Gopal Sahastranaam Book/गोपाल सहस्त्रनाम पुस्तक
Gopal Sahastranaam (गोपाल सहस्त्रनाम पुस्तक) is an important book, Gopal Sahastranaam Book is not easily available, this book is written by Pt. Jwala Prasad Chaturvedi Ji, this Book has been published by Randhir Prakashan, Haridwar in 2000, This book has 128 pages.
Gopal Sahastranaam Book/गोपाल सहस्त्रनाम पुस्तक Content list:
According to the content list of the Book, the contents are duly expressed in a simple language for the convenience of the readers. The matters are mentioned here under. Shri Gopal Sahastranam Stotra, Shri Gopal Sahastranamavali, Gopalastavaraj, Gopalakavach, Radhaashtottara Shatnam, Gopal Chalisa, Radha Chalisa, Krishna Stotra and Aarti are explained in detail, which is an important part of the Book.
Gopal Sahastranaam Book Benefits:
- By reading the book Shri Gopal Sahastranam, you get information about the Sahastranam of Lord Gopal.
- You can learn about Radha Chalisa, Gopal Chalisa by reading the Gopal Sahastranaam Book.
Gopal Sahastranaam Book Description:
According to Hindu legends, it is stated that Lord Vishnu takes birth on the earth in different Roop whenever the evil forces captures the universe. Lord Vishnu in Dwapar yug took birth in Krishna Roop. There is a variety of childhood names of Krishna and Gopal is the most common one. In his childhood, Krishna appears very naughty and all his activities are known as Bal Gopal leelas. In Hindus, Lord Krishna is the most legendary God. His childhood is also very popular among all the people and they would also like to have a child like Gopal for their own.- Gopal Sahastranaam Pushtak.
Gopal Sahastranam Puja is considered very significant and fortunate regarding those who have a wish to own a child like Bal Gopal. Gopal Sahastranam means 1000 names of Bal Gopal. This Puja is easy and rituals are simple. The Puja is to do in presence of a trained pundit on behalf of the devotee and then the Sahastranam path is done. After the end of path, Aarti is performed and devotees worship their plea and pay tribute to the Almighty God. The devotees would donate clothe, food, and money to the pundit and to the poor people.- Gopal Sahastranaam Pushtak.
Gopal Sahastranaam Book Details:
Book Publisher: Randhir Prakashan
Book Author: Pt. Jwala Prasad Chaturvedi
Language: Hindi
Weight: 100 gm Approx.
Pages: 128 Pages
Size: “18” x “12” x “1” cm
Edition: 2000
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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