Vastunishth Siddhsiddhant Paddhati Book/वस्तुनिष्ठ सिद्धसिद्धान्त पद्धति पुस्तक: This is an important book, It is not easily available, this book has been written by Dr. Mukesh Kumar Kaushal Ji, this book is published by Kitab Mahal, New Delhi. The book has 199 pages.
Vastunishth Siddhsiddhant Paddhati Book (वस्तुनिष्ठ सिद्धसिद्धान्त पद्धति पुस्तक) Content list:
According to the content list of the book, the contents are duly expressed in a simple language for the convenience of the readers. The matters are mentioned here under. here is nothing greater than guru, nothing greater than guru, nothing greater than guru, nothing greater than guru. Shiva is the instructor. Shiva is the instructor. Shiva is the instructor. Shiva is the instructor.”
This book is the most important treaties of the Nath Yogis. It deals with the topics such as philosophy of the Nath yogis. the nature of the absolute, the cosmology according to the Nath system of thought and the Characteristics of an Avadhutyogi. It creates to the palate of the advanced strata of the Yogis and appeals to a mature intellect.
Vastunishth Siddhsiddhant Paddhati Book Description:
This book deals with the position of the chakras in the body. The fundamental chakra is the place of Kamarupa, it is of a wine-colour, giving the fruit of all sexuality. Shakti is said to reside here. The second chakra is called the Svadishtana, in its centre is a lingam the colour of pink coral, like a young shoot. In there is Oddiyana Pitha, giving the power of all attraction.
Then is the navel chakra, with five petals, and in its centre is Kundalini Shakti coiled up. She is said to resemble 10 million dawn suns, and gives all Sidhdhi. The fourth chakra is the heart-centre, with eight petals. In it is a lingam. It is the seat of Hamsa, the place where all the senses come to reside.
Vastunishth Siddhsiddhant Paddhati Book Benefits:
When one serves devotedly, then one becomes endowed with faith; without serving devotedly one does not acquire faith, and that when one acts, then one serves devotedly. The word Nishtha or ‘devotion’, appearing in the former passage, is used to mean – ‘steadiness’. Even though the text says nothing about a teacher, to Sankara it indicates the steadfast seeking of a teacher’s wisdom for acquiring knowledge of Brahman; and it indicates gain of faith by attending on a teacher.
Vastunishth Siddhsiddhant Paddhati Book Details:
Book Publisher: Kitab Mahal
Book Author: Dr. Mukesh Kumar Kaushal
Language: Hindi
Weight: 0.198 gm Approx.
Pages: 199 Pages
Size: “21.5” x “14” x “1” cm
Edition : 2019
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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