Kale Til | काले तिल
Best quality & duly cleaned Kale Til (काले तिल) also known as Juljulian, Simsim, Seeraj, Tilagachh, Black Sesame Seeds, Gingelly, Ellu, Kunjad, Tilaha, Tir, Kunjad, Niger Seed, Sesamum Indicum. Kale Til contains nutrients like iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and antioxidants, which help in keeping the heart healthy. Consuming Black Sesame Seed regularly also helps in controlling cholesterol.
Besides, its consumption also improves blood circulation in the body. The properties like protein, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and fiber present in Black Til Seed not only provide relief from cold, strengthen bones, remove weakness, and improve blood circulation in the body.
But also help in removing many other problems. Let’s help. Eating Black Sesame Seed in winter keeps digestion healthy. Constipation problems end by consuming black sesame seeds. Elements like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are available in black sesame, which can help strengthen bones.
Uses of Kale Til:
The 16-day-long Pitri Paksha starts after Bhadrapada Purnima. During this period, dead ancestors are worshipped. Water is offered with Kale Til seeds. Sesame seeds, devotees offer and distribute as Prasad. The seasons change rapidly during Pitri Paksha. Hence, the human body also changes due to seasonal changes. Sesame protects the body from seasonal diseases. That is by strengthening the immune system. Moreover, it keeps the body warm.
According to Nutrient Journal, Kale Til is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. It helps in keeping teeth and bones strong. Black sesame oil is also people used in preventing osteoporosis in some cases. Black sesame reduces oxidative stress. Therefore, it benefits people suffering from chronic diseases.
According to the Journal of Food Chemistry, Kale Til seeds are a good source of dietary fiber. These promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Fiber helps in digestion. Besides, it prevents constipation and creates a healthy gut environment. Black sesame seeds have hormone-regulating properties, especially in women. Therefore, it comes in the category of foods that increase estrogen.
Using sesame oil in cooking can help in increasing estrogen levels through food. There is no dearth of Kale Til suppliers in the market. But if it is not pure, it will not work properly. Instead, it will cause harm. Hence, whenever, one has to purchase it, one must purchase from a reliable and trustworthy seller.
Where to get this?
Astro Mantra has been supplying genuine, pure, and clear Kale Til for a long time. You can purchase it online through a quick courier service. We assure you of the genuine product.
Kale Til Details:
Form: Dried Raw Herb Seeds
Condition: Authentic, Clean and Sort
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Storage: Keep it in a dry place.
Ashok –
Good quality seeds.