Brecciated Jasper Pyramid Pendant/Pyramid Shaped Locket (ब्रेक्जिटेड जैस्पर पिरामिड पेंडेंट) : The Brecciated Jasper Pyramid Pendant is a type of pendant which contains a Brecciated Jasper Stone. Moreover, It is an opaque and dense microcrystalline variety of quartz. Microcrystal of jaspers is laid out in larger, sugar-like grains unlike the fibrous layers of the Chalcedony or agate groups of minerals. Brecciated Jaspers occur as filling in nodules or fissures. These cracks filled out by jasper material usually form during tectonic activity, going on for a long time. When the cracks reopen, the jasper stone comes out. The void in between again filled with more jasper. This results in the formation of Brecciated jasper.
Since ancient times, the pyramid is a sacred geometrical shape. It is a belief that it generates a powerful energy that heals, strengthens, and empowers. This makes possible by Brecciated Jasper Pyramid gemstone or simply pyramid-shaped gemstones that you can use for healing rituals and meditation. Regular Brecciated Jasper Pyramid Pendant contains hematite which gives this stone its red shades and dark bands. This stone is primarily deep red, pattern or veined with beige, black and brown, sometimes with clear crystal inclusions.
It usually has an opaque or vitreous luster. The name Jasper comes from the Greek term “Jaspis”, meaning “spotted stone”. It is also a belief that it is a derivation from the Assyrian term “asphu” or the Hebrew term “jashpeh”. Meanwhile, the prefix brecciated comes from the term “breccia”. In geology term, it refers to a stone or rocks of broken fragments that were cemented together in order to form a fine-grained matrix.
In Egypt, this Brecciated Jasper Pyramid sacred stone, people were carving with inscriptions and symbols from the Book of the Dead. Jasper stones were also ancient people burying with the mummified remains in order to guide a safe passage in the afterlife. Jasper was also in use for engraving signet rings, cylinder seals and talismans depicting religious and astrological pictures.
Brecciated Jasper Pyramid Pendant Benefits:
- The Pyramid Shaped Locket is a powerful Pendant for keeping your feet on the ground while enhancing your feelings of tranquility and wholeness.
- It is the perfect stone to have when you are feeling overwhelmed by personal or work matters.
- Keeping this stone close to you will ensure a stable and secure emotional body. Your head will instantly feel lighter and all the burdens in your heart will end.
Brecciated Jasper Pyramid Pendant Details:
Metal: Stone
Pendant Type: Gemstone Pendant
Size: 1.5 x 2 x 1 cm
Weight: 4 gm Approx.
Gender: Unisex
Shape/pattern: Irregular
Color: Brown
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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