua Protection Pyramid
The Bagua is a key tool people use in the practice of Feng Shui. Bagua maps people use to evaluate and enhance the energy of a home. Besides, office, bedroom, or any other space. It originated as a Tao symbol in Ancient China as a way to balance the ever-present..
Bagua Vastu Mirror, Fengshui Pakua Mirror
The Bagua Vastu mirror or Pakua Mirror is a well-known classic Feng Shui adjustment object. People in China consider it a Feng Shui mascot. The mirror derives its name from the pattern of eight trigrams, also known as the Bagua..
Bathroom Pyramid, Jiten Natron Pyramid Yantra
Bathroom Pyramid is the most effective and useful Pyramid. As per modern society, people use attached toilets and bathrooms. The chance of negative vibes in the bathroom is always there. This Pyramid neutralizes negative energy and attracts positive energy..
Belly Belt Pyramid, Jiten Back and Belly Belt Pyramid
This Belly Belt Pyramid provides effective relief from back pain and a calming relaxation feel. This pyramid has a suitable design for optimal comfort and to ensure even weight distribution for relief and relaxation. It contains an adjustable strap for an individual fit..
Bemor International Pyramid, Bemor International Yantra
Bemor International Pyramid contains advanced Bemor 9×9 with 9 Programmable Copper Chips and 6 FaMa Energy Balancing Crystals. It has a special design to attract luck and good fortune to the house. If you are looking for things that bring good luck..
Bemore 9×9 Pyramid, Jiten Bemore Vastu Pyramid
The Pyramid Bemor 9×9 is a combination of thin plates, duly divided into 9 blocks. In the center of each block, there is a grove containing a pyramid which is highly effective when installed. Jiten Bemore Vastu Pyramid increases wealth and brings opportunities in life..
Bike 9×9 Jiten Pyramid, Bike 9×9 Yantra For Bike Protection
Bike 9×9 Pyramid, if mounted on any front part of your two-wheeler, motorbike, or bicycle, protects against evil eyes. Additionally, it brings good luck and provides protection. Bike 9×9 Jiten Pyramid is the best for cyclists, long-distance bikers, and triathletes..
Blue Health Pyramid, Jiten Health 9×9 Blue Pyramid
Blue Health Pyramid is a cold color pyramid. The Blue Natural Pain Pyramid is a natural curing system and is effective when a person is suffering from heat stress and heat-related ailments. Heat stress occurs when a person’s body cannot cool itself..
Booster 9×9 Pyramid, Booster 9X9 Vastu Pyramid
Booster 9×9 Pyramid provides wish and a good sleep. Additionally, it brings Vastu correction, comfort in life, fixation of marriage, harmony, success, education, and much more. It explores simple and easy ways to improve your health, peace, and well-being…
Brass Pyramid 3 Layer, 91 Pyramids, Vastu Pyramid, 1 Inch
Small Vastu Pyramid geometry attracts all energy particles from the surroundings. The powers of the Pyramid have the association with the elevation of the super-consciousness. There are many other effects of the Pyramid that open new doors for prosperity and happiness..
Brass Pyramid 3 Layer, 91 Pyramids, Vastu Pyramid, 1.5 Inch
The material of this Brass Pyramid 1.5 Inch 3 Layer is the sacred brass metal. This metal is very useful in conserving energy. It promotes self-healing as well as helps in meditation. It also improves the effectiveness of food, water, and medicines on a human body..
Brass Pyramid 3 Layer, 91 Pyramids, Vastu Pyramid, 1.5X1.5 Inch, 2 Set
Bring peace and prosperity to your home with this Brass Pyramid 1.5 Inch 3-layer set. Vastu can bring happiness, wealth, and success to a family. It also helps in managing the lives of people and developing positive relationships between family members..
Brass Pyramid 3 Layer, 91 Pyramids, Vastu Pyramid, 4 Inch
Brass Pyramid 4 Inch are key-up devices that have their different powers and cannot get charge by any trick but can charge physically. They keep away the negative energies by attracting all the negative components and neutralizing the place..
Brass Vastu Pyramid, 3 Layer Pyramid, 91 Pyramid, 2 Inch
Bring peace and prosperity to your home with this Pyramid 2 Inch. This pyramid brings happiness, wealth, and success to the family. It also helps in managing the lives of people and developing positive relationships between family members..
Business Card Pyramid, Jiten Pyracard Business And Career
This Business Card Pyramid attracts economic growth, improves financial position, and captures good business. It works at a subtle level to enhance your luck. This pre-programmed Business And Career Pyracard helps to remove all luck blocks and their ill effects..
Business Disc Pyramid, Jiten Business Disc Vastu Pyramid
Business Disc Pyramid attracts economic growth, better financial position, and good business. However, the seeker can use it for shops, offices, and factories. Business Disc Vastu Pyramid works on a complex level to enhance fortune. It has the power of 81 pyramids..
Car Pyramid, Jiten Protect Car 9X9 Energy Pyramid
Car Pyramid: Many a time, even without our fault, we face auto accidents; while driving a car. Even sometimes, it catches fire automatically. To protect from such accidents, we must use this Car Pyramid. It protects the owner, passengers, and the car from sudden accidents..
Cervical Belt Pyramid, Jiten Plastic Cervical Belt Pyramid
Cervical Belt Pyramid: Cervical Spondylitis causes Dizziness and neck pain. Neck pain is caused by working continually on desks, bending, and driving for a long distance for a long time. This pyramid is for supplementary use on the aforesaid troubles.
Concentration Card Pyramid, Jiten Pyracard Memory And Concentration
Concentration Card Pyramid is a spectacular tool for improving concentration and memory. This card is very helpful in improve your level of concentration as well the memory..
Confidence Card Pyramid, Jiten Pyracard Strength And Confidence
The Confidence Card Pyramid is particularly for weak-willed people. It overcomes the lack of self-confidence in a person. This new pocket-size Pyramid is convenient, effective, and portable. Moreover, one can keep the card in his pocket, purse, or bag which the person carries with him/her..
Copper Vastu Swastik Pyramid, Jiten Swastik Copper Pyramid
The Copper PyraVastu Swastik Pyramid is a new tool that benefits the user in terms of prosperity and well-being. By incorporating the pyramid into your environment, you can create a positive energy flow that enhances motivation and creativity..
Dia Belt Pyramid, Jiten Plastic Dia Care Belt Pyramid
Dia Belt Pyramid helps to reduce inflammation and improves hip alignment. This Dia Care Belt uses a powerful combination of magnets and copper to stimulate the production of healing hormones and improve circulation. The new Multi Energy Dia Care Belt is designed on the time-tested combination..
Vastu Pyramid
Astro Mantra has been providing all types of Jiten Vastu Pyramids online at affordable prices. These are the Alpha Pyramid, Ashta Ganesh Pyramid, Bathroom Pyramid, Belly Belt Pyramid, Bemor International Pyramid, and Bike Pyramid. Besides, Seven Health Pyramid, Booster Pyramid, Business Card Pyramid, Business Disk Pyramid, Car Pyramid, Pyron Pyramid, and Dia Belt Pyramid.
Moreover, the Education Pyramid, Energy Pyramid, Flat Max Pyramid, Fortune Pyramid, Ganesha Disk Pyramid, and Harmony Pyramid are on their list. Beyond that, the Head Belt Pyramid, Maatron Pyramid, Medicine Pyramid, Mobile Pyramid, Nano Pyramid, Power Roll Pyramid, and Pyra Vastu Compass Pyramid etc. are there. You can buy Jiten Vastu Pyramids and get the delivery to your doorstep through courier soon.
When Vastu defect occurs, a negative atmosphere prevails in the house. Moreover, there is discord in the family and mutual discord occurs among all the members. If there is an old Vastu defect, then one has to face prolonged illness in the house. You can easily install these Vastu Pyramids in your home, or office for all types of Vastu defects. Besides, Feng Shui, etc. However, all these Vastu Pyramids are authentic and energetic, you do not need any Vastu Shastri for this.
वास्तु पिरामिड
एस्ट्रो मंत्रा सभी प्रकार के वास्तु पिरामिड जैसे, आल्फा पिरामिड, अष्ट गणेश पिरामिड, बाथरूम पिरामिड, बेली बेल्ट पिरामिड, बेमोर अन्तराष्ट्रीय पिरामिड, बाइक पिरामिड, 7 हेल्थ पिरामिड, बूस्टर पिरामिड, बिजनेस कार्ड पिरामिड, बिजनेस डिस्क पिरामिड, कार पिरामिड, पयरों पिरामिड, दीया बेल्ट पिरामिड, एजुकेशन पिरामिड, एनर्जी पिरामिड, फ्लैट मैक्स पिरामिड, फार्च्यून पिरामिड, गणेश डिस्क पिरामिड, हार्मोनी पिरामिड, हेड बेल्ट पिरामिड, माँट्रन पिरामिड, मेडिसिन पिरामिड, मोबाइल पिरामिड, नेनो पिरामिड, पॉवर रोल पिरामिड और वास्तु कम्पास पिरामिड आदि सुलभ मूल्य में ऑनलाइन प्रदान करता आ रहा है, आप वास्तु पिरामिड खरीद कर शीघ्र कुरियर के माध्यम से अपने घर मंगवा सकते है।
वास्तु दोष उत्पन्न होने पर घर में नकारात्मक वातावरण बना रहता है,परिवार में कलह रहती है और सभी सदस्यों में आपसी मन मुटाव होने लगता है, यदि कोई पुराना वास्तु दोष हो, तो घर में लम्बी बीमारी का सामना करना पड़ता है। सभी प्रकार के वास्तुदोष, फेंगशुई उपयोग के लिए, आप अपने घर, आफिस में ये वास्तु पिरामिड आसानी से स्थापित कर सकते है, यह सभी वास्तु पिरामिड प्रामाणिक और ऊर्जावान है, इसके लिए आपको किसी भी वास्तु शास्त्री की आवश्यकता नहीं है।