Sister Charm Pendant/Sister Love Locket (बहन चार्म लॉकेट): The lucky charm is an object or person that is thought to bring good luck. Buy online sister embossed heart shape lucky charm to have the providential effects and as well a fashion fiesta. It has multipurpose effects.- Sister Love Locket
Tell your sister you love her on special occasions and every day of the year. This sister puffy metal charm will do just that. The unique bond between sisters is expressed in this heart-shaped sterling silver charm. Beautifully engraved with the word “sister” in a scripted font and embellished on both sides, it celebrates a loving relationship meant to be cherished forever – Sister Charm Pendant.
Lucky Charms, an oat-based cereal with firm marshmallow pieces, may be magically delicious— as the leprechaun in the iconic commercials claims — but it is also quite nutritious. General Mills introduced this cereal in the 1960s, and since the federal government mandated the vitamin and mineral enrichment of flour in 1941, Lucky Charms has always been a good source of vitamins and minerals. It does contain a fair amount of sugar, however, so this healthy breakfast cereal may not be a good choice for everyone – Sister Charm Pendant.
Lucky Charms was originally introduced in 1963 after product developer John Holahan came up with a prototype of diced Cheerios and cut-up circus peanuts. General Mills held the first marshmallow-only giveaway in 2015, with just 10 boxes, and says that the outcry over such a limited supply led to a bigger inventory this time around. If this seems like too much of a good thing, there’s always Lucky Charms Oatmeal—but only if you live in Canada – Sister Charm Pendant.
Undoubtedly, every girl or woman is sure in the feelings of her second half if the latter presents her the heart-shaped pendant. Such things give the lady confidence, revive the spirit and boost her self-estimate. At the same time, the gold heart-shaped pendants perfectly suit either the special event outfit or the cocktail dress – Sister Charm Pendant.
Sister Charm Pendant Details:
Size: 1.5 x 1.2 cm
Weight: 1 gm Approx.
Metal: Mixed
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Shweta Sharma –
Great gift for the sis..