Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Book (दुर्लभ चमत्कारी-तांत्रिक प्रयोग पुस्तक) is an important book. It is not easily available, this book is written by Pramod Sagar Ji, this Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Book is published by Mahamaya Publication, Punjab, there are 148 pages in this book.
Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Book Content list:
According to the content list of the book, the contents are duly expressed in a simple language for the convenience of the readers. The matters are mentioned here under. Rules and precautions of meditation, essential information before chanting mantra, Nav Grahapadi Nashak Tantric experiment, Sarvadhapa preventive Navagraha Sadhana, Sri Mahalakshmi Bisa Yantra experiment, astrology and yoga to become a millionaire, business enhancer experiment, business incremental experiment, gambling experiment , Use of debt liberation, Hanuman Sadhana experiment, Siddha Bagalamukhi experiment, Sarvatobhadra experiment, For early marriage, Life Switch to for success, powerful experiment, attractions using hypnosis experiment, one faced armor, Dus Mahavidya use, lucky Mundri, which is an important part of the Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Book.
Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Book Benefits:
- Reading this Book gives an idea of the importance of Tantra Shastra.
- This Book can understand hypnosis by reading a book.
- With Durlabh Chamtakri-Tantrik, you can change the events.
Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Book Description:
The tantras have influenced greatly the Purina sand the Indian religious ritual and practices in the medieval ages. A large number or Tantra literature published and unpublished appears at different places and either they belong to the Buddhist, the Hindu or the Jain pantheon. Of course, a great number of these works have been deeply studied, edited and published . All of them have admitted distinction in the philosophical and spiritual aspects of the tantras from the standpoint of their ritualistic practices. -Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Pushtak
Tantra is a spiritual tradition found in both Hinduism and Buddhism and which has also influenced other Asian belief systems. For both the Hindu and Buddhist forms, tantrism may best be defined in the words of Teun Goudriaan, who describe Tantra as systematic quest for salvation or spiritual excellence by realizing and fostering the divine within one’s own body, one that is simultaneous union of the masculine-feminine and spirit-matter, and has the ultimate goal of realizing the “primal blissful state of non-duality.”- Durlabh Chamtkari-Tantrik Prayog Pushtak.
Durlabh Chamtkari Tantrik Prayog Book Details:
Book Publisher: Mahamaya Publications
Book Author: Pramod Sagar
Language: Hindi
Book Pages: 148 Pages Book
Books Size: “21” x “14” cm
Weight: 287 gm Approx
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Manish –
Best Book for Tantra Knowledge.