Energized Education Tower/Siddh Education Castle (एनर्जेटिक एजुकेशन टॉवर) :Energized Education Tower shaped in structure of pagoda is a very effective education luck feng shui cure. The symbol of pagoda and its shape is unique and a very powerful shape for inviting heaven and earth luck. Energized Education Tower shaped in structure of pagoda is a very effective education luck feng shui cure. When we see architectural structures the different and eye catching Chinese and Tibetans structures in form of pagoda and the beautiful temples are unique. The symbol of pagoda and its shape is unique and a very powerful shape for inviting heaven and earth luck. In feng shui this same principle is used to attract education and self goal luck.- Siddh Education Castle
The tiers and the shape of the pagoda are unique and represent different aspects of life. You can use the Energized Education Tower for health by placing it in the east, for new career opportunities in the north and for minatory luck and helpful friends in the north west. Energized Education Tower has multiple uses as feng shui cures and not only for education luck. If your child suffers form poor grades and has difficulty in performing simple educational tasks you can place the education tower in your child’s study room on their table. If he lacks confidence and is being bullied by everyone put the tower in a place behind his chair and see him gain confidence and stability. Also activate the south west to improve all relationships and the north west to invite helpful friends in his life, you will see his grades improve and friends and teachers who will be happy to help and encourage him.
The five tier education tower represents the five elements in nature and are the base in feng shui. This is the best shape and universally accepted feng shui cure. The seven tier represents Buddhist auspicious symbols for good luck and prosperity along with enlightenment and healing. Nine tier is a symbol of completion, whole representing the entire universe. It indicates power, position, stability, confidence and helps remove insecure feelings from your child’s mind.
If your child lacks clarity and is unable to concentrate on studies try self talk and confidence talk by making your child repeat positive affirmations. Place the education tower with positive intentions .This sends a message to the universe that you want to invite education luck into your child’s life. You may use the tower as any feng shui cure but remember to make clear cut intentions of what that you wish to gain from using this cure. Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere effort, for everything else there is Feng Shuii!
Energized Education Tower Details:
Weight: 146 Gm (Aprrox)
Size: 5 x 5 x 14 Cm
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Binay Kumar Sinha –
It is beautiful and strong. It is believed that it gives confidence to small children.