Crystal Sun Pendant/Sphatik Sun Pendant (स्फटिक सूर्ये पेंडेंट): The Crystal Sun is a powerful aid to bring joy and other positive feelings into your life. They have a strong solar energy, and they embody within them the warmth, strength, and openness of the sun. Sunstone is all about freedom, self-empowerment, and independence, and this stone can truly be your best companion stone. It will make you appreciate the fact that you can make decisions about your life. That you are free to do whatever you want, and that you can love the people that you want to love.
Crystal Sun Pendant will remind you that you are doing a good job building a life for yourself. Crystal will encourage you to keep working hard to achieve your dreams. It’s a product of leadership that will showcase your abilities, strength of mind, and expand consciousness. Sphatik Sun Pendant will show the world that you are more than people think you are. They will be pleasantly surprise at all the great things that you can do. Crystal Sun Pendant is a joyful stone because it reflects the qualities of light. It invites you to be open, warm, and kind. this will bring about a willingness to give joy and happiness to others. The carries with it energies of originality and inspiration.
You ever feel stuck or unproductive, and if you ever feel like you are not able to churn out new and effective ideas, just hold this stone in your hands. It will feel like a switch has been turn on and ideas will just naturally flow. This warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality. It stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs.
Crystal Sun Pendant is use to treat chronic sore throats, and to reduce stomach tension and ulcers. Place on the Solar Plexus, it is excellent for lifting depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Sphatik Sun is helpful in chasing away nightmares. Since ancient times, Sunstone has been used as a grid around. The body to relieve cartilage problems, rheumatism, and general aches and pains. Today it is also use to treat osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, various infections, and athletic injury.
Crystal Sun Pendant Details:
Product: Pure Crystal
Size: 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.002 cm
Weight: 0.002 gm Approx.
Color: White Color
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Energized: Surya Main Mantra
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