Be Love Book
Be Love Book, we know of love as Ecstasy, Longing courage, Grace, Pain, Joy, and much more. All that we learn in a lifetime is taught in the classroom of love. Who then is a better teacher than love to help us blend with our source? Love spurs us on an enchanting soul search journey where all ideas of good bad, right, or wrong dissolve in its effulgent light. The truth of God is open and the heart merely becomes a spring of overflowing compassion. The beloved is an instrument to unleash our greatness and all our deep recesses that seem scary and unknown and illuminate with its light. Why seek to know our source when love has blessed us with its presence and imparted us freedom from all about knowing.
Just flow in surrender and all that ever needed. This book is a testimonial of how love was in use as a channel for divine realization. The beloved though appears as a separate entity is a bridge between the soul self and its divine reflections. Through the medium of poetry and couplets, Dr Pallavi Kwatra renders her heart naive to the brevity of love. This journey must land her to where it all began, her own HEART. Dr Pallavi’s life crystallized into an incarnation of grace when love became her guiding light and her spiritual insignia. Travel on to journey with her to the depths of your own heart. And uncover its treasures in tenderness and awe.
Be Love Book Publication
This is an important book of Orient Paperbacks whose author is Dr. Pallavi Kwatra. The first edition of this book was published in 2017. You might think you’re picking up a serious book about life and faith, but you should know Be Love is not entirely that kind of book.
Where to buy Be Love Book?
All the information given in the Be Love Book is accurate and authentic. Anyone who wants to take advantage of this book. So, you can order it online soon from our Astro Mantra online shop.
Be Love Book Details:
Book Publisher: Orient Paperbacks
Book Author: Dr. Pallavi Kwatra
Weight: 0.159 gm Approx.
Size: “21.5” x “14” x “1.3” cm
Pages: 120 Pages
Edition: 2017
ISBN No: 978-81-222-0600-5
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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