Navdurga Rahasya Book/नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक
Navdurga Rahasya (नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक) is an important book, Navdurga Rahasya Book is not easily available, this book is written by Pt. Ramesh Chandra Sharma Ji, this Navdurga Rahasya Book is published by Mayuresh Prakashan, Kishangarh, Rajasthan. The book has 820 pages.
Navdurga Rahasya Book Content list:
According to the content list of the Navdurga Rahasya Book, the contents are duly expressed in a simple language for the convenience of the readers. The matters are mentioned here under. Mudra Kesamam, Gayatri Tantram, Kalika Tantram, Pratangira Tantram, Sri Tara Tantram, Lalitha Tantram, Bhuvaneshwari Tantram, Bhairavi Tantram, Chinnamasta Tantram, Dhumavati Tantram, Bagalamukhi Tantram, Matangi Tantram, Mixed Tantra, Kantala Tantram Is the important part of the Navdurga Rahasya Book.
Navdurga Rahasya Book Benefits:
- Reading the Navdurga Rahasya Book gives information about important topics of Tantra Shastra.
- By reading the Navdurga Rahasya Book, you can understand the importance of esoteric secrets of Tantra, Mantra, Yantra.
- With the Navdurga Rahasya Book, you can know the happenings in your life.
Navdurga Rahasya Book Description:
Tantra – In the name of Mantra Sadhana, a person is easily enamored, thinks that all the accomplishments will be under my control soon and my life will be happy. In fact, the path of Tantra is difficult, it requires special fast, rules, penance and it is necessary to be patient to get fruit. It has been said that walk on the edge of the pillar or follow the path of the system. If you think to prove your work through the medium of dev, then in worshiping the deity or in chanting the mantra, the deity will surely punish you if there is apathy.- Navdurga Rahasya Pushtak.
In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. Of the hundreds of Tantrik practices, the worship of the ten major Devis is called the Das Mahavidya. These major forms of the goddess are described in the Todala Tantra. They are Kali, Tara, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodhasi-Sri Vidya), Bhuvaneshwari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala. These ten aspects of Shakti are the epitome of the entire creation. Chapter 10 also outlines their consorts, although Dhumavati, the widow form, is not allocated a consort. There are several “levels” at which these Devis can be worshiped with the prescribed Mantra and Yantra. Like a simple worship of the Yantra with the mantra recitation, as a remedial astrological measure, elaborate worship with all Tantrik rituals for attaining various Sidhdhi associated with these Tantra and for spiritual salvation.- Navdurga Rahasya Pushtak.
नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक/Navdurga Rahasya Book
नवदुर्गा रहस्य एक महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक है, नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक आसानी से उपलब्ध नहीं होती, यह पुस्तक पं. रमेशचन्द्र शर्मा जी के द्वारा लिखी हुई है, इस नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक को मयूरेश प्रकाशन, किशनगढ़, राजस्थान, ने प्रकाशित किया है, इस पुस्तक में 820 पृष्ठ(पेज) है।
नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक की विषय सूचि:
नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक में विषय सूचि अनुसार – मुद्रा प्रकरणम्, गायत्री तन्त्रम्, कलिका तन्त्रम्, प्रत्यंगिरा तन्त्रम्, श्री तारा तन्त्रम्, ललिता तन्त्रम्, भुवनेश्वरी तन्त्रम्, भैरवी तन्त्रम्, छिन्नमस्ता तन्त्रम्, धूमावती तन्त्रम्, बगलामुखी तन्त्रम्, मातंगी तन्त्रम्, कमला तन्त्रम्, मिश्रित तन्त्रम्, जोकि आपके नवदुर्गा रहस्य/Navdurga Rahasya Book के महत्वपूर्ण अंग है।
नवदुर्गा रहस्य पुस्तक के लाभ:
- नवदुर्गा दशमहाविद्या रहस्य पुस्तक को पढ़ने से तन्त्र शास्त्र के महत्वपूर्ण विषयों की जानकारी मिलती है।
- नवदुर्गा दशमहाविद्या रहस्य पुस्तक को पढ़कर आप तन्त्र, मन्त्र, यन्त्र के गूढ़ रहस्यों के महत्व को समझ सकते है।
- नवदुर्गा दशमहाविद्या रहस्य पुस्तक से आप अपने जीवन में होने वाली घटनाओं को जान सकते है।
नवदुर्गा दशमहाविद्या रहस्य पुस्तक का विवरण:
तन्त्र – मन्त्र साधना के नाम से व्यक्ति सहज ही आसक्त होता है, सोचता है सभी सिद्धियाँ शीघ्र मेरे करतलगत होगी एवं मेरा जीवन आनन्दमाय होगा। वस्तुतः तंत्र का मार्ग कठिन है इसमें विशेष व्रत, नियम, तपस्या की आवश्यकता होती है एवं फल प्राप्ति के हेतु धैर्य रखना आवश्यक होता है। कहा गया है कि खड्ग की धार पर चलो या तंत्र के मार्ग को अपनाओ। देव माध्यम से आप अपने कार्य सिद्ध करने की सोचते हैं तो देव की सेवा आराधना में या मन्त्र जप में त्रुटि, अपभ्रंश होने पर देव आपको अवश्य दंड देगा। अतः निष्काम उपासना करें।
Navdurga Rahasya Book Details:
Book Publisher: Myuresh Prakashan
Book Author: Pt. Rameshchandra Sharma
Language: Hindi
Weight: 1.563 kg Approx.
Pages: 820 Pages
Size: “25.5” x “19” x “5” cm
Edition: 2010
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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