Prabhavshali Totke Book/प्रभावशाली टोटके पुस्तक
The Prabhavshali Totke (प्रभावशाली टोटके पुस्तक) is an important book, the Prabhavshali Totke Book is not easily available, this book is written by Pandit Rohtash Sharma Ji, this Prabhavshali Totke Book is published by Amit Pocket Books, Jalandhar, this book contains there are 144 pages.
Prabhavshali Totke Book Content list:
According to the content list of the book, the contents are duly expressed in a simple language for the convenience of the readers. The matters are mentioned here under. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mansui Navagraha Remedy, Sun Remedy, Moon Remedy, Mercury Remedy, Guru Remedy, Venus Remedy, Saturn Remedy, Rahu Remedy, Ketu Remedy, Auspicious Remedy, The inauspicious remedy, which is an important part of the Prabhavshali Totke Book.
Prabhavshali Totke Book Benefits:
- You can understand the remedies of the Navagraha by reading the Prabhavshali Totke Book.
- With the Prabhavshali Totke Book, you can know the events happening in your future.
Prabhavshali Totke Book Description:
A person gets the fruits of all his good and bad deeds as his fate. Good luck is formed on good deeds and bad on bad deeds. Although by adopting some special measures of astrology (including tantric sorcery), a person can change his destiny to some extent, but complete change is only possible by God grace and good deeds. In this post, we have brought for you some such special tricks which cannot change your destiny completely but will solve your problem immediately. These effects of planets can be favorable and also adverse. We already know that the planets are always moving in their own axis in space, then day and night, winter and summer etc. occur. Not only at the time of birth, these planets are always moving and affect life at different times, which is called “transit” or “Transit”. As I just said, these effects can be favorable and also adverse. So to strengthen the favorable effects and to reduce the effect of adverse effects, astrology measures are given in the scriptures.- Prabhavshali Totke Pushtak.
Some remedies have also been devised to calm the problem of a specific area of life in the context of modern times. Apart from astrological remedies, some instruments, armor, pendent, gemstone combination etc. are also created after personal experience and research in modern astrology.- Prabhavshali Totke Pushtak.
प्रभावशाली टोटके पुस्तक/Prabhavshali Totke Book
प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश एक महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक है, प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक आसानी से उपलब्ध नही होती, यह पुस्तक पंडित रोहताश शर्मा जी के द्वारा लिखी हुई है, इस प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक को अमित पाकेट बुक्स, जालन्धर, ने प्रकाशित किया है, इस पुस्तक में 144 पृष्ठ(पेज) है।
प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक की विषय सूचि:
प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक में विषय सूचि अनुसार- सूर्य, चन्द्रमा, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि, राहु, केतु, मनसुई नवग्रहों के उपाय, सूर्य उपाय, चंद्रमा उपाय, बुध उपाय, गुरु उपाय, शुक्र उपाय, शनि उपाय, राहु उपाय, केतु उपाय, शुभ उपाय, अशुभ उपाय, जोकि प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक/Prabhavshali Totke Book के महत्वपूर्ण अंग है।
प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक के लाभ:
- प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक को पढ़ने से आप नवग्रहों के उपायों को समझ सकते है।
- प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक से आप अपने भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाओं को जान सकते है।
प्रभावशाली टोटके फलादेश पुस्तक का विवरण:
प्राचीन महर्षियों ने ज्योतिष पर अनेक ग्रन्थ रचे तथा मानव के समूचे भविष्य, भूत व वर्तमान का आंकलन किया, और अपने आप को ज्योतिष के प्रति काफी मजबूत पाया। ज्योतिष को शास्त्रों के नेत्र कहा है। जिससे जातक को पूजा-पाठ का सही ढंग व अपने आने वाली जीवन की समस्याओं से मुक्ति पाने के लिए कौन सा पाठ या फिर कौन सा दान हमारे लिए उपयुक्त है।
Prabhavshali Totke Book Details:
Book Publisher: Amit Pocket Books
Book Author: Pt. Rohtash Sharma
Language: Hindi
Pages: 144 Pages
Size: “18” x “12” cm
Weight: 184 gm Approx
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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