Himalayan Salt Natural Lamp/Rock Salt Lamp (साल्ट नेचुरल लैंप) : Himalayan salt lamps are decorative lights you can buy for your home. They are carved out of pink Himalayan salt and believed to have various health benefits. In fact, advocates of salt lamps claim they can clean the air in your home, soothe allergies, boost your mood, and help you sleep. However, others question whether these claims have any merit. This article explores the evidence on Himalayan salt natural lamps and sorts of fact from fiction. Himalayan salt natural lamps are made by placing a light bulb inside large chunks of pink Himalayan salt. They have a distinctive look and emit a warming, pink glow when lit.
True Himalayan salt lamps are harvesting of salts from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. Salt sourced from this area is a million of years old phenomena. Although it’s very similar to table salt, the small amounts of minerals it contains give it a pink color. Many people choose to buy Himalayan salt lamps simply because they like the way they look and enjoy the ambiance the pink light creates in their homes. Meanwhile, others find their supposed health benefits alluring. Rock Salt Lamp are from the mineral-rich, pink salt. Some people buy them to decorate their home, while others believe they provide health benefits.
Himalayan Salt Natural Lamp Benefits:
Salt lamps provide health benefits because they are “natural ionizers,” meaning they change the electrical charge of the circulating air.
Ions are compounds that carry a charge because they have an unbalanced number of protons or electrons. They are a natural production in the air when alterations occur in the atmosphere. For example, waterfalls, waves, storms, natural radioactivity, and heat all produce air ions.
One can create them artificially by commercially produced air ionizers. It’s a suggestion that Rock Salt Lamp may produce ions by attracting water particles that evaporate off as a salt solution when heated by the lamp, forming mostly negative ions.
Himalayan Salt Natural Lamp Details:
Color: Orange
Shipping Weight: 4 Kilograms
Primary Material: Rock Salt
Size: 6 x 3.5 x 7.5 Inch
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Manisha –
I use it as an aroma burner too. i loved it..