Machh Mani Pendant (मच्छ मणि लॉकेट): Machh Mani is not an ordinary gem but it is a very rare gem. The person who wears it will get relief from all kinds of stress in life and his life will become happy. This Rahu is the surest way to remove obstacles. Many colored stones are formed inside the fish, which give the gods immense wealth and blessings. (Machh Mani Pendant)
Machh Mani is a rare gem. There is no better gemstone than this gemstone to soothe the pain of planet Rahu. It is an ancient gem and also a very rare gem. It inspires the wearer to lead a happy life free from all kinds of tensions. After wearing it, the pain of planet Rahu is calm. Due to the lack of much information about this gem, it could not become more widespread. (Machh Mani Pendant)
In Kaliyuga, a person’s life has become a refugee, and everyone wants to live a good life, but the situation is not the same for everyone, many times in life there will be problems with property, respect, status, education, health, etc. In such a situation, for the fulfillment of your wishes and for a firm hello, we brought fish stones for you. If you are frustrated or disappointed in life, then definitely wear this gem. (Machh Mani Pendant)
Machh Mani is available in the stomach of a fish living in very deep water in the sea of Sri Lanka. At night under the full moon, this fish swims on the shore of the sea. During that time fishermen catch fish in a basket and know from their own experience which fish has a fish gem in its stomach. As soon as they press the fish’s stomach, the fish will see the gem. They throw it away and then the fishermen release the fish back into the water. In this way, after very hard work, people obtain this gem of a fish. (Natural Machh Mani Locket)
Machh Mani Pendant Benefits:
To soothe the pain of planet Rahu or Rahu’s Mahadasha or Antardasha is happening, it is beneficial to wear Machh Mani.
One who is fully active in politics and desires to be successful must wear a fish stone.
You also dream of a luxurious life, but due to lack of money, all dreams wither before they come true. In this condition, you have to wear a fish stone.
मच्छ मणि लॉकेट (Machh Mani Pendant): मच्छ मणि अत्यंत ही दुर्लभ मणि है जिसका प्राचीन काल से बहुत महत्व माना गया है। राहू के दोष को शांत करने के लिए मच्छ मणि से बेहतर और कोई उपाय इस संसार में मौजूद नहीं है। इस एक रत्न की मदद से व्यक्ति अपने जीवन की हर मुश्किल से मुक्ति पा सकता है और अपने जीवन को सुखी बना सकता है।
हमारे यहाँ आचार्य द्वारा राहू के मंत्रों से अभिमंत्रित कर के मच्छ मणि दिया जाएगा ताकि आपको इस रत्न के लाभ दोगुने और शीघ्र मिल सकें। इसका मूल्य ज़यादा इस लिए है क्यों की ये असली मच्छमणि है जो श्रीलंका के समुन्द्र में रहने वाली मछली के पेट को दबा कर निकली जाती है
मच्छ मणि लॉकेट पहनने के लाभ:
मच्छ मणि के लाभ राहू को करे शांत |
व्यापार और नौकरी में दिलाए |
धन प्राप्ति में करे मदद |
कर्ज और आर्थिक तंगी को करे दूर |
विदेश यात्रा का योग हो पूरा |
Machh Mani Pendant Details:
Weight: 0.005 gm Approx.
Size: “1.5” x “1” x “0.3” cm
Shape: Oval Mixed
Metal: Silver & Stone
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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